Stealth Vaccination in the US

in #vaccines5 years ago


A few months ago my adult son had to be hospitalized. He has been gravely harmed by western medicine and its "treatment" for Crohn's disease since his diagnosis at the age of eight. We initially tried to treat my son with a variety of natural holistic treatments, but the schools insisted that he have western medical treatment, and I did not want to lose custody, so we agreed.

First came the prednisone, which wrecked his emotional well-being. Then came a slew of immuno-suppressant medications. Then came the anti-depressants, the benzos, the antibiotics, several other steroids, muscle relaxers, antacids, and finally biologics. By the time he was twelve, he was getting regular infusions of an early biologic, Remicade. My kitchen counter looked like a shelf in a pharmacy.

Since his liberation from public school and entry into adulthood, we have successfully implemented a very simple but demanding protocol to manage his Crohn's disease, the GAPS protocol. However, his issues have long included far more than just an autoimmune disease, and he all too often requires western medical attention.

At every visit he is asked if he has had the flu vaccine - this question seems to be mandatory for all medical facilities to ask. I recently went to an orthopedist and there the question was, in bold lettering, just under my name on the first page: Have you had the flu vaccine? I asked the office staff why they needed to know that and they shrugged their shoulders. Read on to find out why it's there.

Whenever my son is asked if he has had the flu vaccine or wants one, he answers unequivocally "No." But at one point during his week in the hospital, I noticed that his records said he had received a flu vaccine during that visit! I asked him if he had gotten a shot and he said "no". He would definitely have remembered that he'd been administered a shot, so I brushed it off and thought the medical records must have been wrong.

Today I watched a video, provided below, in which a nurse explains that one of the papers a patient in the US must sign just before undergoing any procedure involving general anesthesia is a consent form. In it you give your consent for "biogenics" to be administered if the doctors deem them necessary. If you have told the hospital that you have not had the flu vaccine (and the pneumococcal vaccine if you are over 65) then your chart reads that this vaccine is due. Once you are under anesthesia, you are given the shot whether you have previously refused it or not. No one tells you that they did this, but if you get your medical records you can see it there.

My son had a colonoscopy sometime during that hospitalization. I believe he was given a flu vaccine, against both of our stated wishes and without any consent, at that time. There is nothing we can do - he had signed the misleading consent form, not knowing what it entailed.

His medical issues are significant, far more complicated than a simple autoimmune disease, and are very difficult to manage. We meticulously minimize toxins in his food, water, clothing, environment and medicinal substances, and thought he had not had a vaccine and the toxins those contain for many years.

Unfortunately, he had a second procedure a few months after the hospital stay which involved anesthesia. He again told them he had not had the shot (we did not know that he had), again verbally refused, and again signed the papers without giving them any thought.

I am certain that if I look up the medical records from that second visit I will find that he was given another flu vaccine just a few months later because a new flu "season" was upon us. It is possible for a patient to be given many vaccines a year without their knowing, especially the elderly who are automatically given both the flu vaccine and the pneumococcal vaccine while they are under anesthesia for any procedure, if they reported that they have not been vaccinated. This can happen several times a year, because they do not know they have had the vaccines!

As I understand it, the only way to protect yourself from receiving these unwanted vaccines is to write "NO VACCINES" on all consent forms and to initial them. My adult children and I will now write that on every medical paper we sign.

FYI - a bill to make HPV vaccines mandatory for all children attending school in NYS has been introduced in the state senate. This bill is sure to pass. NYS is, after all, the state that recently had a bill eliminating all exemptions for school children introduced in committee, passed by both houses and signed by the governor all in one day. It won't be long for this one to become law and most children will be getting an HPV shot before the age of five.

All images are my own unless otherwise stated.

The video was made by Jefferey Jaxen for the organization and was published on youtube 5/13/16


This makes me sick!! All that talk about free will and right of choice and such! I often fear for my grandchildren and the world we leave for them. So many hidden agendas that are harder to fight against than the obvious aggressions and oppressions.

We are very late to deliver this prize. It is for your participation in the 10/15/2019 Recommend Your Favorite Freewrite. You won a 100% upvote :)

It's nice to have you back. I did not even notice I hadn't gotten the upvote! xo
I live in New York State and it is getting ridiculous to live here. Been a Democrat my entire life, and now I want to move to a Republican State, where I think our children will have a few more years of freedom than in blue states. Tennessee is on my radar.

This is Marianne. I had 2 friends move to Tennesee in the past few years and @enginewitty is hanging out there. You would be in good company :)

Thank you very much for this information.
I wonder if it would make sense to simply lie and say yes, I got a shot at Walgreens.

I would still, to be safe, write that on any consent forms. But yes, I will start lying, which will only work until medicare fo all. becomes law of the land and we are truly sunk medically.
Thanks for your support.

