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RE: OUR GUT: Unlike Great Apes, SPECIALIZED for Eating Meat, Not Plants

in #vegan7 years ago

It IS NOT the wrong category! This video explains (with juicy scientific papers) why the human is not an herbivore!!! It is very much a vegan subject.

You are making yourself look very foolish and uneducated. You flag purely on the basis of title/thumbnail (and maybe a personal dislike for the author) without seeing the importance of the subject (especially to vegans). It's almost like you want vegans to remain ignorant on these matters.


Quite juicy, pick and choose the shadiest and least studied crappy materials to get your point across. Several doctors, nutritionists and health experts (and increasing) are pretty adamant of the benefits of a plant based diet and lots of people are evolving through that. The argument of humans have been eating meat for millions of years is not valid for two reasons: they haven't been eating nearly as much meat as today (most people were poor, farmers and so on, so only the inbred kings and such had access to it for the most part). And the "humans have been doing it since forever" can be applied as well to war, rape, murder so tradition is not always a good thing as you can probably agree. I'm neither foolish nor uneducated, I just choose the best places for it and neither you nor him are one of those sources when it comes to the topic, to say the least

That's interesting. Why do you think it's crappy?

If you follow real science (rather than convenient and biased overviews in your favourite vegan websites) you will see that the vegan diet is not the healthiest at all. It's probably one based around eating plenty of fish, dairy and egg. I'm still looking into the whole red meat/raw meat subject myself. I suspect it's harmless in its natural state based on what I've read (as you say, there are much better qualified people that can talk about this, obviously). Most studies – when they compare meat eaters to vegetarians – are studying people who eat poor quality, intensively farmed meat within the Standard American Diet which, as we surely agree, is disastrous to health.

It's interesting, what you say about poor people and their meat consumption. There was certainly much malnutrition. Maybe the ones that made it to breeding age got by on rations of high-quality raw dairy, eggs, poaching, fishing, stealing.

I've found, since eating mostly high-quality meat and raw dairy that I don't need to eat as much as I used to. I'm hardly ever hungry. I eat once or twice per day, virtually never snacking. I think that's my body telling me I'm ok for nutrients. When I was vegetarian/vegan, I was always grazing, all day. Always starving.

Yes, humans have warred, raped, murdered. They still do. I'm not saying it's good or bad; it just IS. We are animals. The stronger animals outgun and overrun the weaker ones.

Let's create a make-believe charity. We say we're working to ease suffering in children, in a poor nation. We post vids of suffering, really heart-wrenching material. People in a slightly better situation, miles away, are touched. They send in their tenner or twenty. In my lifetime, I've seen this scenario repeated hundreds of times. Still there is suffering in poor nations. It's fixed nothing. Charity CEOs, however, live in mansions and drive expensive cars. They're exploiting weaker humans (the poor AND all of those idiots thumbing their pocket slummy to help). The CEOs can feed their kids the best food, send them to the best schools. Still the suffering in poor nations continues. It's a bullshit game. Survival of the fittest. Not good. Not bad. Just is.

Ah, the inbred royalty fuckers. They're genetic degenerates, but somewhere back in their bloodline was someone stronger and more wilful. They succeeded, at the expense of others, built up wealth, which snowballed into more power. Their offspring already had the advantage. They pooled their resources and circle-jerked their genes, birthing genetic mutants – haemophiliac, mentally-ill chinless freaks. And so on it goes. They often live to 100 years old, however. How can genetic freaks manage this? They eat the highest quality food – raw meat, dairy, fish.

I literally didn't get the point of your last 3 paragraphs.
About the comparison you made when you were vegetarian: you're picking one single case and yeah, if you eat meat you might not get hungry. But if you were hungry while eating vegan food it's because you were malnourished and having a poor diet. If you don't eat properly then it's not the vegan diet that's bad, it's you who don't have enough attention and care to what you eat.
Ever since before civilizations that humans have cooked the meat... that might tell you something. Lions and other carnivores eat the meat in big chunks and raw, raw meat for humans make them sick eventually. The dentition and digestive tract of humans are much more similar to herbivores than carnivores with the ability to grind the teeth and big intestines where as carnivores can't grind, only bite with fangs and their intestines are smaller to expel the bad cholesterol and fat from animals right away. People eat fruit and vegetables raw without problem but uncooked animal stuff not so much, that in itself tells you somehting

Never mind. I was just answering your comments on war, rape, murder and survival of the fittest.

Yes, vegans often blame ex vegans for doing the diet wrong. I've never had any problems when I've eaten normally. For the record, I was veggie for 17 years with 2 periods of veganism (I had lots of vegan days during my veggie stint though because I was trying to be vegan so hard). In this time, my diet ranged from super clean, lots of fresh stuff, raw to the junk food vegans can buy from time to time when they're busy.

What you say about raw meat has zero evidence to back it up. The same with cholesterol and animal fat. Really, I know you don't trust me as a source but the info is out there if you just look.

Look at the video above. There's lots of info about the digestive tracts. It's interesting. Give it a go.

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