Duke La Sombra

in #vampire7 years ago

Desperation in her eyes, Deanna struggled against the hold of her captors. Her betrothed Alrik was being beaten by a group of soldiers as his Uncle looked on. "Stop! leave him be, please leave him be." Jeane Pierre was amused at her pitiful pleas. "Why should I show him any mercy foolish woman?" His Uncle held her face in his fingers, the fear and desperation in her face fed his dark soul. "I will do what you want, please just leave him be." "Really? do you fully understand what you are saying?" as he moved to the fire.Deanna looked at the bloodied body of Alrik, then closed her eyes and said "yes." Alrik groaned through his shattered jaw," NO!" "Bring her." Two soldiers dragged Deanna across the room. Jeane Pierre looked down upon the trembling woman, and let out a maniacal laugh. "Let us see what you have promised to my worthless nephew." as he tore open her dress , her body shone in the firelight.They took her upon the table, Jeane Pierre taking her maidenhood, and leaving his mark upon her body; pulled out his blade and buried his blade in her; leaving her to die. Alrik lay on the floor, broken and bloody enduring her screams and then her moans. "I will avenge you Deanna, I swear this on your blood!" through the tears he shed.Alrik was found by a dark man traveling along the roadside where his broken body had been dumped. Carried to a distant village where he was nursed back to health. Physically he healed and grew stronger, mentally/emotionally he was completely spent. He felt no purpose with his beloved Deanna gone. The dark man followed his recovery, and came back to visit often. "I come to offer you the opportunity to travel to far away and exotic places. This will I hope help you to heal your mind and soul. You are in a very dark place my young friend." Alrik took the opportunity and traveled , working hard upon the ships, becoming stronger, yet the darkness and anger continued. While Alrik traveled, he did not know that the same man that saved him, had also found the dying body of his beloved. But he had other plans for her. Deanna did not die, she was taken to the dark man's distant chateau. There he healed her. When he returns , he'll have honed that hatred like a fine blade. I will be able to use them both.Alrik worked hard, moving port to port, ship to ship; learning more blade skills then he ever dreamed possible. Physically he was completely healed, his body lean and well tanned, muscles rippled, a perfect specimen of manhood, except for his mind and soul, they were dark. Women in all ports could not wait for his return. They threw themselves at him. He was so dark , that he used them and threw them aside. There was no woman good enough for him, only his Deanna, and she was dead (or so he believed). One day I will raise an army and take back what is rightfully mine Deanna, you will be avenged; my Uncle will pay dearly for his treachery.One dark and stormy night in the port out Mumbai, he was in a bar, listening to a lovely red haired woman singing, the song was a haunting love ballad, which did nothing for his mood. Chugging down his glass of whiskey, he turned to leave when he was approached by a another tall dark man. "Leave me be or suffer the consequences." Alrik seethed "I am in no mood to be bothered this night." Yet the dark man followed him to the back of the bar, "I said leave me be", turning to thrust his blade where no one stood. "what the hell?" "Are you looking for me?" a hoarse voice called from behind him. Turning to find the dark man in a completely different place, Alrik growled. In the blink of an eye, the dark man had Alrik by the throat, lifted off the floor by several inches. "Listen here boy, you will do well to hold both your tongue and your blade.""I seek your assistance. I seek the destination of two females who will be aboard your ship this night." Alrik once again standing on the ground, shook off the tightness in his throat. "we take no passengers, we are a cargo ship." "Ah but these eare not just any passengers , they are vampires, who must travel over water while in their coffins. They will be placed in the hold." "You're a crazy man, there are no such things as vampires." "Really? do you still think so?" as his flashed his razor sharp fangs. Alrik strong of body, not of mind or soul at this time, was visibly shaken by this. "You will remember this young one, watch the females and report their destination to the Ones I place here." Touching Alrik's forhead, the memory imprinted.Later that very night, Alrik returned to his ship to see two long boxes being carried aboard by several members of the crew. They were handled very differently then most cargo; gently and quietly, almost reverently.. Alrik worked the deckand the ship set sail. The large cargoship sped over the sea, calm as glass, such as no sailor had everremembered. Alrik feared no man, yetwas terrified when he neared the door to the hold where the vampires slept. Heavoided that area of the ship until late on night near the end of the voyage, hewas compelled to open the locked door; the key that was always in the