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RE: Going Vegan Changed My Life! // My Story On How I Lost 140lbs, Overcame Depression and MORE!

in #vegan7 years ago (edited)

Wow! Such an inspirational transformation.

I really, really want to go Vegan sometime soon, but it's often portrayed as being quite an expensive lifestyle-choice (and being a student I can't really afford to spend heavy). I have, however, started cutting down on eating meats, especially animals that aren't very ethically farmed.

Keep producing content like this and you'll go far on Steemit, I'm sure :)


Hey man, the vegan diet comprises of the cheapest foods you can buy on the planet!
Rice, potatoes, corn, soy, beans, wheat. All these things are plants man. Don't worry about all these fake meats etc, they crazy expensive, just eat beans for your protein! I have oatmeal for breakfast everyday and either potatoes or rice with veggies and beans for dinner pretty much, so many options! You need help just let me know!

Yup I can't agree more. I had this perception from being in certain places. And the whole protein thing is a complete myth if you are someone who wants to maintain muscle, or size.

Plant based diet is definitely the way to go if you want to get in shape, from being overweight, as Craig has written so well above. But for those of you, (and I find there are many), who fear vegan means skinny. I play rugby, and most of the lads perception is I'll drop weight because I have now moved towards vegan rather than being vegetarian, and not long before that I ate meat. BTW I now bench more than I ever did.

I am not spamming for follows or votes here, but I am intending on writing a blog on some of the best things I have picked up from others. Just haven't had the time to compile it all. But for starters, I would suggest thug kitchen for some kick ass recipes, and no nonsense/bullshit approach. I got tired of recipes calling for ingredients I couldn't get hold of. Follow their dry fry tofu for starters, and get a tofu press.

But balance it out with grains etc, is very cheap. And if you cook these with Braggs or liquid smoke and add yeast flake at the end, I've worked out it will give you around 8-15g of protein per 100g, depending on what grains, beans you use. Tesco in the UK do some pre-cooked ones that take like 10mins to boil, so its fast too, great for after workouts.

This stuff fyi...

Also Robert Cheeke's Vegan bodybuilding & fitness is a great for advice, even if you aren't looking to body build. He's def learnt from trial and error, and I would much rather support someone like him than so many of these vapid trend spotters who have jumped on the band wagon just to be "unique", when most of them forget the real reasons behind it.

That reminds me if you do go Vegan, make sure to either get alot of B12 sources in your diet, as above. Or take a supplement. Its the only one you will need as a Vegan. Ignore anyone who says different. But do try and get flak seed etc into your diet, as you need the omega oils as well. Again there are vegan based supplements for this out there. But natural sources are best.

The B12 is critical though as long term deficiency can have some nasty effects.

Were I live the only vegetables you can get locally are roots an beans. It's an expensive livestyle it completely depends on were you live.

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