COVID19, hemoglobin oxygen carrying iron ion disruption, and vaccine metals toxicity
While researching the history of Pb sugar of lead consumption, I remember iron depletion being a key component of lead toxicity, and iron depletion causes oxidative stress. Other heavy metals also involve gross imbalances in essential metal nutrients such as copper and zinc which in turn leads to a multitude of diseases and genetic mutations. Although aluminum is not considered to be a heavy metal, it can have the same effect.
Heavy metals (and heavy metal ions) are cumulative in the human body. They hide in various organs and ultimately in bones where bone marrow manufactures new red blood cells. As we age, we accumulate a lifetime of metals in the body that shouldn't be there. As you know, elderly people are the second largest segment of the population targeted for yearly vaccines, and they submit willingly. Note that pneumonia vaccine is targeted towards the elderly more than any other segment of the population.
Here is a simplistic explanation for how vaccines are causing brain inflammation and damage in the form of autism, dementia, alzheimers, and infant death by SIDS. Ingredients such as formaldehyde are included to induce immediate inflammation and tissue damage at the injection site. The human body launches macrophages to attack and swallow up the offending invader. With that toxic invader are metal ions such as aluminum and mercury. The macrophages then carry those metal ions across the blood brain barrier where it results in brain inflammation, oxidative stress, and a host of other problems such as misfolded proteins and amyloid plaques.
But the brain is only the first and most symptomatic place where this damage is occurring!
We should be asking the question of how many severe and/or fatal cases of CoVid19 victims recently had a vaccine in the fall of 2019. Although the pharmaceutical industry claims that metals such as aluminum and mercury in vaccines is too small to cause harm, actual testing on vaccines has proven that claim to be false many times. It's always brushed off as a rare manufacturing anomaly or the lab results are completely denied. How can we possibly know what might have been in recent vaccines that were injected into various demographic populations or in what amounts? It's sort of like the time that live H1N1 virus was discovered in vaccines being prepared for distribution. They claimed that it was an accident, and the pharmaceutical company didn't even receive a slap on the hand. There was no published investigation concerning how such a thing could happen. What if recent vaccines have been bastardized with high amounts of toxic ingredients for deliberate and nefarious purposes such as what we are seeing right now?
If large amounts of toxic metals were to be deliberately and nefariously included in a future mandatory CoVid19 vaccine and subsequent vaccines that would also be mandated, a eugenics plan disguised as the CoVid19 pandemic could be stretched out for a very long time while killing many millions or even billions of people. Those in the know would invest accordingly in order to profit from it.
Please look at these publications in the order that they appear - beginning with the first one describing disruption in hemoglobin iron ions causing oxidative stress in CoVid19 patients.