Meat is weird man!

in #vegan7 years ago

Sometimes we get something happen to us that before we would consider nothing,

Not a great deal,


But that day we actually see that there is NOTHING normal about it- it's just simply weird.

I had one of those days today.

Today I walked into my mum's kitchen - and I could smell cooked ham. Don't know why I went up to look at it - I went up to the pan and uncovered it and in a pot of water was a piece of body floating in there looking all soggy and cooked. It resembled piece of cooked human's arm (not like I've ever seen one but that's how I imagine it would look like when cut and boiled in a pan of water).
After I looked I it I suddenly started to gag. I was so shocked by this disgust as It's not even been a year since I'd stopped eating meat. But really how could I not gag? There was a piece of flesh in a pan!

That made me think - how could humanity develop in the way that most of the population considers it normal and acceptable.


Some people "concerned" for the animal welfare think that is acceptable to kill animals as long as they were given nice food and enough outside time. I cannot even argue with that as there is nothing to argue with.
That way of thinking is simply so flawed that if someone states that I know there is no way of getting them of their lala land, although...
Let me just point you into the direction of my thinking. What do you do with an object that you know very soon will go to the trash? Are you very careful around it making sure that it doesn't get scratched, keeping it clean and in perfect condition? Yeah I didn't think so. Pigs are just like that to their owners.
Yes you can argue that some farmers care about them, but how many of them and to what degree?
If you were very good to your dog and one day just take him out to the place that stinks of blood and shoot him in a head (of course making sure that he doesn't feel a thing) - would you call yourself a dog lover? Maybe you would but you would have to be mentally unstable. Actually let me just point out that you would have to be mentally ill to actually kill your dog. So is it possible to be mentally well killing hundreds of animals - just because they are different species to you or to your dog? How numb and disconnected would you have to be to be able do it without being affected?

We have camps all over the world in which we keep billions imprisoned, used and tortured and at the end killed.


Let's put an end to that!

Meat is weird man!

Go vegan!



Good post @cyntozo and very true. You can't love animals and eat them. It is called cognitive dissonance. Many, many people will claim to love animals and yet they will gladly sit down to chow down on a piece of flesh. If they had kept the animal themselves they would in no way actually murder and consume that animal.

The future is a vegan one, be proud that you are on the right side of history. You have a new follower man. Keep up the good work. 😊

Thanks @moonunit I am only just starting with blogging and veganism is something that moves me the most. I felt like there is no way to just leave it all unsaid, as there is so much ignorance that we need every single vegan out there to speak out and spread the word of compassion!
Thanks for following - will keep my eye on your posts too :)

I loved it, we just had our first save movement vigil a few days ago here in Medellín, Colombia and it was so hard to see those poor inocent and beautiful beings so sad like they're just stop trying, they had their souls broken :(
Going vegan is not a choice, is just the less we can do, thanks for your words and sorry if my english is not that good, eating animals is some weird shit, no doubt about it!

Well done @auracosmica - and yes that's true - the animals don't know any other life but what they live and they cannot speak our language that's why we need more people to speak out for them!
Thanks for the comment and keep up the fight for the animals!

thanks for this plz join our discord chat room, u can post promote there too

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