Vedic Maths Tutorial 6!
Hello Fellow Steemians!
The next most important topic after we have mastered Additions is Subtractions. According to the conventional methods, we use the borrowing technique to subtract large numbers. But in vedic mathematics we can perform subtraction problems even faster than calculator.
To start with, we need to learn 3 basic concepts that will aid subtraction calculations: Compliments, Match Combinations and Mis Match combinations.
Let’s now understand each one of these concepts.
In mathematics, each digit has a compliment. A compliment is defined by a digit which when added to the original number, results in 10.
So for e.g. if we add 1 to 9, sum becomes 10. So 9 becomes a compliment for 1.
Similarly, if we add 2 to 8, sum becomes 10. So 8 becomes a compliment for 2.
Like wise,
3 --> 7
4 --> 6
5 --> 5
6 --> 4
7 --> 3
8 --> 2
9 --> 1
We need to be well versed with these compliments; these should be on our tips.
Match Combinations
Match combinations are referred to as subtraction of a smaller number from a larger number. Below are some of the examples of match combinations:
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 -0
All the above examples are match combinations where we are subtracting a smaller number from a larger number and getting a positive answer.
Mis Match Combinations
Mis Match combinations are referred to as subtraction of a larger number from a smaller number. Below are some of the examples of mis match combinations:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 8
-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 -9
We should be able to identify just by looking at the problem whether it has individual match or mis match combinations.
Like when we look at the below problem,
Immediately we should be able to guess that we have 2 match combinations are (9-5, 3-2) and 1 mis match combination (5-6).
Once we are able to get through the above concepts, subtraction will come to us on tips. So in the next tutorial, we will learn how to use these concepts to solve subtraction problems in seconds.