Vaccines DO NOT STOP Disease!

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

These graphs visually illustrate major declines in life-threatening infectious diseases in North America, Europe, and New Zealand before public immunization programs were introduced.

It is irrefutable evidence that vaccines are not necessary for the effective elimination of a wide range of infectious diseases.

Water, sanitation and food are responsible for disease decline - not vaccines!

Arrows on the graphs indicate when vaccines were introduced - long after we can see major declines in Measles, Tuberculosis, Scurvy, Pertussis, Scarlet Fever and Influenza.

Source: Public Health Agency of Canada

Sources: McKeown, T., The Role of Medicine: Dream, Mirage or Nemesis?; Basil Blackwell; Oxford, UK; 1979; p. 105; & Waltzkin, H., in The Relevance of Social Science for Medicine; Springer; 1st edition, Dec. 31, 1980

Sources: Data for years 1919-1967 Mortality Statistics: Deaths Registered in England & Wales; UK Office for National Statistics, 1997

Sources: Timeline of TB in Canada 1 & Timeline of TB in Canada 2 & Public Health Agency of Canada & PHAC on BCG usage in Canada

Source: John H. Dingle; Life and Death in Medicine; Scientific American; 1973; p. 56

Source: Director General Annual Mortality Reports Covering 1872-1960, New Zealand Parliamentary Journals for the Years Specified

Sources: Vital Statistics of the United States 1937-1960; & Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970 Part 1 Ch. B Vital Statistics and Health and Medical Care, pp. 44-86H

Source: Thomas McKeown, The Role of Medicine: Dream, Mirage or Nemesis?; Basil Blackwell; Oxford, UK; 1979; p. 103

Source: Data for years 1919-1967 Mortality Statistics: Deaths Registered in England & Wales; UK Office for National Statistics, 1997

Sources: Vital Statistics of the United States 1937-1960; & Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970 Part 1 Ch. B Vital Statistics and Health and Medical Care, pp. 44-86H

Source: Doshi, P., Trends in Recorded Influenza Mortality: United States 1900-2004, American Journal of Public Health, May 2008, vol. 98, no. 5, p. 941

Thank you to Dr Raymond Obomsawin Ph.D. for preparing this study.


Vaccines are not necessary for the effective elimination of a wide range of infectious diseases! That is a myth and it is our duty to share the truth about vaccines with as many people as we can.

Tomorrow I will post a set of graphs showing that vaccines are not a proven and foolproof measure for protection from various infectious disease conditions. I hope that you will join me!

Till then…

Yours in Health & Truth

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Fantastic to see you back @steemtruth we've missed you.
Great post my freind, you can't argue with the numbers. Most people only believe that vaccines have saved them because of the constant propaganda telling them that's the case but we know different.
It's about time the majority learned that they are being poisoned and scammed by bid Pharma and their government puppets.
Great comeback post dude, welcome back.

Thank you so much for your support and kind words @tremendospercy - it's great to be back!


That says it all right there. Plain as day.

If individuals choose not to see common sense, that's their problem.

It becomes my problem pretty fast though, when they want to force vaccines on me and my family. Thanks for speaking out @steemtruth, it helps!

I couldn't agree more about forced vaccines @lyndsaybowes. It's disgraceful and another example of governments believing they own us. Our bodies, our choice. Thanks for commenting.


Here HERE!

Crazy that people think health comes from laboratories!

We have nutritional deficiencies from nature not drug deficiencies from science.

Oh but todd I'm a Doctor I went to school to get a license to practice medicine. Oh yeah
People went to school to get a license to practice driving! Does that mean they are all good drivers ?

Rockefeller funded drug thug puppets !

Excellent work @steemtruth, indeed this type of knowledge is like garlic to the vaccine vampires that are seeking control over our bodies! Equally it's the type of knowledge that for some strange reason the majority still don't want to hear! With each passing week there seems to be a new vaccine and it's blatantly obvious that said vaccines have become a cash cow of the highest order!! Really good to have you back and firing all cylinders my friend!!

'Garlic to the vaccine vampires' - love it and so true. It's good to be back. Thank you my friend!

The Introduction Of Vaccine Pathogens Grown In Human Tissue Coincides With Explosion In Autism Rates

There are a wide range of people who have their suspicions when it comes to vaccines and their possible side-effects. With this most people tend to focus on some of the various additives and preservatives which are added to the various injections to extend their shelf life, such as Thimerosal. While most focus on that aspect, I wanted to bring up another element that relates to vaccines and their possible side effects, that aren’t talked about as much, specifically in regards to the explosion in developmental disorders such as Autism.

Understand, for every vaccine created they need a medium to grow the pathogens in. These pathogens are neutralized after being grown, but will still trigger an immune response none the less. In the past, the pathogens were grown in animal tissue, such as monkey tissue, dog tissue, cat tissue, and so on. If a person had an adverse reaction to the vaccines grown in animal tissue, in most cases the worst that would happen is the person would get an allergy for that animal, and this is actually the most common reason for a person developing pet allergies in the past.

