Vaccine Mandates, Public School and Homeschooling! Truther Talk Back 2 School Series!
In our Back2School Series we focused on the the tough decision parent's face when sending their children to school.
Is the education system, really an 'education' and why do they require us to take part in medical procedures such as vaccination to attend? Doesn't this violate the Nuermberg Code? The public school system is dumbing us down in more ways than one. Learn the truth...
Listen to Part 1 Truther Talk Episode 14 here:
In Truther Talk Episode 14 April Boden and Virstyne Henry have a jam packed show welcoming three guests to share their knowledge and insights about vaccines, vaccine mandates and the public school system.
Previous guest, Sara Sotomayor comes back to give her perspective on the day’s topics and discuss her new blog, about her Gardasil vaccine injury and subsequent healing journey.
Vaccine mom, expert, researcher, activist and former DAN (Defeat Autism Now) practioner, Marcella Piper-Terry joins April and Virstyne to share her expertise and experience on vaccination. Marcella is also the co-founder of non-profit that provides excellent articles and information. Please check out and make a donation for offering an invaluable service by putting up their famous billboards, “No Shots, No School, Not True!”
Erica Goldson whose viral youtube video of her valedictorian speech joins Truther Talk to close out the show and give her take on the public school system. You won’t want to miss this lively conversation. To view Erica’s video and read some of her essays, check out her blog at [email protected].
Also view her speech, Expanding Horizons of Education: Erica Goldson at TEDxBeloHorizonte at:
She can be contacted at [email protected].
Listen to Part 2 Episode 15 of TT here:
In Episode 15 of TT April and Virstyne can’t seem to get enough of back to school talk so they decided to do a sequel to their last show. Starting off with a post-show letter from last week’s guest, youtube sensation, Erica Goldson.
Continuing, they welcome Patricia Finn, New York lawyer who provides legal services regarding immunization exemptions and cases involving vaccine injuries. Recently she has been the object of harassment as a result of her efforts. You can find more about Patricia at and
Finally they welcome guest, Dawn Winkler, the California State Co-director of the National Vaccine Information Center and Executive Director of Health Advocacy in the Public Interest or HAPI Which can be found at Dawn has been extremely active in the Vaccine Truth movement and is currently working to stop California bill AB2109 intended to change current vaccine exemption laws in California. Her facebook group CA against AB2109 can be found at!/groups/393039350720224/. For more information about the bill and vaccine exemptions rights go to: Californians for vaccine choice.
Listen to Part 3 Truther Talk Episode 44 here:
Truther Talk Episode 44: Back 2 School 2013! April and Virstyne talk vaccines… vaccine mandates, exemptions, dangers and individual rights.
In the first segment they discuss the anti-health freedom, pro-big pharma bill California AB2109 with vaccine truth activist, Dawn Winkler. Dawn gets into what the vaccine laws presently are in California and what it may look like in the future.
For more information on this bill and Dawn’s work with the NVIC / National Vaccine Information Center go to:
-NVIC: and
-Californian’s Against AB2109:
In the next segment die hard truth activist from NYC, Sallie Elkordy, takes a break from her busy activism schedule to discuss the latest in New York on the anti-parental rights, vaccine bill, A00497.
Please join Sallie’s campaign to ban all vaccines at:
Support her run for NYC Public Advocate on facebook at:…/587347554614900
And listen to her radio show at:
Educate before you vaccinate.
Peace, truth and love...
Horrified to hear about the push, in California, to mandate home visits, by Child Protective Services for ALL homeschooling families!!!!
Yeah we are too... It's terrifying
Mandate health and nutrition
Mandate liability
Mandate accountability
Mandate vitamins and minerals
Someone is trolling me lol