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RE: Putting a face to the dangers of vaccines

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

I’m sorry @marymg2014, but I think Bernie may be heavily invested in the vaccine industry. His reaction is over the top! I’m not going to write a long response but I’m getting to work on the history of vaccines and horror stories of modern has nothing to do with profits and control


Have you see the documentary Rockefeller Medicine it is enlightening.

I look forward to your post.

Not yet but I've read about how they started our modern day medical monopoly!

I believe the phrase is "follow the money" Let me know what you think of it.

I will my friend and I will also start supporting the people who are against forced medicine!

The minute something is mandated and forced credibility goes away.

I've been fighting a wonky immune system since the early 90s and the medical establishment almost medicated me to death. When I say I understand, I really understand!

I am so sorry to hear that, my last severe reaction put me in the hospital and when I followed up with my PCP he felt I needed a FULL cardiac workup. INSANE!!!

It is insane, I read your article, so sorry about all this, I've been through the rashes and swollen eyes from my food allergies and reactions to mold. I was in the hospital several times a year through the 90s for bladder/kidney and lung infections. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I avoided vaccines because my Mom told me I had violent reactions to vaccines with my early childhood vaccines. We don't know why my immune system went wonky. I've gained back mobility and I am healthy most of the time now but it is like walking a tightrope. I have to be so careful with my stress levels and diet.

Prevention is better than cure.
Also, we should not see the health related issue from the perspective of an investor or a businessman.
It is a serious issue while there is already a serious consequences of climatic change which is happening.

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