Proof that the VAXXERS & their inbred cousins at the CDC and in Congress won't stop until no exceptions are allowed to mandatory vaccination.
If the U.S. Congress (or my home State of Maine--which always seems to be out front in the rush to totalitarianism) makes vaccinations mandatory for everyone, I am out of here. NSA friends, and (the CIA boys in their cubicles, and the FBI snoops in that white van...) if you want the original 911 truther outta here, just keep on pushing...but make sure you have my name still OFF of your no-fly list.
Go ahead. Make my day.
I already no longer recognize this country as the good, decent, freedom-loving Constitutional Republic it still was in my childhood. The push for universal, no exception, mandatory injection of dangerous chemicals would be the final straw. Count on it.
(Image courtesy of
Here is an article that lays out, succinctly, what the stakes are in this HUGE, unprecedented, totalitarian power grab attempt:
Here is an excerpt from the link above:
"Today, we are witnessing the erosion of core values that our constitutional democracy was founded upon. One example is a public campaign led by the medical establishment to demonize and discriminate against anyone opposing zero tolerance vaccine laws that violate human rights in the name of public health. The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was historic acknowledgement by the US government that government licensed and mandated childhood vaccines can and do cause injury and death. Four billion dollars in federal compensation has been paid to thousands of vaccine victims over the past three decades. The 1905 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Jacobson v Massachusetts affirmed the authority of states to require healthy citizens to undergo smallpox vaccination during outbreaks of that deadly, high communicable disease. However, the Court also warned that vaccine mandates should not be implemented in a way that is 'cruel and inhuman to the last degree'.”
(Image courtesy of
There can be nothing more cruel and inhuman than telling everyone on the planet that they no longer have any rights to make decisions affecting their own bodies. Mandatory globalized vaccines is the Malthusians' ultimate wet dream, and I will run from it to wherever it has not yet sprouted its demonic head. If they can force vaccinations on you, they can also force MICROCHIPS UNDER THE SKIN OF THE BACKSIDE OF THE RIGHT HAND OR ON THE FOREHEAD, my Christian brothers and sisters. Think about THAT.
This isn't, in the final analysis, about the "scientific 'arguments'." It's about the relationship between the government and the governed.
To my American friends and neighbors: MILLIONS OF MEN AND WOMEN...some your own parents, brothers, grandparents, uncles and cousins... made the ultimate sacrifice to prevent the ultimate tyranny that mandatory, no-exception, vaccination represents. Are you going to spit on their graves by permitting this travesty to become reality under your watch?
Are you going to stand with the Constitution, or with the CDC and their international bosses/paymasters at the WHO and the U.N.?
You have a choice to make...and it better be the right one.
ALWAYS SIDE WITH LIBERTY (and with God's higher law.)
You can't go wrong.