With this in mind, the powers that be understood that if there was ever a way to grow these vaccine pathogens in human tissue instead of animal tissue, that it would be possible to cause a fairly large number of people to develop an immune reaction against their own bodies, causing a wide range of negative effects against the individual. In the early 1980s growing vaccine pathogens in human tissue became possible, and started being used in some vaccine manufacturing, which stated that using human tissue to grow the vaccine pathogens avoided all chances of having animal DNA cause problems, but with this didn't mention the possible problems that human tissue grown pathogens could cause. Coincidentally the explosion in autism numbers coincide perfectly with the introduction of vaccines grown in human tissue and their steady increase in use over the years, and now-a-days the majority of vaccines are grown in human tissue (which are mainly derived from aborted fetuses).

The problem is, as an unavoidable consequence of this method, small amounts of human tissue can become attached to whatever pathogen they grow in it, and when injected, the immune system identifies the pathogen and everything that is with it as the enemy. This can then cause the persons immune system to attack not only the pathogen, but also various parts of the person’s body where the foreign human tissue settles most. With this in mind, Autism appears to possibly be primarily caused by human tissue grown vaccines such as the MMR vaccine (Measles, Mumps, Rubella), which appears to settle in various parts of the human brain, and in cases where foreign human tissue is found can have a high intensity auto-immune response to the foreign tissue, doing irreversible damage to the targeted area. The amount of damage done to the person appears to be mostly dependent on the intensity of the auto-immune response and the specific location of the response inside the person’s body, which in extreme cases appears to be able to cause developmental disorders such as Autism.

I will some it up for you.

Drug Thugs Big pHARMa Rockefeller Funded < Ignorant Doctors trusting LIARS > 26 doses of vaccines the first year of life >
Aluminum + Polysorbate 80> Over stimulated microglia and astrocytes
constantly pouring out pro inflammatory cytokines during the immunological programming of the brain >
Cytokine storm > Brain inflammation > Encephalopathy > Demyelination > Damage to the protective covering (myelin sheath) that surrounds
nerve fibers in your brain, optic nerves and spinal cord > Nerve impulses slow or even stop > Neurological problems > Oh it is just a
fever that is normal when neurotoxins cross the blood brain barrier > Just take tylenol >
Great deplete your glutathione which is necessary for the removal of heavy metals > Next well baby visit more doses > More Aluminum >
More activation > More inflammation More destruction > Autism.

Try building a house in a storm.

#1 cause of Autism? Ignorant
Doctors trusting liars.
Any medical professional who believes that it is justified to inject neurotoxins, antibiotics, antigens, preservatives,
adjuvants, stabilizers, buffers, emulsifiers, polysorbate 80, aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, live viruses, egg protein,
human DNA, human cell lines from aborted infants, and protein from human blood into any person to prevent any disease is
completely misguided, misinformed, deluded and ignorant of any logic regarding human health.

What do you think autistic kids have going on?
Neuroglial activation!

Don't forget about MTHFR gene mutation and Mycoplasma.

Vaccinating with human body parts can cause the recipient to produce antibodies to human tissue. Children produce antibodies to every component of the vaccine, and not simply the viruses. This can cause demylination of the nerves and auto-immune disorders. Children who have been vaccinated with MMR and later suffered autism have been found to have antibodies to their own brain tissue, and this may be a consequence of using foetal tissue in MMR. ‘Susana C. Silva, Catarina Correia and Astrid M. Vicente at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras, Portugal and colleagues studied the blood of a large sample of individuals - 171 patients, 191 parents and 54 healthy controls - and report that autistic patients are in fact characterised by presenting in their blood high levels of non-inherited antibodies against the body’s brain tissue.’ (Dr Catarina Amorim; Journal of Neuroimmunology; Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Observatório da Ciência e do Ensino Superior, Portugal; July 23, 2004).

Vaccines spread disease. They are no longer needed in western civilization given cleaner food and water plus sanitation is what cured most diseases. Vaccines are now being used to sicken us which is very evil..

First post for me :) Excellent stuff @steemtruth

This guy said it all for me:

I'm honored to be your first post @madevi - welcome to steemit!

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This take a particularly unique type of stupid. Deaths are the most coarse measurement of what epidemic diseases do to human populations. The decreasing death trends were due to medicine getting better at keeping victims if disease alive but did nothing to relieve the life long damage done by these infections By ignoring measures of Morbididty the author tries to make the case that the slaughterhouse that is the "natural world" was getting better all by itself and was soon to enter a nirvana where infectious disease was a thing of the past. Hardly the case. However with China reported another outbreak of plague, bringing to 7 the total numbers of countries reporting cases this year we are soon to get a front and center view of what epidemic disease looks like once again.

The readiness of the general public to mistake correlation with causation fascinates me. A similar graph can be found for polio incidents, which is possibly the #1 argument for vaccines. The dogmatic nature of pro-vaxxers shaming anti-vaxxers while claiming the intellectual and moral high ground is amusing; charlatans. We also tend to believe public universities provide an education, when they truly only provide an indoctrination. "I never let school get in the way of my education" -Mark Twain.

I checked out your sources regarding Tuberculosis and the BCG vaccine in Canada (first link doesn't work, you might want to fix it).

You are showing the mortality rate which tends to go to zero after WW2. However, the incidence rate (people contracting the disease) peaks around 1948, the time of the introduction of the vaccine (although according to this source: it was introduced as early as 1933 in some regions). After that the incidence dramatically declines. That speaks another message than you are trying to convey.

Nice one on leaving this information out.

Also, the BCG vaccine is the weakest vaccine there is and is not recommended anymore in Canada and other industrialized countries. No reason to focus so much on it here.

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