Wow, literally why I was just talking about in my comment on my post. This is just so heartbreaking and sadly more and more common.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I was reading yours while you were reading mine. Thank you for your support!

I was reading yours
While you were reading mine. Thank
You for your support!

                 - owasco

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

That's my third haiku in 24 hours! Except for the one I left for you on purpose, which you missed. Too bad you don't upvote too. Then maybe I wouldn't find you so annoying.

This is scary. My husband just had a general for a surgery and he does NOT get flu shots due to his immune system. Now I wonder....

General anaesthetics are going to pound the immune system anyway, so anyone who has a problem with immunity needs to take measures to counteract the effects of anaesthetics.

If he's over 65, he got the pneumoccocal vaccine too.

Some folk may be surprised when I say I don't have an issue with vaccines.

What I do have an issue with is consent.

At the end of the day, a vaccine is only going to be as effective as the robustness of the individual's immune system. Herd immunity is a myth (ok, maybe not so much a myth, as grossly exaggerated).

Going against someone's consent to a medical procedure is far more serious than choosing to build a robust immune system through appropriate diet, exercise, lifestyle management, etc.

That's simply horrific, I'm sorry that this happened.

I mostly agree, although I do think many of the vaccines are more harmful than beneficial. And I know a healthy immune system is better able to fight normal illnesses (flu) better than any vaccine can offer protection from them.

My children had all the mandatory vaccinations. When I was bit by a feral cat, I got the rabies vaccine, and my pets are vaccinated for rabies. Like you, I think there is a place for vaccines. It's the mandatory, the sneaky, that is the scariest part of this. But if you do not want one or more of them, you should not be forced to have them, and most certainly the medical profession should not be sneaking them in against your wishes.

Just wow. I can't believe it's gotten to the point where they do that, but at the same time it doesn't surprise me. I am like many others in that I think Western medicine definitely has it's place, however not to the level of making this kind of decision for you. I'm sorry your son has experienced that! 💚

Posted using Partiko Android

Western medicine is on a rapid downward slide in quality. Informed consent is no longer a thing, and the patient is offered one and only one treatment. There are no options, you either accept the currently accepted standard treatment for a given condition, or you are given the boot by the doctor. Most people blame this on the insurance companies. I think we are all to blame.

You absolutely have a point in that we all have a hand in what is wrong, and also in trying to make it right. I have a dear friend who takes her young child to the doctor every time she has a sniffle. That sweet little angel has probably had more antibiotics in her 3 years of life than I have had in my 37. But my friend just trusts that the doctors do what is right and that they know what is best! I try not to judge as I am not a mother myself, but try to educate her on ways to boost both of their immune systems with more natural methods. That's one of the reasons why I adore the NM community--I am always learning something new in how to keep myself and loved ones that much healthier with the remedies found right around us.

Yes! There is so much we have forgotten, been encouraged to unlearn and replace faith in ourselves with faith in dubious medical science. Unfortunately, that we rely solely on the dubious science is fast becoming law! And a whole lot of people think that is just fine. I love NM too, they are doing a very necessary service for us, creating a storehouse of knowledge that will help get us throught whatever is coming.

You’ve been visited by @porters on behalf of Natural Medicine. I am so sorry to hear about your sons condition and that he had to undergo those medical procedures! That is really worrisome that they can vaccinate you and who knows what else, when you are under anesthetic and signed a consent form. I do appreciate the heads up and way to rectify that! It's things like this that lowers my level of trust in the medical system!
Did you know that Natural Medicine now has it's own token, rewarding natural healing and health wisdoms? You can check out our front end, If you've been involved in our community over the last year, check your wallets for LOTUS and stake them to start earning curation rewards!

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Thank you! I appreciate your thinking this qualifies as a NM post. I'm still not sure what is and what isn't, and have become a bit reticent to use the tag, which I think is probably the point. NM is doing such an important task compiling information that gives us the tools to heal ourselves all in one place. Thanks for doing the work!

It totally is an NM post. I understand you might be confused, but basically if you have a look at all the tags on the site. Resteeming it now.

Thanks for share your valuable information.

Posted using Partiko Android

Damn hard to trust doctors all round but i do believe in natural herbal medicines. Tough way to go glad his doing better.

I have now lost all trust and respect for the profession, and I had precious little before this. I find the older a doctor is, the more I like them. The younger doctors must be avoided, they seem to have been taught to have no genuine respect for the patient, and expect patients to just do as they are told.

You are certainly right about that the old school you can trust these young doctors.... here have a bottle of these pills and a injection and get out of my face i am busy socializing or playing games on my mobile...sadly it has truly come to that 😒

Surely this is unethical even if you had signed the forms?
Misinformation can be claimed no?
What a shock to read about this.
All strength to your son my friend!

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