Pfizer, blanked out pages by Dr. John Campbell
Pfizer, blanked out pages by Dr. John Campbell
Pfizer / European commission vaccine contracts, over 100 blanked out pages
This is how they were disclosed to us, (MEP Cristian Terhes)
Over 100 blacked out pages
Full hearing of Pfizer's representative before the European Commission
My video based on available content at the time
Press conference after Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla refused to answer in front of European Parliament
Six members of the European Parliament held a press conference on October 11, 2022, one day after Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO, refused to participate in the Covid committee and answer questions.
MEP Francesca Donato (Italy)
MEP Cristian Terhes (Romania)
MEP Virginie Jeron (France)
MEP Sylvia Limmer (Germany)
MEP Ivan Sincic (Croatia)
MEP Christine Anderson (Germany)
YT guidelines
COVID-19 medical misinformation policy
Prevention misinformation:
Content that promotes prevention methods that contradict local health authorities or WHO.
Claims that there is a guaranteed prevention method for COVID-19
Claims that any medication or vaccination is a guaranteed prevention method for COVID-19
Vaccine safety: content alleging that vaccines cause chronic side effects, outside of rare side effects that are recognized by health authorities
Efficacy of vaccines: content claiming that vaccines do not reduce transmission or contraction of disease
Ingredients in vaccines: content misrepresenting the substances contained in vaccines
MEP Virginie Jeron (France)
My colleagues have perfectly summarised the masquerade (farce) of yesterdays meeting
None of the questions we asked, which were very clear;
Contracts, prices, xxxxxx, were not answered.
Pfizer should be required to give evidence under oath
Because this is an official hearing.
This was the biggest contract ever awarded by the European Commission, E 36 billion
European court paper, 35 pages of questions, criticisms, demands, lack of transparency – none answered
Suspicions of passive corruption, to be put into action
I have contacted a legal firm in France
Summary, they came, they did not answer anything, and they are still selling us their products.