Good hobbit, bad hobbit math theory

in #valdez6 years ago (edited)

Desert Bighorn Sheep Facts

Desert Bighorn Sheep

If an ill humor may trick a good temper then a good humor may trick an ill temper.

‘Aggressive’ Mountain Goats Are Thirsting For Human Pee And Sweat

The goats are being airlifted away from Olympic National Park as a result of their weird cravings.

That's weird news. Just keeping Austin weird.

The Chilean wine and Oaxaca goat cheese, Chihuahuan conjunto party from the music capital of the world.

ATF gunwalking scandal
Sept. 2009: In an effort to stem the rising tide of violence caused by Mexican drug cartels, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Phoenix office begins its controversial Operation "Fast and Furious."

Those guns the ATF supplied shed a lot of blood. The ATF was “walking” firearms to Mexico:

In March 2010, a few ATF agents voiced an obvious concern: Couldn’t the guns end up being used in crimes? Seven months later, that’s exactly what happened. The brother of the former attorney general of the state of Chihuahua was murdered, and Fast and Furious weapons were found at the scene.

A lesson in Heyting algebra for h8trs in the Neighbourhood (mathematics)

How many murders were there in Mexico in 2017?

In October 2017, Mexico suffered its deadliest month since it started keeping such data in 1997, with 2,371 murder investigations. 2017 was Mexico's deadliest year on record, with 31,174 murders recorded, leading to a murder rate of 25 per 100,000 inhabitants in 2017, compared with 19.4 in 2011.

"From The Halls of Montezuma" refers to the Battle of Chapultepec on 12/13 September 1847 during the Mexican-American War, where a force of Marines stormed Chapultepec Castle. The line "To the shores of Tripoli" refers to the First Barbary War, and specifically the Battle of Derne in 1805. Barbary slave trade After Lieutenant Presley O'Bannon and his Marines hoisted the American flag over the Old World for the first time, the phrase was added to the flag of the United States Marine Corps.

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

A shepherd's primary responsibility is the safety and welfare of the flock. Even the Barbary Sheep The good Shepherd in the Del (The upside-down capital delta symbol del , also called "nabla" used to denote the gradient and other vector derivatives.) Sort of the like the Farmer in the dell.

Bernardo Vicente de Gálvez y Madrid, 1st Viscount of Galveston, 1st Count of Gálvez, OCIII (Macharaviaya, Málaga, Spain 23 July 1746 – 30 November 1786) was a Spanish military leader and colonial administrator who served as colonial governor of Spanish Louisiana and Cuba, and later as Viceroy of New Spain.

Who was Bernardo de Galvez during the American Revolution?

Gálvez aided the American Thirteen Colonies in their quest for independence and led Spanish forces against Britain in the Revolutionary War, defeating the British at the Siege of Pensacola (1781) and conquering British West Florida. Also in Mobile Alabama and of course Galveston Texas too.

El Chapo’s Capture Puts ‘Operation Fast and Furious’ Back in the Headlines

His name is Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Mexicans commonly refer to him by his initials: AMLO.

The Battle of Chapultepec in September 1847 was a battle between the US Army and US Marine Corps against Mexican forces holding Chapultepec in Mexico City.

Nation-building is constructing or structuring a national identity using the power of the state. It is thus narrower than what Paul James calls "nation formation", the broad process through which nations come into being.

The Italians occupied Libya and this Italian occupation has curious connections with:

Bruno Pontecorvo (Italian: [ponte'k?rvo]; Russian: ???´?? ?????´????? ???????´???, Bruno Maksimovich Pontecorvo; 22 August 1913 – 24 September 1993) was an Italian nuclear physicist, an early assistant of Enrico Fermi and the author of numerous studies in high energy physics, especially on neutrinos. A convinced communist, he defected to the Soviet Union in 1950, where he continued his research on the decay of the muon and on neutrinos. The prestigious Pontecorvo Prize was instituted in his memory in 1995.

