How Juicing Can Benefit a Vegan Diet

In my first post I documented my health journey to adopting a vegan lifestyle. This was not easy for me since I LOVE meat and HATE vegetables. So I had to come up with a good way to figure out how to get vegetables into my system without actually having to eat them. This question was answered when I watched the documentary put together by Joe Cross called "Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead". If you haven't seen this documentary I would highly suggest taking the time to watch it.

This documentary opened my eyes to the possibility of juicing and going on a juicing cleanse to clear out all of the bad food that I had been putting into my body. This is a great way to to get fruits and vegetables into your body if you don't like the taste of most vegetables like me. Being able to juice has become an integral part of me adopting a vegan diet and the health benefits have been great for me. People always say that if you want to get healthy you need to eat more fruits and vegetables. But it's hard to do that and by loading fruits and vegetables into a juicer you can get the health benefits and enjoy what you are drinking.
In some future posts I will put up some of the recipes that I use when I juice. I will tell you some of my favorite items include apples, strawberries, broccoli, carrots, and oranges. It is always better to make the juice yourself using fresh fruits and vegetables. Do NOT buy processed fruit drinks because there is a good possibility that there will be a lot of added sugar and other preservatives. I say all the time that I'm not an expert so make sure to consult with a doctor if you are going to change your diet in a major way. That being said, you can usually not go wrong when you decide to start eating more fruits and vegetables. Maybe next time you'll decide to drink them instead of eating them.
Stay Cool My Friends

*DISCLAIMER* - This article is not meant to serve as health advice. If you are considering a change in your diet I recommend consulting with your physician.
I am interested in juicing, I have just bought a machine that does every thing plus juicing, will be giving a few a try :)
That's great Karen!! I think you will enjoy the benefits. Check out the documentary if you get the chance, I think it's on Netflix. It's a good way to get more information and get you excited about juicing.
I will check it out thank you. :)
Cool post. How often do you juice? What machine do you use?
I juice every day... I use the Breville brand but I forget which model number. They have a couple of different styles on the market.
I need to get back to juicing. I was using the NutraBullet.