Calisthenics journey
Hey guys! A couple of months ago, i started to train Calisthenics with some friends of mine. On this road I discovered and learned some things, that changed my life in a benefiting way.

For sport in general, it teaches you how to not give up and stay consistent to earn something. As for me ,I tended to quit things after a couple of weeks and this sport taught me to stick. We decided to share our progress on Instagram where we started a page in October. (@420streetposer)
When we tried to get the best results we had to consider nutrition of cause. Went looking for the best regeneration power.. After reading some books and watching documentaries it was clear that a vegan diet would help you to recover fast. Man! Since I started in July I begin to love the effects of this diet. I can recommend .
Besides the muscle gain, a huge part of Calisthenics is Skills. Right now i mastered the handstand, handstand pushups and one leg front lever. It's nothing like boring gym training.
We'd like to start my posting routine with this picture of a handstand of me.
Hope u will follow us on our journey!

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