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RE: The Bus that Never Went: Rolling Home Dreaming

in #vanlife6 years ago

Please never give up on the mobile home dreams! We're still hanging on to our wanderlust too, exploring and waking up in new places every morning is so much fun! 😊

I feel it's nice to hear about the plans that don't quite make it, it gives some contrast from all those feel good, look I did it in a new Mercedes sprinter or a hipster #vanlife but only when it's not sitting in the drive of a fancy house that we've seen all over YouTube.

Meh I might sound a lil salty but I love the real people with the real stories. @iamjamie and I packed up our home into a storage unit and toured full-time up and down and in and out of the American west coast for a couple years.

We started in a little 4 door Toyota Corolla, until our tribe grew to 4 adults when we had to add a tent LOL. Then traded for a 1969 Winnebago 24' RV, all original fittings no working electric or plumbing and broke down on the highway first night LOL!

We fixed her up though and lived out of her for a year as we wwoofed around from farm to beach and back, put a few thousand miles on her before she started leaking gas into our living space and giving us headaches and fire paranoia.

Anyway, we continued on foot backpacking for a couple years and now we've been stationary in Thailand doing baby things. Only made a few trips for family holidays. Our nomad dreams are still alive though, we'll hit the road again someday, especially when STEEM moons! 🙏

Ps. Don't supposed you found Merlin's cave near Camelot castle while you were exploring Cornwall did you?


I would love to roadtrip across America. We'd have to buy a van there as it'd be so expensive to hire one. You had a 4 door corolla too!! Same same. I had a milkcrate of pots and pans and a gas burner, a kid's mattress and my backpack, some pegs and beach towels for curtains. Happy Days!

The winnebago - oh no, breaking down on the first night! Eek. Yeah we had an old Ford Econovan that stunk of petrol fumes - we drove that around Tassie before we upgraded to a Ford Transit, which I smashed into the back of a truck, and now we've got a transporter for road trips.

If you go into the depths of my feed you'll find the other vehicles we lived in too - both Bedfords, one a library lorry and one a horse lorry - that was in the UK, but it was more squatting land on traveller sites (new age travellers as they are known there).

Now, we've got an old army truck Jamie's doing up, we were going to travel the world in her but it's a big mission to make the box for the back and he got a bit distracted by an old 1973 landrover. Ha. We'd love to drive that 'home' to the UK (he's English, I'm Aussie).

Nomad days are fabulous, but stationary times are just as valuable, and sounds like Thailand's a nice place to be to do that. We like being stationary at the moment, and road trips and holidays sustain us, as well as planning a 'one day' trip.

Ha, of course we found Merlin's cave, and a lot of other magic besides. :0P

It's so beautiful.. seriously the nature, the vast landscapes, the variety. Canada is on par for open spaces and back country adventues though we've had dreams of RV living up there, through the states and down to Mexico. Just the Trump puts us off.

I've actually got your horse lorry post open somewhere in my mess of tabs lol. Will look forward to reading it soon. Yeah we've a few rainbow friends back there land squatting. Oh and the driving back home thing, yeah we've been dreaming of that too. Thailand to Europe would be epic!!

You're so right about stationary days though, definitely has been needed for us with this little handful of Kai finding his feet in the game lol, though we're finally out on our bikes again and he loves sitting on in his seat. So little adventures through the week is where we're at. It's pretty gorgeous here too, definitely happy for the blessings for now! :)

Wow yay Merlin! You know all about the magic of them ley lines then ❤️✨

Ah, the Trump! You're lucky you can live somewhere else, by the sounds! How did you end up in Thailand? How can you stay there?

Having a kid is a grand adventure in itself I'd say - enjoy that new landscape with awe and wonder! Little outings can be BIG for you all as a fam, and it always creates really treasurable memories - I miss those days with my little one now not so little!

Yes, I'm familiar with the ley lines! I'd heard about them long before I'd stepped onto English shores, as I was right into King Arthur, mythology etc as a kid, and the ley lines were part of that, though the word/concept wasn't coined til much later. The rational, logical side of me says - well, you can draw a straight line between any two points and attach significance to them - I'm a skeptic here. There's so many monuments and sites of spiritual significance in England that drawing a line between them and having OTHER sites fall on that line is very, very likely - I think one guy even mapped out pizza shops on ancient ley lines there. So yeah, they sound amazing but I'm not so convinced - especially if you consider walking between one route and the next, you're bound to create a path that people travel and then go - ooh, it would be convenient to put another monumnet on 'x' route as it's on our way to 'x' spot.