Captain’spocket was in his hand. Trembling he unlocked the hold door. The heavy door swung open, the vast hold wasempty except for the two wooden boxes. Inexplicably drawn to them, Alrik entered. He set down the lantern and sat down on thefloor between them. Here Alrik felt a sense of peace he had not had in a longtime, yet he was afraid. “Young one, who are you and why do you seek us harms?” a softenchanting voice in his head caused Alrik to jump up in fear. Blade in hand, he jumped at the dancingshadows in the hold. “Sheath your bladeAlrik.” The disembodied voice spoke again. “My daughter and I will not harm you; we need your assistance to safelycomplete our journey.” The softness andgentleness of the voice soothed his dark soul; his hatred subsided for a time,his blade returned to its sheath. He spoke haltingly “I was told to inform Them when I foundyou." "Who are They?" "Dark, evil men who only come out in the night. Theyfrighten me, so I do as they say." ""You seem out of place here,not a sailor, nobler and definitely not from the port from which we sailed, whoare you and where do you come from?" "My name is Duke Alrik dePayne, I am from the Alsace region of France/Germany." "Well young one, you will belong to me now, you will do what I say andreturn directly to me, if you try to go anyplace else, your heart will burst inyour chest." "Do you understand?" "Yes my Lady, what is ityou wish?" "Go forth to these dark men as you call them, tell themthat you have what they seek, bring them to the temple, I will deal with themmyself." Brittaney closed her eyes and summoned a sudden storm to hit theport, the tides moved at her will, waves smashed against the hull, sending manyof the sailors overboard, except for the loyal few we needed to help us to ourdestination. Juliette released the storm and peaceful waters once againoccupied the port's harbor, at nightfall, Alrik set forth to do his assignedtask, and Juliette and I flew to the Temple. Once inside, we sought out theChief Priest, upon seeing my amulet, he knew who I was; apparently StephenJohnimplanted that memory for me. Just as he was handing me the ankh, Alrikcame running into the chamber, he was trembling. "What is it?" "Theyare coming, my Lady." "Verygood now, go with the Chief Priest, leave this chamber." The priest andAlrik sped from the chamber, leaving Juliette and I to plan our battle. By using the mirrored surface of a golden shield, Juliette was able toscrye how many were coming and when they would arrive. They lost the element ofsurprise. Anatoli was not among them, but his first female in command was, shewould be my key. Blending into the shadows, I awaited the arrival.Juliette having removed her outer sea foam green robe, revealing her shorterbattle robe, stood in the ceremonial pool at the center of the chamber,refreshing her strength in its cool waters. While standing in the stillwaters, she was able to scrye that father and son were together, this lightenedmy heart. . "I have an idea mother, watch this." Closing hereyes, and chanting an ancient verse, when her eyes opened they glowed a brightorange, the chamber door began to glow and shimmer, and as time stood stillhere, in the desert it moved forward, and through it passed my Mate andmy son. Even the fact that a battle loomed imminently, I ran to embracemy son, my lost child. He picked me up, and hugged me with such strength,I almost lost my breath. The joy of thereuniting of my family was subdued by the looming battle. Several vampireassassins were coming after us. Alrikhad left the chamber as told, but he stood outside, listening. His emotions in turmoil, why should thesevampires have joy in a reunion when I have nothing, my Deanna is gone, I havenothing? But this Lady, there issomething about her, I want to help her. All at once outside the Temple a dust storm raged, through the doors andfrom around the columns appeared five male and one female assassin. The loud hisses and screams filled thechamber; the pitch caused Alrik’s ears to bleed. Sword blades clashed and clanged, statuesflew across the chamber, the sacred pool a swirling vortex. The Family wasfighting strong, but Alrik felt compelled to join a fight, he loved to fight,his rage building he charged into the chamber with blade drawn. Kill or be killed was his motto, he thrusthis blade into the distracted male assassin. But as he withdrew, to his surprise, the vampire only laughed at him,the wound healed instantly, but in that moment of surprise, Alrik let down hisguard. The assassin telekinetically sailed him across the chamber into acolumn. Slamming into it with such force it broke his back, the assassin noteasily forgetting the attack, pounced upon his victim and dealt a mortal daggerwound to his chest. Just about to savorfresh blood, the vampire bared his fangs to drink when his heart was ripped outfrom behind by the Lady. Throwing thevampire’s body into the flames of the Altar, the Lady cradled the dyingAlrik. In a moment of maternal love, theLady bared her fangs and bit Alrik on the neck. Then taking her golden dagger,sliced open her palm and allowed the blood to flow