Mexican Wilderness and Wildlife
By Ben Tinker

According to Joshua 6:1-27, the walls of Jericho fell after Joshua's Israelite army marched around the city blowing their trumpets.

What is a good shepherd of big horn sheep?

I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. -John 10 : 11-12

Bighorns inhabit a vast range, from the Rocky Mountains in Canada down to the deserts of the American Southwest. Dall Sheep For a math identity in occupation sake, it remains open whether the universal Horn theory of Heyting algebras, or word problem, is decidable.

Opinion | Richard North Patterson
America pays for Susan Collins’s failure of character

Psalm 141, verse 6, When their Judges are thrown over the cliff, then they shall hear my words, for they are pleasant.

Trump, McConnell and Kavanaugh have changed the game; there will be no more business as usual
An illegitimate president appointed an illegitimate justice. Show him the contempt he deserves
by Lucian K. Truscott IV

Starr Kavanaugh of Clinton Weiner's Lolita Express

According to the book, Mexican Wilderness and Wildlife, this is the best time of year, in October to see the white tail deer and antelope dance with joy over the bounty of the ground find fruits and berries and other botanical in Mexico. Up until early November too with the big horn sheep... however our Conservationists have their work cut out for them as the big horn sheep for those good shepherds with the ATF Gun Walking scandal, butting heads with Cartels and of course Age-specific, Deterministic Model of Predator-Prey Populations

On July 14, 1984, at age 26, Abbott was paralyzed below waist-level when an oak tree fell on him while he was jogging following a storm. Abbott Faces Questions on Settlement and His Advocacy of Tort Laws

Since Greg Abbott received a settlement following his 1984 accident, lawmakers have erected hurdles for lawsuits in personal injury cases. There is disagreement about whether Abbott could get a similar settlement now.

Google exec rephrases Tweet telling Republicans 'f--- you all to hell'

How did Mephibosheth become cripple?

According to the biblical narrative (2 Samuel 4:4), Mephibosheth was five years old when both his father and grandfather died at the Battle of Mount Gilboa. After the deaths of Saul and Jonathan, Mephibosheth's nurse took him and fled in panic. In her haste, the child fell, or was dropped while fleeing.

Mike Collier is a Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor of Texas.

Joan Baez - With God on Our Side (Live 1966)

Utah's 'Free-Range' Parenting Law Protects Parents So Kids Can Roam

Uriah Heep is a fictional character created by Charles Dickens in his novel David Copperfield.

The Bogardus Belongingness standoffish skittish brigadeiros party

Tear the fascists down - Woody Guthrie

Americas Archaeology

These notions of Uriah Heep (not the band as much as the David Copperfield book) and Mephibosheth are meaningful. AA works fur sum.

Imagine a Hispanic lady as governor of a state named after the native American word for 'friends'. Perhaps a mature Hispanic lady as Governor of the Great state of Texas may nation build with Mexico's president Obrador.

That ATF 'Fast and Furious' kicking guns down in Mexican standoffs for Cartels is of a big horn butt head nature.

Pete Seeger which side are you on

'Thank God for Taylor Swift': Voter registration in Tennessee booms after pop star's Democratic endorsements

Who was Jonathan's wife in the Bible?

Jonathan, in the Old Testament (I and II Samuel), eldest son of King Saul; his intrepidity and fidelity to his friend, the future king David, make him one of the most admired figures in the Bible. Jonathan is first mentioned in I Sam. 13:2, when he defeated a garrison of Philistines at Geba.

Billy Bragg - Waiting For The Great Leap Forward

Richard Linklater Ridicules Ted Cruz’s ‘Tough as Texas’ Tagline in New Political Ad

Everything I ever need to learn, I Learned in kindergarten.

What does the Bible say about lodebar?

Lo-debar was a town in the Old Testament in Gilead not far from Mahanaim, north of the Jabbok river (2 Samuel 9:4-5) in ancient Israel. It is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as the home of Machir, a contemporary of David. (2 Samuel 9:4,5). Lo-debar was also considered a ghetto town in biblical times.

What about that Jericho Wall and the conservationist Game Warden?

