"Herd Immunity..." The HERD's (lie) vaccination about anti-vaccination.

in #vaccines6 years ago

The globalists who run The World Health Organization and the entire "western medical establishment" truly do view the people as cattle and "useless eaters." Sometimes, they also see us as DOLLAR SIGNS, but moreso as dangerous threats to the the survival of the planet.

These people are Malthusian sociopaths who truly want to CULL the world's population by a large percentage...90%+, according to most of these mattoids. The U.N. has declared vaccine resistance a major threat to "global health" for 2019, signalling that this is the year they intend to make their untested, unproven and dangerous concoctions, called "vaccines," mandatory.

(Dr. Joseph Mercola.)

Doctor Joseph Mercola is just one of many medical doctors, chemists, biologists, microbiologists, virologists, and other medical professionals who has been warning about the dangers of vaccines for a long, long time. He, and many others, are pointing out the LIES of "herd immunity," which essentially says that once a target population reaches a certain overall level of vaccination, that even the unvaccinated in that community are suddenly "safe" from transmissable diseases.

It is the VAXXERS current number one argument, although they fail to discuss why they are worried about some "idiot resisters" who aren't vaccinated, of their beloved vaccines are so efficacious.

Here is a major excerpt (less than 50%) from mercola.com, covering this topic:

"Why Vaccine Herd Immunity Is a Hoax

NOTE: The following information is being censored by the corrupt, fascist entities as Google, Pinterest, YouTube, Facebook, etc. as corrupt corporations protecting corporations, the FDA [Federal Depopulation Agency], and corrupted congressmen submitting to the lobbyist of the Pharmaceutical industry. They are trying to suppress the scientific evidence, as in this report, in favor of financial interest of the Pharmaceutical industry, sacrificing the lives of children and adults, and eliminating 'inform and consent' which majority of doctors do not provide patients or parents. Think about it. When was the last time your doctor pulled out the vaccine makers packaging list of warnings, adverse symptoms, or the complete list of ingredients being injected into you or your children. It is time to educate yourself and gain as much knowledge as you can to make an 'informed decision' rather than becoming a sheeple lead to the slaughter house out of ignorance. Today, people out of ignorance, only look at and support one side of an issue rather than also looking at the opposite side of an issue to make an honest decision not only for themselves, but their innocent children. The vaccine issue involves (1) money verses health, (2) non-scientific in-house studies with prejudice verses independent scientific studies without prejudice, and (3) death or lifelong damaged health verses a lifelong quality health without a manmade products compromising or damaging the immune system that has be implanted in our bodies by our 'Grand Creator.'

Tom Armstrong
Why Herd Immunity Is a Hoax
Written by Dr. Joseph Mercola
March 12, 2019

** Amazon has removed at least five vaccine documentaries from its streaming Prime Video platform, all of which questioned the safety of vaccines. Pinterest has also responded to calls for censorship and now blocks all vaccine related searches
** According to the herd immunity theory, once a certain majority of people have been vaccinated, the disease in question can no longer spread and everyone is protected, including those who cannot be vaccinated
** Herd immunity doesn’t work the same way for vaccines like it does for naturally acquired immunity, which confers a more robust, longer lasting immunity that may be lifelong. While herd immunity often occurs in populations in which a majority has had the infection, vaccines confer only temporary immunity, which means that herd immunity is unlikely to be fully achieved even if nearly 100 percent of the population are vaccinated
** Between 2 and 10 percent of vaccinations result in 'primary vaccine failure,' meaning those who get the vaccine do not gain even temporary artificial protection after vaccination
** Several studies show disease outbreaks in populations with very high vaccine coverage, where vaccine acquired herd immunity should have effectively prevented the outbreak

(How long before we are asked to exit the nation...or the planet...immediately, by these intelligent idiots?)

I recently wrote about the renewed calls for state legislatures to eliminate personal belief vaccine exemptions and restrict medical exemptions, and how California state Sen. Dr. Richard Pan, D - Sacramento, is even urging the U.S. Surgeon General to push mandatory vaccinations to the top of the federal public health agenda.


According to Pan, 'unwarranted vaccine hesitancy' is a threat to public health as it prevents 'community immunity, which protects our children and the most vulnerable.' He believes mandating vaccines, as was done for smallpox during the Revolutionary War, would “protect our right as Americans to be free of preventable diseases.”