freely into his mouth. What was he experiencing? Would it be like herturning all those years ago? She heldhim until the High Priest and his assistants came in , they carried him to thedeepest antechamber far from the coming rays of daylight. Alrik had bead of blood sweat on his face ~ Pain? PureEcstasy? An unimaginable mixture of both? I am dying, but yet my heart beats.Faster, faster, it’s going to burst. Iam flying through time; I see my Father, mother, Deanna. Flashes of my past,the Lady’s past, Their past, the presentand the future. It was so much so quick, pain is pleasure: pleasure is pain. When is thisnightmare going to end? Fire in my veins, flooding my body, the pain is ecstasy, .. please.... What is happening, what am I becoming?"Open your eyes My childe." Her voice was gentle, peaceful. How muchtime had past? Heat upon heat upon heat, fire coursed through my veins, yet Iwas strong, agile, mentally sharp. Alrik bounded off the bedding, pulling away from everyone. Galring at the Lady, :What have you done?" Maintaining eye contact with him, Lady Siberia spoke calmly to her childe. "Alrik I had to save your life because you saved ours. You were dying because of an assassin's attempt to destroy my family. I gave you immortality." "You stupid bitch! what the hell makes you think I want to be immortal? I have been wanting to die for years, I have nothing to live for." Alrik seethed. Lunging at Siberia, Alrik grabbed her and threw her across the antechamber against the limestone wall. The impact sent chunks of debris raining down on Siberia. Alrik (his mind all jumbled with sights, sounds, and emotions) started lifting the chunks of sandstone to get to Siberia. Astonished at his increased strength and agility, he pulled her up. Siberia was no young inexperienced vampire. She did not give the "gift" without good reason. Skilled in fighting and survival, she would never have allowed another to assault her. She was merely overtaken by emotion, reuniting with her family and fighting assassins. Now all she felt was sorrow. She turned to face Alrik, he slapped her. With tears of blood running down her alabaster cheeks, Siberia simply stated"I deserve that, I know you hate me. Rage on me if it makes you feel better, yet know this; we are bonded now, you can deny a lot, but not who you are or what you are." "You are different now, have different needs, you need to learn many things" Siberia started to say. Suddenly Alrik grabbed her off the sandy floor, "I don't need you, I don't want you, leave me alone!" Just as suddenly she was flat out on the floor with him atop her, trying to bite her. The hunger was raging. The High Priest and several acolytes tried to pull him off. In the struggle, he ripped out the heart of a young boy and feasted on the blood. His rage left 5 dead acolytes and the High priest injured. Lady Juliette healed the High Priest, while StephenJohn and Lord Chaine fought Alrik. "Leave me alone, I will kill you." he raged. There was no way Siberia could break through his rage. While she was distracted in thought, Alrik escaped. Siberia knew there was only one way to reach him, she needed her sister Tatiana. Alrik blinded by rage and uncontrolled hunger, left bloodless ravaged bodies all across Egypt and North Africa. A war was raging so dead bodies were common. Siberia was distraught, her childe was raging across the African continent, thrill killing, not just to feed. He was fully enamored with killing. Desperate to help him, she sent her Mate StephenJohn to follow the bloody trail, being able to blend in with the fighting troops made movement easy. Siberia gathered Alrik's few possessions and left the Temple. Returned to the port with her children, and under the cover of night left Egypt to return to Europe. Dreams are a form of communication in the mortal mind, even more so for vampires. As Siberia slumbered either on ship,train, truck, or even wagon, Tatiana her blood sister and Queen of Cocoon Colony felt and saw her memories and emotions. Powerful empath/telepath Tatiana had her loyal people bring the family to the Colony, when they arrived in the southern Ukrainian port. Tatiana embraced her sister tightly, "Everything is alright, you are home,the children are safe, and StephenJohn continues to track this childe Alrik." :Now get yourself together sister, I can't believe that you let a baby vampire attack you, you better get your emotions under control now!" Tatiana's lavender eyes flashed red with fire. While Siberia settled Juliette and Chaine in to Colony life, Alrik disappeared, last tracked by StephenJohn somewhere in the Romanian mountains. No sign of him anywhere, the trail of bodies ended. Where was he? Was he taken by Damphires or Slayers? Siberia sighed s she placed his possessions in a chest, as she folded his shirt, a small faded photograph fluttered to the floor. A beautiful young woman in the arms of Alrik! Tatiana must see this at once. Meeting in the Garends, Siberia gave the photograph to her sister. As Tatiana took hold , all the love, memories and pain came flooding into her mind. Dark alleys,bars, and sordid dives are