Murderous Measles: 2 Confirmed measles deaths in the U.S. in the last 15 years
Hello dear friends. This article is long and with a great deal of outrageous autism. I think it must have had its MMR shot, It’s so bad! Well, enjoy! LolololoL
Oh, no! If only she would have came in just 1 hour later. How could she have known, that the health clinic did nothing to disinfect the clinic? They only had an hour after the measles man, to do so.
In All seriousness though, I’m not here to make fun at the loss of a human being (supposing this is even happened exactly the way they say it did). However, I will make fun at one of the most ridiculous articles, in all its attempts to fear monger, and appeal to emotion, I’ve ever read.
Okay! Vaccinated! Case closed right? Oh, but she is immunologically compromised because of her medication? Okay, that sucks. She was infected at the clinic, by a man who was an anti vaxxer? Or was he also vaccinated but still contracted measles. It happens all the time, right? In fact if it weren’t for the vaccine, Wild measles would have burned itself out long ago.
Umm, considering it’s ‘killed’ one person (who was immune compromised) in the whole United States (population of over 350 million) in 2015. Umm yeah, that’s pretty friggin harmless. Not to mention, that’s not the claim of anti-vaxxers, it’s just a fact. They certainly treated it as harmless back in the late 60s on tv shows like the Brady Bunch.
Play with other’s lives? Like with abortion? Oh, you meant vaccines, I shouldn’t have a choice on what goes into my body? Quick question, are you up to date with all your vaccinations ms. Knudsen? If not, you will be

Mandatory Vaccination: You’ll Get What You Asked for, and MORE.
Well yeah, that’s what herd immunity really is. You only need an immunity rate of about 60% with wild virus infection. In fact, mother’s who would get the measles and other viruses would confer immunity to their unborn child naturally. Vaccines (which fail even at a rate of 100% vaccinated population) have destroyed this natural conferring of immunity between mother and child. It actually does the opposite as children become more susceptible to contracting these viruses at an earlier age.

Lady, your daughter was weakened by modern medicine. That’s the only reason this normally benign virus was able to do what it did. Supposing it really was the cause or just associated with the death, such as the case for the majority of flu deaths tallied.
Don't Drink the Fear Porn Tea: Facts about Influenza
That’s 12 years in between measles deaths! The CDC thinks it’s like one... ONE person MIGHT die of measles in 2019. This article to argue for our side 😂
Since we are bringing up measles cases. How about the outbreak in New York back in 2011? Wanna talk about that one?

Well done, Knudsen! You’re truly a good mom for poisoning your kids, you only lost one of them after. That’s good statistics! (Sarcasm)
So? Sorry but, who runs the Who? The United Nations, Okay, well that’s the problem then. lol
300% rise. Should we be concerned? Well it should only spread to the unvaccinated, right? Oh, and the immune compromised! So after that we should be all good, right? The vaccine works so there’s no reason to worry about vaccinated people...right?
Now by misinformation do you mean the information provided by official studies, stats, and msm articles that run in direct contradiction to the big pharma claims about their vaccines?
By the end of the outbreak there should be a good chunk of Orthodox Jews with a lifetime immunity to measles. Bravo!👏
How about your keep your immune compromised child in a clean environment. Stop letting strangers cough on them or whatever you are worried about. Although, I advise that you keep your kids away from recently vaccinated people. They are literal measles spreaders, as they shed live measles virus for several weeks after the initial shot.
1600 cases and not one death So far in 2019. Wow, sounds like measles is fucking up!
110,000 died? Where? In third world countries with poor health services? Yeah, I’m sure they very well could have a death toll like that in such conditions. Why is this relevant? Oh, that’s right, it’s not! There’s just so little to go on with regards to the US. Gotcha! 😉
What does this have to do with kids? It was a 52 yr old mystery man that supposedly infected your daughter. Why the focus on kids? Well, because the effects of vaccine toxins are more harmful to children. It destroys a great deal of the immune system the child developed from mommy, if she was able to breast feed that is.
It was probably the vaccinations you forced your daughter to get when she was a kid that caused her autoimmune disease in the first place. How would that be for a bit of cruel irony, am I right?
Here’s where they try to tug at your heart strings, because they know that emotion is a powerful tool when trying to convince people of your bullshit.
Look, if it all went down the way they claim it did in this article, I’m sorry to hear that. However, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s unethical for the government force humans to be injected toxins into their bodies against their will. Your daughter’s death was an isolated incident from 4 years ago! Just No!...NO!
Now, why do you suppose they wouldn’t name the man? Maybe because there was no man? Hmmm?
Another joke? Only 18 students out of 115 were not vaccinated. Oh! 18 is a chunk? lol REALLY? Honestly, this article could seriously be used to argue against vaccines. I suppose that’s why I’m addressing now. Just so many terrible points being made here, the worst!
Falsehoods huh? Tell that to millions of parents with a child that was fine one day and after they get their vaccines, were changed forever. Go on and talk to the parent’s of vaccine injured or killed children and tell them they are a falsehood. Have fun with that!
Ms. Knudsen thinks losing her (adult) daughter was awful. Just imagine losing your child and then having to raise their living corpse for the rest of your life!
Umm if by widely tested you mean, an unsolicited human guinea pig experiment, then yeah. However, there’s been no official human trials on the safety of any vaccine... ever.
Yes, it really shows how insignificant is in comparison to all the families affected by vaccine injuries or deaths.
Yes, her death was only discovered after an autopsy. That’s because no one usually dies of measles. Also, It’s really odd that during all those months leading up to her daughter’s death. They couldn’t find out what was wrong. Isn’t measles rather noticeable and easy to test for? Really really odd.
Well, I hope you were able to laugh at the insanity in this article. It’s really the only way to cope with the blatant lies and emotional manipulation. Thanks and until next time.
Reporting from the BRAVE NEW WORLD, I am...
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You were right, this is long!
Most of the childhood vaccinations aren't against terribly lethal diseases. Polio is often lethal or debilitating. Whooping cough can kill infants that are too young for treatment. Mumps can have serious repercussions. Rubella can be a major problem in some circumstances. Hep B can be a lifelong illness depending on what type you get.
But most of the rest are just inconvenient and annoying. Measles, chickenpox, rotovirus, etc.
Yes, however keep in mind. All those diseases were declining prior to the vaccine. Matter of fact it was a marketing tactic by big pharma to release a vaccine once infection rates of a disease was going down. Giving the the appearance that the vaccine was working.
Look at other countries that don’t have the same vaccine schedule as the US. Are they having massive outbreaks? No.
In the third world countries that have poor health services and bad plumbing, most definitely. Hygiene and heath services make all the difference in the prevention and treatment of diseases.
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