What an horrible skeptic I can be. Yet my balancing, judicious and 'other' side is perfectly in awe of the spiritual centres of the earth and the energy lines that must surely run between them!

Interesting to muse upon indeed, and there's a LOT of magic over there that is inexplicable by 'rational' thought - we saw ghosts and spirits and felt pretty powerful stuff in the deep earth energies there that were most definitely magical!

Yeah DT he's a situation, though there are many more positive reasons we love America that could out weigh him too. Absolutely becoming a parent has been the best and most challenging adventure so far. Loving every lesson and experience, definitely seems to be flying by though.. jeez he's going to be 2 so soon 🙀

For me the energetics of places seems to be a natural extension of the science of interpersonal energies/chi. I've always been sensitive to this awareness so once I learned more about the early masonic orders, how sacred geometry is used in their buildings and why specifically they used stone. A lot of dots seemed to connect for me, though not for my rational mind, more so my heart felt intuitions.

Then there's the process of mapping and looking at where people are often guided to "worship" or basically congregate in large groups and share in any particular vibration/intention. This also spoke to what I have learned about inner alchemy and more so heart resonance, intriguing stuff for sure. All is energy after all right, matter merely vibrating at different frequencies and our connection to all things is a powerful force if one were to practice awareness of how to channel this energy right?

Anyways, waffling now. I too have preferred to approach things with healthy skepticism as I find that has always helped me to dig in deeper about my interests. Though as I'm growing up I find a balance somewhere in between heart and mind creates more space for interesting possibilities.

Having visited 3 of where the "new age" people would describe as Gaia's or mother earths main planetary chakras as well as having been involved in energy work and ceremony, there is indeed a sense of "magic" happening with these places and specifically people. I see it all as part of the journey and offer what I can where I can, while being open to what I may be able to learn. Bah.. lol still musing haha 🤗

Anyway, we're here in Thailand because I was born here and it's a nice place to be. So we're "able" to stay here from the matrix perspective because of that birth certificate thing lol. Though we really go between here, America and Europe on a slo-mad style migration lol.. about 3 months at a time.

Where's next for you guys? I guess you're pretty busy getting the land up to speed and enjoying the stability of home making right? At least until we're all STEEM rich and can get back to our wanderlusting all over this wonderful place lol! 💚💯

I totally agree. I really believe in the architecture of spirituality - the intent that is energetically placed in those buildings coupled with the worship, ritual, prayer, meditation and so on that goes on there definitely make for spiritually charged landscapes.

I've meditated in some amazing places and they are really conducive to incredibly strong practice. Magic indeed! I'm sure however it's the people that create the energy - you say 'specifically people' and I think that's the key. And indeed, some places can only be described as powerful energetically. Perhaps it's a little chicken and egg in the way we think about it - are the places charged energetically to begin with, drawing us there, or is it because of the people there that they start to take on a very powerful energy? Haha - yep, the waffle!

Nevertheless, a balance between skepticism and open mind and heartedness is definitely what's needed!!!

We're at a bit of a crossroads to be honest. There's a big part of me that just wants to settle and create this little paradise as a productive and beautiful home - we've put a lot of energy into it to make it special. Yet at the same time, we're a bit bored - that's our airy Gemini/Libra combo with the two of us! We're also getting older so there's this sense that maybe we should settle down a bit (we've travelled and I lived in the UK for years so it's not as if I've never left) but then we're also keen to keep moving. It's a bit of a conundrum. There was an opportunity perhaps for J. to get a job looking after the school program at the sister school for the school he works at which is in Chiang Mai, but we're not sure whether that will come together. Plus, Dad's illness has meant I'm a bit reluctant to go anywhere just yet, but maybe year after we'll rent out this place and put the landrover on a container and just drive!!

Or maybe we'll go even more bush, sell this place, buy land and put a tiny house on it. Or maybe sell and become monks. Or ... I don't know!!! I do love our place here though. It's really become an expression of both of us and you get attached to that stuff though you know you probably shouldn't...


Agreed, specifically people. We all know the saying where attention goes, energy flows and indeed a lot of attention has be directed to these religious centers, also we interestingly have many war memorials and other such places to admire and "warship" our noble and elite families. Often in the shadow of phallic shaped pillars and spires or under the hood of womb like domes.