indeed an enticing source of blood and anonymity. Alrik fell in with a bad crowd. Known as Duke LaSombra (Dark Death), he brooded, nursing his rage. Not trained in how to control the hunger, he feast completely, killing with malice. Forty three mortal years had passed. Constantly moving city to city, LoSambra awoke in a hostel near Budapest. Night had come, the hunger raged. Time to find the nearest bar or nightclub. Payne and Pleasure (his cobras) slithered around the bed as he showered. Six foot and four inches of pure lean muscle, tattoos covered most of his lithe body, along with numerous scars. The tattoos were done in the old way (slow and painful). A new piece added for each day that he lived while Deanna did not. Time passes very differently for vampires, so now a new piece was added for each year. Black leather pants, a linen shirt, and a three quarter length duster laid out on the bed as he toweled dry. The moon was almost full this night, there was a new scent in the air LoSambra could not pinpoint. Dressed to kill was not an overstatement this night, someone was going to die. "The Club" was private, populated by dark creatures and mortals who are bonded to them or are just food. LoSambra slid into his booth near the bar. Tonight a party was going on, as he downed his whiskey, he watched the crowd. Arrysa came in and everyone in the Club stopped. Auburn hair done in the latest style-French twist, and a red leather dress that accentuated every curve of her athletic body. "Seen enough?"she purred as she skip danced to the dance floor, grabbing the DJ's microphone while pushing the play button. "Get this party started!". There was dancing and singing, and lots of drinking, for this was her 21st birthday. She was thoroughly enjoying her celebration. Sliding off the dance floor, she jumped up on a stool at the bar and ordered Absinthe. The bartender poured the liquor over a sugar cube and topped it with champagne. "Cheers! your Highness." She blew him a kiss, dropped 3 gold coins on the bar and was heading back toward her companions when LoSambra, on his way to the bar for another bottle of whiskey collided with her, spilling her drink down the front of his shirt and duster. Glaring down at her LoSambra growled under his breath, grabbed a rag off the bar with one hand while leaning down and picking her up with the other. Wiping off his duster, he nonchalantly dumped her on the bench of his booth and tossed another rag to her. "Are you always so clumsy and stupid?" LoSambra half growled. As Arrysa casually wiped off her dress, she looked up at him and inquired"Are you always this angry and rude, or just when your drunk?" No one dared talk to LoSambra in such a tone, he was actually shocked. Arrysa looked into his eyes and smiled. "You're intriguing, let's have a drink and relax." The bartender not wanting any trouble brought their drinks to the booth. LoSambra emptied his glass before Arrysa even took a sip of hers. "Why are you here? Not many would take the risk." he inquired. "You intrigued me, I'm adventurous, I like "bad" boys." Her hazel green eyes dancing with laughter. "How long do I have to endure this?" he wandered, yet the longer she chatted and laughed, the more his mood began to lighten. Just then the Club doors burst open and several men came in, Arrysa gasped and leapt from her seat. Several of her girlfriends grabbed her and ran out the backdoor. LoSambra started after them but his path was blocked by two of the men. "Where is the Princess?" they demanded. "I have no clue, I don't know any Princess." seethed LoSambra,"Now get out of my way, before I do something you'll regret." "You were seen with Princess Arrysa, you stay away from her, you filthy vampire." Bad choice on their part, LoSaombra ripped the heart out of one, and buried his blade in the throat of the other. He flew out the door, but there was no trace of her, only that scent again. Well now there were two dead, and the hunger was dulled by the whiskey, but his mind kept wandering back to Arrysa. Before he returned to the hostel in the pre dawn hours, he visited the local asylum to quench his thirst. Drunk and full of fresh blood LoSombra passed out across the bed. So deep was his sleep, he never felt a thing. LoSambra stirred from his whiskey/blood induced slumber, but something was not right. The bed was large and soft, with satin sheets and feather down comforters. The air was warm, sweet with the scent of musk. "What the hell?" He jumped up, then realized he had no clothes on. "Very nice!" a giggly voice murmured. Grabbing a comforter off the bed, he wrapped it around himself, "Aweee, you don't have to be so shy, I really like what I see." Arrysa slipped out of her chair, dressed in a white velvet gown. Cut perfectly to show just enough of her ample bosom, and slit up the sides all the way, oh yeah to there. LoSombra stilled wrapped in the comforter was just about to rage out on her, but in a flash she was on him. Pressing a finger to his lips. "SHHHH, don't say a word, this is my night. The moon is full. I have reached my 21st year, it is time." Her hazel green eyes