According to Joshua 6:1-27, the walls of Jericho fell after Joshua's Israelite army marched around the city blowing their trumpets.

In engineering, applied mathematics, and physics, the Buckingham p theorem is a key theorem in dimensional analysis.

The U.S. Agency for Global Media, formerly the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), is an independent agency of the United States government. In 2010 Senator Tom Coburn had written an open letter to then–Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell in August 2010 citing "longstanding concerns regarding transparency and effectiveness of our taxpayer funded international broadcasting agencies under the purview of the Broadcasting Board of Governors."

These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America

The U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948, popularly called the Smith–Mundt Act, is the basic legislative authorization for propaganda activities conducted by the U.S. Department of State, sometimes called "public diplomacy". Now, the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 (part of the National Defense Authorization Act) has repealed the domestic prohibition, as 'Anti-Propaganda' Ban Repealed, Freeing State Dept. To Direct Its Broadcasting Arm At American Citizens

Street-Fighting Mathematics
The Art of Educated Guessing and Opportunistic Problem Solving
By Sanjoy Mahajan

Ergodic theory (Greek: έργον ergon "work", όδος hodos "way") is a branch of mathematics that studies dynamical systems with an invariant measure and related problems. Its initial development was motivated by problems of statistical physics.

In probability theory, an ergodic dynamical system is one that, broadly speaking, has the same behavior averaged over time as averaged over the space of all the system's states in its phase space. In physics the term implies that a system satisfies the ergodic hypothesis of thermodynamics.

In number theory, the field of Diophantine approximation deals with the approximation of real numbers by rational numbers.

In mathematics, the Lagrange numbers are a sequence of numbers that appear in bounds relating to the approximation of irrational numbers by rational numbers.

In mathematics, Dedekind cuts, named after German mathematician Richard Dedekind, are а method of construction of the real numbers from the rational numbers.

It is 1,023.1 miles between La Grange Texas and Louisville Tennessee.

In number theory, a Liouville number is a real number x with the property that, for every positive integer n, there exist integers p and q with q > 1 and such that

A Liouville number can thus be approximated "quite closely" by a sequence of rational numbers. In 1844, Joseph Liouville showed that all Liouville numbers are transcendental, thus establishing the existence of transcendental numbers for the first time.

The religious right traded morals for Supreme Court seats. Was Trump worth it?

The term conjunto refers to several types of small musical ensembles present in different Latin American musical traditions, mainly in Mexico and Cuba.

He was once called a “danger to Mexico.” Now he’s its next president.

Por Qué Me Dejas(Because you leave me)
Javier Solis

Tejano - a style of folk or popular music originating among the Tejanos, with elements from Mexican-Spanish vocal traditions and Czech and German dance tunes and rhythms, traditionally played by small groups featuring accordion and guitar.

quantum computing
Graduate Student Solves Quantum Verification Problem
Urmila Mahadev spent eight years in graduate school solving one of the most basic questions in quantum computation: How do you know whether a quantum computer has done anything quantum at all?

The Reynolds number is a dimensionless value that measures the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces and describes the degree of laminar or turbulent flow.

Economist Paul Romer
AP/Richard Drew
Not Mathematica inclined.
This year’s Nobel Prize in economics was awarded to a Python convert
By Dan Kopf

Was There a Connection Between a Russian Bank and the Trump Campaign?
A team of computer scientists sifted through records of unusual Web traffic in search of answers.

Romney calls family separations ‘dark chapter’ in US history
By Chris Mills Rodrigo

Lupe Valdez Comes on Strong in Debate Against Greg Abbott. But is it Enough?

The annual Austin City Limits Music Festival, held in Austin, Texas each year, is one of the reasons Austin is the Live Music Capital of the World.

Kinematic viscosity is the measure of the inherent resistance of a fluid to flow when no external force is exerted, except gravity. Kinematic viscosity can be obtained by dividing the absolute viscosity of a fluid with the fluid mass density.


Lupe Valdez for Texas Governor


Between Generation Bet Hedging Theories

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