Herd Immunity and Vaccination--

What he’s talking about is achieving and maintaining so-called vaccine-acquired “herd immunity,” the theory which maintains that once a majority of people have been vaccinated, the infectious disease in question can no longer spread and everyone is protected, including the tiny minority who for whatever reason are not or cannot be vaccinated.
The problem with this argument is that it doesn’t work for vaccines. While there is such a thing as herd immunity among populations in which a majority has had the infectious disease and acquired a long lasting natural immunity, vaccines confer only temporary artificial immunity, and so true herd immunity is unlikely to be fully achieved, even if nearly 100 percent of the population are vaccinated.

The measles vaccine, for example, wears off after about a decade3 or two. Whatever temporary artificial protection is obtained from other vaccines also fades in time. If you are an adult, chances are that some of the vaccinations you received as a child are not protecting you today.6 What’s more, between 2 and 10 percent of some vaccines result in 'primary vaccine failure,' meaning those who get the vaccine do not gain even temporary artificial protection after vaccination.


Indeed, public health officials are now recommending adults born in or after 1957 to get revaccinated against measles. Since the Disneyland-related measles outbreak in early 2015, some public health doctors are even suggesting all adults should get a measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) booster shot because as many as 1 in 10 previously vaccinated adults may be susceptible to measles due to waning vaccine-acquired immunity


Herd Immunity Does Not Work for Measles--

It’s quite possible that revaccinating adults still would not achieve herd immunity for measles. Dr. Alexander Langmuir is known as “the father of infectious disease epidemiology.” In 1949, he created the epidemiology section of what became the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). He also headed the Polio Surveillance Unit founded in 1955 after polio vaccine safety issues became public.

According to Langmuir and many other experts, one dose of the measles vaccine was supposed to eradicate the common childhood disease. But, of course, that did not happen.

By the early 1980s, more than 95 percent of children entering school in the U.S. had received a dose of measles containing vaccine but, in 1989-1990, there were outbreaks of measles among school-age children and college students. Public health officials responded by recommending a second dose of MMR vaccine for all children. In an article published in Clinical Microbiology Reviews in 1995, researchers stated: 'Measles, which was targeted for elimination from the United States in 1979, persisted at low incidence until 1989, when an epidemic swept the country. Cases occurred among appropriately vaccinated school-age populations and among unimmunized, inner-city preschool children. In response to the epidemic, measles immunization recommendations have been modified. To prevent spread among school-age populations, a second dose of MMR vaccine is recommended at 5 to 6 or 11 to 12 years of age.'

A 1994 study looking at measles incidence in Cape Town, Africa, indicated that as vaccination rates increased, measles became a disease in populations where the majority of children had been vaccinated. The immunization coverage was 91 percent and vaccine efficacy was estimated to be 79 percent. According to the authors: 'The epidemiology of measles in Cape Town has thus changed as evinced in this epidemic, with an increase in the number of cases occurring in older, previously vaccinated children. The possible reasons for this include both primary and secondary vaccine failure.'

This 'startling' surprise challenged the theory that vaccine-induced herd immunity would provide complete protection against outbreaks of measles. The CDC has also admitted, and reports in the medical literature have documented, that measles outbreaks occur both in highly vaccinated school populations and among vaccinated adult populations.

Examples of Measles Outbreaks in Highly Vaccinated Populations--

A recent example of measles outbreaks in a highly vaccinated population occurred in Israel in 2017 in a military population ranging in age from 19 to 37, which had 'high measles vaccination coverage.' The first two patients identified had both received two doses of measles vaccine. Patient zero, a 21-year-old soldier, had documentation of having received three doses. According to the CDC: 'All patients except one had high measles IgG avidity, which is an indicator of previous vaccination or previous infection. Because all the serum specimens (except that from the primary patient) were collected two to three days after the onset of symptoms, the high avidity IgG was assumed to be a result of patients’ previous vaccination. Although outbreaks of measles among vaccinated populations have been reported worldwide, most outbreaks in Israel have occurred in unvaccinated or partially vaccinated populations).'

Measles transmission from a vaccinated person with documented secondary vaccine failure also has been described in New York City in 2011, including among vaccinated health care providers, and in the Marshall Islands. Waning of vaccine-induced immunity is a phenomenon that needs to be addressed …

Another example is a 2014 study conducted in the Zhejiang province in China. Researchers found that populations which have achieved a measles vaccination rate of 99 percent through mandatory vaccination programs are still experiencing consistent outbreaks far beyond what the World Health Organization expects.