took on a golden glow, and shekissed him. Her animal magnetism was over whelming, she craved him and he craved her. He picked her up and carried her to the bed. All night they made love. When the full moon reached its apex, Arrysa astride LoSombra screamed in complete ecstasy. Never in his many years had LoSambra been exhausted by a woman. But he couldn't leave, he was completely intoxicated by her; nothing else mattered. He slept all day in the safety of his room, dark drapes and shutters to shield the sun. He awoke after sunset to fresh blood, he had full access too the entire Manor, the library, the tv room, the gym, and the pool, Arrysa came each night and left at dawn. At the fifth full moon, Arrysa whispered to LoSombra, "I must now be completely honest with you now my love. I have to tell you my secret and share with you my happiness. The seduction was done, the end met, she no longer needed to compel him. LoSombra shook off the remnants of the compulsion, no longer seeing his fair Arrysa, but a She wolf, an Alpha female. Arrysa stood to reveal her growing belly. "What have you done?" he yelled. "When a female werewolf reaches her 21st year, she must mate. I chose you." "I have loved you since the night of my party. No one knows of this place, we are safe here. Our children will grow and be strong." Arrysa said. "You're insane!, what makes you think we won't be found? Princess! Yes I remember that!" "So you think your family is going to accept children of a vampire father. NO!, we'll be hunted and slaughtered." he raged on and on. "Come here and feel them move." LoSambra no longer compelled, still moved toward her, touched her belly, just then they both kicked and moved in unison, knocking Arrysa backwards but LoSambra caught her and carried her to the bed. Over the next few months he hunted while she rested. He stood guard while she slept. On the night of the winter solstice,the full moon was again at it's apex, LoSambra awoke with a very uneasy feeling, a wrenching gut feeling of impending danger, not felt in months. Arrysa was very large with the twins. She went to the window to bathe in the moonlight, her face went pale. LoSombra flew to see what was wrong, the manor walls had been breached,they had be found. LoSombra flew into a rage, grabbed his blade, just as the front door exploded open. In strode the werewolf King Gustav, Arrysa's father, along with his pack Elders. "Arrysa!" he roared. She was at the top of the stairs, in full view of all. Her large belly prominently displayed. LoSombra stood between them, blade flashing, fangs bared. "What have you done Arrysa? of any to take as a mate, a vampire? You know I must kill the offspring, abomination that it is." Gustav growled. Arrysa replied"No father you will not kill my, I mean our babies." The werewolf metamorphosis was accelerated by rage and the full moon. Wolves were everywhere, but all eyes remained on the King, the pregnant Princess, and the vampire. The King bounded up the stairs, LoSambra's blade slicing deep into his shoulder. Several more wolves started up toward Arrysa, who even in full pregnancy fought off her attackers. Teeth knashing through fur and skin, blade cutting muscle, the fighting was intense. LoSombra fighting several at one time became cut off from Arrysa. Leaving the King room to lunge at her, knocking her over the railing, landing on the cold marble floor below. LoSombra heard her scream and the sickening sound of her back breaking. Gustav howled in triumph as Arrysa lay dying on the floor below him. As fast as they appeared at the manor, they were gone. LoSombra carried Arrysa up to the bed, he knew she was dying. Tears of blood ran down his face. He had not cried in almost 48 years, not since Deanna."Save the babies my love, cut them out, raise them with love." Arrysa whispered, gasping and coughing. As LoSambra kissed her, he breathed in her last breathe. With a slash of his blade her belly opened, he removed both babies, wrapped them in warm blankets, and set them under the protective boughs of the trees. Then he did one last act of devotion to Arrysa, he burned the manor to the ground, leaving no evidence of who lived here or what occurred. Securing the babies, he flew to a distant town where he compelled a nurse to care for them. Normal in appearance, Paige and Madison were well cared for. LoSombra was desperate, a young untrained vampire, with newborn twins to protect, and revenge to exact. He wandered to an abandoned cemetery, he finally broke down. He reached deep into his memory and when he found the image he sought, screamed out loud (but also telepathically, unknown to him) "Mother help me!" Siberia was in the Great Hall with Tatiana when the scream for helped slammed into her head, causing her to slump into Tatiana's arms. Tatiana "heard" the scream, but being an Elder was able to withstand the telepathic jolt. "We are now set to our tasks my sister. You to find your childe, and Lady Juliette and I to find the young female mortal Deanna.: Tatiana whispered as she carried Siberia to a nearby couch.


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