How to apply for a Vaccination Exemption Form for public school- It's not as scary as you think!
Vaccine Exemption Process

I wanted to share our experience in researching and filing for a vaccine exemption form needed for public school enrollment. We are half way through the summer and I know I am already thinking about school clothes, supplies lists and lunch boxes. If this is your first child entering the public school system, and you do not vaccinate, there is a bit of added stress. Don't worry, it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. I think people make a big deal out of it purely as a scare tactic. The best advice I can give you is to research and know the law in your state and hold people accountable for knowing the law as well. Do not back down and give up. Most importantly, take a deep breath and one step at a time.
Know the Law of the Land
Medical & Religious & Philosophical/Other
Exemption requirements:
RS 46:231.4
"If the student or his parent or guardian submits either a written statement from a physician stating that the procedure is contraindicated for medical reasons, or a written dissent from the student or his parent or guardian is presented," the child will be exempted from vaccination requirements.
This website has general info, state requirements and exemption info and forms for K-12, Higher Education and Day Care.
This is the form we filled out for an exemption.
Texas law allows (a) physicians to write medical exemption statements that the vaccine(s) required would be medically harmful or injurious to the health and well-being of the child or household member, and (b) parents/guardians to choose an exemption from immunization requirements for reasons of conscience, including a religious belief.
This website has general info, state requirements and exemption info and forms for K-12, Higher Education and Day Care.
This is the form we filled out for exemption.
This link will take you to the State Vaccination Requirements by state, so you an look up whatever state you live in.
Make an Informed Decision
Whether you choose to vaccinate on the recommended schedule, delayed schedule or not at all, do your research!! Make whatever decision you decide based on facts and your own conscience. Then, when someone questions you, you have the knowledge to back up your decision.
This is a list of indie documentaries that taught me a lot about what is really going on with vaccines.
I really encourage you to watch these, along with other research, to make your decision. I shortened all the links, so that the youtube windows wouldn't clog up the post.
I will be posting my reviews of these films in a future post.
The Silent Epidemic -
Trace Amounts -
The Greater Good -
Shots In The Dark -
Vaccination - The Hidden Truth -
Lethal Injection -
Bought -
Deadly Immunity -
Autism - Made in the USA -
Beyond Treason -
Why We Don't Vaccinate -
The truth behind vaccinations-
Here is a list of every single ingredient that goes into every vaccine administered in the United States.
Here you can find personal accounts from vaccine injured families.
Why we chose not to vaccinate our children?
We feel like the risk of vaccine injury far outweighs the benefits. When we both did our research we realized there was just too much uncertainty associated with the ingredients in vaccines that can potentially cause an injury. There aren’t enough studies done to find out what exactly is going on. You have thousands of children being harmed and the pharmaceutical companies involved do not want to take responsibility. Any concerned parent realizes that if the pharmaceutical companies aren’t going to take responsibility for the drug they are administering, it then becomes your job to take responsibility for what you allow to be put into your child’s body. I mean, isn’t it our job to do what is best for our kids? How can you say you’re doing that if you do not look at the whole picture? We must ask these questions. We must make it a priority to see no more children vaccine injured, starting with my own. I am not against the idea of vaccines, I am against the extra shit that is put in vaccines that our bodies are not built to process. This is where I believe we have gone wrong and what is injuring our children. That, and greed.
In simple terms
“Reasons of conscience” applies to every able minded parent or guardian so there basically is no law that requires you to vaccinate your child. Anyone can file an exemption for any reason. That is stated in the law so that anyone can legally deny.
The Moment of Truth
When we enrolled our boys in school we did not receive any discrimination or adverse reaction. No one looked at us with a judging look. No one made it difficult. Our choice was accepted and respected in both Louisiana and Texas. We just have to make sure that we are educated on the law and renew our vaccine exemption every year.
This is the form we filled out for our youngest son in Texas. This is done online.
When you send the form you get a confirmation message. No one ever calls you to confirm or tries to interview you. It's as simple as filling out the form correctly and receiving your affidavit exemption.
This is the affidavit we received in the mail a few weeks later. You have to get it notarized before turning it in to your school.
The schools usually require a new notarized affidavit every year and as you see, you can order up to 5 per child.
It takes a Village
We are surrounded by a community of families that do not vaccinate or are on a delayed vaccine schedule and we know a few families with vaccine injured children. When my husband was researching exemption options for our oldest son he found an organization within the Catholic Church that educated and encouraged the Catholic community against vaccination. It's important to remember to simply educate yourself, listen to your heart and your gut instinct as a parent. We are not responsible for saving all children from being vaccine injured, although I would love to think that speaking out against the risks involved helps spread the truth, but we can only take responsibility for our own family. I hope this information has helped ease your nerves on dealing with the public school system and possibly educated you a little more on the risks involved with vaccines.
Look for my next posts, where I will be reviewing each one of the films posted above. We can all discuss our thoughts and opinions.
My quote is "It Takes a Village" and I have been finding part of my village in the Steemit Community in the likes of

Thank-you for posting!
This will be useful and reassuring information for many parents.
I'm glad that you are speaking out about these things here,
... and I'm glad to be part of your village!
Its very nice to find a like minded community!!
Yay Steemit Community!
This is a very good post, I am glad there are people like you on here. I was surprised to see my name in your post, this community really is amazing and feels like home.
I am glad to have found such an awesome community. Its nice to share common interests with people I have never met.
Thanks for speaking out. The louder we become the easier it will be of the truth to be heard.
Top notch article that should be widely shared! Vaccinations are for PROFIT and not for health! Great work, following ;-) #BigPharma
Thank you very much @nzfxtrader!!
Resteem please! 😊
Done! Hope many others do too ...
Hello, my name is Urma.
I currently take care of a young adult who was vaccine injured with Autism after receiving the Varicella vaccine. Today he has improved considerably, however, it is clear that the Autism is still preventing him from leading a normal life.
Please if you care about your child's health, don't get vaccinated
I completely agree and I am so thankful that we made the right decision as parents.
Thank you @weetreebonsai!!!!!
Thanks for all the links. We delayed vaccines with our first. With our second baby I was severely bullied by the nurses, the doctor, and the office manager to give them all at once, because he was "behind schedule". I was by myself, severely sleep deprived, and was literally balling crying in the office as they shot him up, by a doctor who supposedly supported delayed vaxes. Naturally we changed doctors.