7 things people do wrong when going vegan

in #vegan6 years ago

A friend stopped by yesterday and while chatting and catching up veganism popped into the conversation. You see he went vegan for a month and now says he will NEVER do it again! Yikes! So it got me to thinking about all the things people do wrong when going vegan. Things that could negatively affect a persons experience with veganism. Double yikes! So here's my list of the 7 things people do wrong. Let's get started.


1 Not drinking enough water. Poor hydration equals poor digestion and poor organ health, among many other things. Water is essential to a healthy functioning body. I personally feel best when I drink a gallon, or close to a day. If you are going to try to up your water to a gallon a day just know that your bladder will adjust to the increase of fluids in a short while. Lol.


2 Thinking that everything vegan must be healthy! Aaaah! There are so many things wrong with this way of thinking! Though I'll admit at times I still try to validate buying a big bag of chips to binge out on but the reality is processed foods are simply junk food! We want to minimize or completely eliminate junk food and eat the majority of your calories from whole organic foods.


3 Not eating variety of foods. It's not enough to simply eat the majority of your foods from whole organic foods but you need to mix it up so that you get all the vitamins and nutrients your body wants. I think a good way of doing this is to simply eat the rainbow everyday. Make sure you have a food from each color group and you will be good on all those things your body is craving!


4 Not getting enough B12. This is something that not just vegans but most people are deficient in. Meat eaters don't think about it because animals are given this before people eat them thus getting their B12 from meat sources. But did us vegans we can get it from fortified foods, some mushrooms, nori, B12 supplements, maca root, or nutritional yeast! Side note nutritional yeast is my favorite! It adds a yummy cheesy flavor to things!


5 Don't add in more refined carbs when you cut other things like meat and dairy out. Refined carbs like most breads and pastas are not doing anything beneficial for us and in some cultures we considered candy! What!? Truth! All in all try to eliminate or cut back on these foods. Instead eat more potatoes and grains such as rice and quinoa. Oh and some healthy slow burning fats like avocado! Delicious, filling and long lasting.


6 Not reading the ingredient labels. Even the foods that you would think are so obviously vegan you just never know till you read that label. And let me tell you, you would be surprised at the things hidden in some foods. Eeeeeek!


7 Trying to rush to the feel good stage with no cravings for animal products. This is probably the biggest mistake people make because everything in nature takes time. I think you have to stick with it for at least a solid year to really see the drastic changes that I think most people are looking for. But really veganism is a lifestyle not a quick fix. The first few months are the hardest so remember to take it easy on yourself and be patient. The good stuff is just around the corner.


So many great tips and pointers! Thanks for sharing!

Thanx for stopping by to read and support my post! 😘


Great post with lots of helpful and super content, Jamie. Nice one! Spirulina is also a good source of B12. I get so frustrated with vegans who eat all sorts of chemical crap that is supposedly vegan and cheap GMO carbs... Love that you are shining brightly. :) x

Thanx for the reminder I completely forgot about that one! ❤️❤️❤️

Great tips all around! I especially agree with it taking time. Some people may feel great after a few weeks, but most of the time it takes a whole lot longer to really get a new routine down and for your body to adapt. And you know I'm a huge fan of eating the rainbow, too! :) 🌈

Thanx much for your support and feedback! Glad to hear you agree as after I posted it I started to doubt mysel in how long it takes to really get the good stuff going! lol!

We live in such a fast-paced world that everyone wants results right away, but it usually doesn't work like that. Everyone is a bit different in what challenges them the most, but posts like yours are a great reminder to stick with it and really give it a chance!

I wonder if this friend is me, because I do remember saying this to you and Keni many moons ago. I had a few people tell me they did it and felt better, so that, along with other personal reasons meant I was happy to have an open mind and give it a go.

Unfortunately, it wasn't for me. There are things in the world that aren't for everybody and this definitely wasn't for me. I did a lot of things that other vegans told me to do when I wasn't feeling great and at times feeling so depressed that I didn't even want to get out of bed. In fact I did a lot of the things you have listed on this post, but it wasn't for me. I'm not saying it's not for other people, but it wasn't for me. I didn't like the person I was becoming, I felt terrible and started to feel bitter about everything, including towards people I cared about.

Now I'm back to eating normal food I feel infinitely better about myself, and unless it becomes illegal to eat animal products for some reason, I won't ever go vegan again. I cut down on my animal intake every so often, sure, but cutting it out of my life completely drastically affected my thought process, my weight, my mental health and most importantly my happiness. Quite frankly, unless I absolutely have to I won't be putting myself through that again...

I still respect vegans for their cause and why they do what they do, and of course some people may thrive if they choose to give it a go so I'm not trying to put anyone off. If you want to give it a try, then I strongly suggest you go for it, and hopefully you have a better experience than I did..

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