Lol getting off track though, fellow Gemini here lol; these giant stone "bodies" do indeed hold a particular resonance. Especially if once a week you gather the towns folk, sing and praise whichever chosen eternal "external" lord or god and perhaps pay a bit of tithing towards their up keep.

I may be showing my slight bias against organized religions however I do see a place and purpose. Out hre in Thailand I even see a lot of self-less service too. I also see the value of community and gathering, bonding and building strength together with others who share the same hopes, dreams and values.

Especially in times of struggle and poverty, hope is a valuable commodity that when often delivered with charity is perhaps not always transparent about the grander energetic costs. Still, why would people question any manipulative agenda in such "hole-y" places. We all want to fit in, be accepted and be part of a group.

If it's not the church gang it could be a street gang, drug gang or the money gang LOL! Those how deep are they on esoteric knowledge? Well actually I looked into that too and for sure some of them are MUCH more than others..

Aaaanyway as we agreed before, a healthy, balanced and objective skepticism can be a useful skill set in this game.

I can only imagine the itchy feet dilemma, we've dreamed of our own land, earthen building projects and food forest gardening for so long now. Yet it's clearly not time for us to be there yet since first we don't have the money and second we have so much family to visit on three continents each year that something has to give if we can ever save.. or steem really takes off lol!

Whatever happens, it's gonna be so cool to follow everyone's steem-backed adventures and get more inspired for our own! 👍

other such places to admire and "warship" our noble and elite families. Often in the shadow of phallic shaped pillars and spires or under the hood of womb like domes.

Aaagh no one does warship like australia - honestly ANZACS are a national pasttime and don't you dare insult our diggers. They're looking at putting 50 mil into redoing the bloody war memorial at Canberra and everyones like oh, it's soo great but I'm like - great for what? Unbridled patriotic bullshit!!

Sorry. Rant over.

I was just listening to this great podcast on depression, and they were saying that in the West, we'll do very individualistic things to make us 'happy' i.e earn more money for ME, whereas if you ask someone elsewhere they'll be like, oh, to be happy I'll spend time with my kids, help out the community.

A lot of that comes from that religious idea of selfless service - something we've lost as we've moved away from it in the west. So whilst I'm not keen on organised religion as it's been, and certainly not the Church with a capital C, there's something in a ritualised spiritual esoteric system that can unify and guide us.

Community is so important. We're feeling a bit bereft of that at the moment. A work in progress perhaps.

Travelling to 3 continents is a killer. J wants to go home for Christmas but I don't as it'll cost us too much and I need to be around Dad as he's recovering from chemo and it feels right to be home. Plus - it's warm and I want to go surfing lol - English winters don't appeal to me much!

I''m sure it will come for you guys!! With such a strong intention it's bound to manifest for sure!!!

I'm not the Gemini - Jamie is and a double one no less. I love Geminis - you seriously are my favourite favourite people. Smart, adaptable, loyal. What's not to love!! I'm a Libran/Cancerian, if that means anything to you.

Excuse my all over the shop punctuation/grammar etc - it's getting late and I'm steemed out. Almost! xx


and aaagh - going mad!! I'm going through the smg list and there's all these people i thought I was following and it turns out I'm not, including you. Which is super wierd. I did go through my list the other day and deleted a whole heap of crew that were ghosts and bots, so many something glitched as there's a few others (not smg) that I dont seem to be following anymore....

Rant all you want, I feel you! So much money and resources need to be redirected to help the victims of wars not the self-claimed "winners".

Anyway as you know, I've had to go see with my own eyes the full spectrum of that aspect of our human condition. It's not pretty and it's forever etched in my heart, helps me stay focused on how to pay it forward in life though and share love and joy instead.

Yes community, even in the smaller niches of lifestyles like mine are so important. I'm all about holding space for people to be accepted and unconditionally loved, why else do we yearn to come together and connect?

We've also drifted apart a little from our usual tribe living and it's actually getting really exciting that we are now planning our next moves and contacting all our old friends we will visit on the way.

Oh and this time we all have a cool online community to share and steem it with lol! So yeah, looking forward to continue on our adventures and read about yours.

Oh and I vote Dad for holiday season, make the most of your time together and English spring and summer is way more pretty right? All those berries!

Big love to you too, I'm gonna have to catch up with some of your new blogs eh? Lol sorry to keep dragging you all the way back here hahaha! But it's been nice to hang back out of the spot light a bit and get to know ya.

Chat soon :)

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