Vehiclephotography: My First Road Bike

in #vechiclephotography7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians and followers!

Today I found photo from my old phone and I want to give this picture to #vehiclephotography contests organized by @juliank and @photocontests.

CategoryVehicle Photography
CameraBlackberry Q10
LocationDedinky, Slovakia

I bought this bike from my first paycheck from my summer job. I started cycling with this bike and it started making me more enjoyable. After a year problems came, and my knees began to hurt. I did not know how to set a good pose on it. So I decided to leave my bike to my father and I will buy a new one that will be bigger and I will feel good on this new bike. I still have him at home and I have had a wonderful time with him. Other times when I shot it, it was about 30 ° C outdoors and I needed to jump into the water. So I sat on the bike, I went to Dedinky and there I swam.

IMG_20170720_175014.jpgClick on the image for full view

Slovensky: Dnes som vybral do #vehiclephotography fotku, ktorú som našiel v mojom starom telefóne. Je to môj prvý cestný bicykel (pokiaľ nepočítam otcov Favorit). Kúpil som si ho z mojej prvej výplaty na letnej brigáde. Lenže postupom času ma pri dlhších trasách začínali bolieť kolená aj kríže. Nevedel som si na ňom nastaviť správny posed. Rozhodol som sa, prenechať tento bike môjmu otcovi a kúpiť si nový, ktorý bude presne na moju výšku. Stále ho mám doma a zažil som na ňom krásne chvíle. Ináč keď som to fotil, bolo vonku asi 30°C a potreboval som si skočiť do vody. Tak som sadol na bike, išiel som na Dedinky a tam som sa trochu schladil.

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