Full Documentary | ‘Sacrificial Virgins’ – HPV: Protection or Profit?
Another insight into the tragic consequences felt by so many teenage girls from the often life debilitating Vaccination that is Gardasil.
If you haven’t already watched ‘The Greater Good’ – We highly recommend it.
The following excerpt has been taken from Naturalblaze.com
What are “sacrificial virgins,” you may be asking?
They are young, pre-teen and/or teenage girls, who are targeted for receiving the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines [Gardasil®, Gardasil 9® and Cervarix®] prior to becoming sexually active under the unproven pretext of preventing contracting HPV of which there are over 100 strains, and/or cervical cancer later on in life.
SACRIFICIAL VIRGINS is to be applauded, plus spotlighted, insofar as it adds to the growing list of undeniable documentaries detailing the disturbing life altering FACTUAL adverse events brought on by vaccines, which have not been properly tested—as in the case of one HPV vaccine, which added another type of aluminum adjuvant to the on-the-market-brand and which was not included in the Cervarix safety trial and data submitted for vaccine licensure, which is an apparent scientific and research fraudulent act.
Renowned UK aluminium expert professor Dr. Christopher Exley is engaged in a discussion about that Cervarix ‘caper’ starting at 8:54 minutes on the timeline of Part III.
For further information about SACRIFICIAL VIRGINS, please contact the filmmaker via Email at [email protected], or via telephone in the UK at 44 7957 585515.
However and personally, I would feel remiss in not recognizing the undeniably incredible work of SaneVax in researching, tracking and exposing the horrors of HPV vaccines globally for many years. Please see their commendable website and take note of the side bar “HPV Vaccine VAERS Reports 12/14/17,” which reports the following statistics taken directly from the CDC’s VAERS Reporting System:
Abnormal Pap Smear ……………. 636
Cervical Dysplasia…………………..300
Cervical Cancer……………………….146
Did Not Recover………………..10,980
Emergency Room………………15,102
Total Adverse Events…………55,788
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