Anarcho-Capitalism was established by Vedic Dharma and is Prophesied for our Future.
The ancient vedas were influential throughout the globe in ancient times. It is explained that there is spiritual dimension that we can all become aware of when we attain more full consciousness. In that dimension of reason and logic we find perfect harmony with love and compassion.
Today, the modern anarcho-capitalist exemplifies this ancient Vedic wisdom in their regards to economics and the shared goal of all for ultimately, world peace and societal values.
Anarcho-capitalism is rooted in ancient spiritual yoga. Hare Krishna’s regocnize the path of the non-aggression principles. It is a fact that my spiritual brother Atula Govinda Das was a huge Ron Paul supporter as well as I before he joined the local temple. I will have to have a talk with him soon.
Today I am partaking in the business plan to bring gold and as tax-free legal tender to my community and for the world... Major institutional clients are involved... There is a path to mainstream crypto adoption as well, more will be discussed soon...
Have a great day out there fulfilling your purpose as well!
Grow your crypto and precious metal holdings to profit as we move towards the Golden Age, Chaitanya Yuga.
All of this is prophesied in the vedas. Everything has come true and world peace will as well. We have a good 5000 years pending until the pinnacle from now as explained in the Bhagavatam, the penultimate summary of all most crucial Vedic wisdom of the eighteen Puranas.
Are you feeling the evolution of our species around the world? Are you feeling the consciousness rising?
I’m the end, it’s not about money, it’s about freedom, justice and liberty, the right to land and property to grow our food from the earth ourselves for sustainable argrian freedom to have or not desire money at all if we so choose!
This is why I’m engaged in the line of the Kshatriya’s code of conduct. I declare myself the warrior and community-governance advocate that I am because it’s my dharma, my duty to uphold.
Money is an energy. You must decide if it’s used for materialism or for the Karma yoga to help others that ultimately will free your soul from past karmic debts and offer you true Mukti, freedom of the spirit. Breathe and listen to your heart everyday, for every moment’s choices.
Read this mantra for the most devine blessings of the supreme personality of God-head. Blessings to you spirit-soul.
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare