What is "Value" and how is it determined?
I have been thinking a lot about value and how it is determined. More specifically, I have been thinking about digital currency's value vs. any other thing's value.
Value is dictionary defined as:
- the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
"your support is of great value"
synonyms: worth, usefulness, advantage, benefit, gain, profit, good, help, merit, helpfulness
• the material or monetary worth of something.
"prints seldom rise in value"
synonyms: • price, cost, worth; More
• the worth of something compared to the price paid or asked for it.
"at $12.50 the book is a good value" - A person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life.
"they internalize their parents' rules and values"
synonyms: principles, ethics, moral code, morals, standards, code of behavior
"society's values are passed on to us as children" - The numerical amount denoted by an algebraic term; a magnitude, quantity, or number.
"the mean value of x"
So what is value and how is it determined?
I have come the conclusion after researching and reading everything I could find about value and how it is determined that value is simply an agreed upon number.
I think about the FUDs and try to understand why they are FUDs when did they lose their vision or did they ever have any vision in the first place?
Blockchain is allowing for the realization of so many amazing things. I feel like the internet is the world's most amazing tool and blockchain is an enhancement that enables us to more fully be humans on Earth. I have not yet imagined what the world will be like when the next great breakthrough happens but I feel confident it will be facilitated by technology.
I believe the technology we have available today will be utilized to solve many of the world's social and economic problems which will in turn enhance life for everyone in a positive way.
I also believe there are large groups of humans throughout the Earth that do not want this to happen. There are many humans that do not want the world to change, they like it just the way it was, back home, when they were kids…