What’s more, 93.6 percent of the 1,015 participants in this study tested seropositive for measles antibodies, which theoretically means they should have been protected against the disease.

The herd immunity threshold for vaccine-acquired artificial immunity is thought to be between 80 and 95 percent, depending on the disease in question (for measles, it’s 90 to 95 percent) yet, even though 94 percent of individuals had antibodies against measles in this case, an outbreak still occurred.

Persistent reports of measles and other infectious diseases for which vaccines have been developed and given in multiple doses to most children call the concept of vaccine-acquired herd immunity into question.

Natural Versus Vaccine-Induced Immunity--

Again, a key factor to consider is that many vaccines do not provide long-lasting or lifelong immunity. Vaccines only confer temporary artificial immunity and sometimes they fail to do that. This has been shown to have important generational ramifications as well. Infants under age 1, who used to be protected in the first year of life by getting natural maternal antibodies from their mothers, who had experienced and recovered from measles in childhood, are now susceptible to measles from birth.

That is because most young mothers today have been vaccinated and measles vaccine-acquired maternal antibodies are far less protective than naturally acquired antibodies. To understand why this is so, you need to understand a little bit about how your immune system works.


There are two systems that fight disease in your body. One is the innate system that is always ready to work and the other is the adaptive arm of immunity. The adaptive arm consists of Th1 and Th2. Both are necessary but Th1 is commonly known as the cell mediated arm, and Th2 known as the humoral or antibody arm.

Most vaccines preferentially stimulate the Th2 or humoral part of the immune system. Measured antibodies in the blood (antibody titers) may be reflective of partial immunity, but it is not a perfect correlate to full immunity that involves both innate (cellular) and humoral (adaptive) immune responses, such as those obtained after recovery from viral or bacterial infections.

The benefit of only measuring humoral immunity as a means of measuring vaccine effectiveness is that it can be easily determined by drawing blood samples and conducting lab tests. If specific vaccine-induced antibodies are present in the blood and judged to be in high enough quantities, the person is presumed to be immune to that infection and protected.

Evidence of the profound importance and effectiveness of the innate and Th1 immune system can be demonstrated in individuals who are unable to genetically generate antibody production, a condition called agamma-globulinemia. When individuals with this condition were exposed to measles, they recovered just as well as those who were able to make normal antibodies.

They also had protection in the future upon re-exposure. This discovery was made in the 1960s when measles vaccination programs were just getting underway, and demonstrates that production of antibodies is not necessary for the natural recovery from measles and acquisition of protective immunity.

Other research published in 2011 demonstrated that antibody-mediated immunity is not necessary to neutralize viruses like vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), again calling into question the idea that elevations in vaccine-induced antibody titers are necessary to produce immunity against all infectious diseases.

Delayed Infection Multiplies Risk--

The inability to actually achieve herd immunity for many infectious diseases is by far not the only problem.
Using "mathematical analysis to explore how modern-era vaccination practices have changed the risks of severe outcomes for some infections by changing the landscape for disease transmission,” researchers have found that by delaying the age of infection with vaccination, the health risks are exponentially increased in vulnerable age groups within populations. This Lancet Infectious Diseases study37 found that: '[N]egative outcomes are 4.5 times worse for measles, 2.2 times worse for chickenpox, and 5.8 times worse for rubella than would be expected in a pre-vaccine era in which the average age at infection would have been lower.'

The researchers point out that by making an illness rarer, it also raises the expected severity when the illness arises in vulnerable age groups. Now, the warning issued in this paper is that 'remaining unvaccinated in a predominantly vaccine-protected community exposes … children to the most severe possible outcomes.'"


I know that most people who support mandatory vaccination will not take the time to read the above. THEY HAVE BEEN VACCINATED AGAINST REASON, and can not (likely) be saved by truth and common sense. It is even likely, I predict, in a Biblically-predicted way, that children will end up reporting non-VAXXing parents to the authorities. Brother will turn against brother, and those of your own household will become your greatest enemies.

If people can't see that mandatory vaccination is just one step away from mandatory chipping, then...well, I am sorry..but their literally is little hope for them, yea, even for their eternal souls.


Upvote and resteem, and send the link to all your friends!


Wrong, wrong, wrong... you can not get measles from the measles vaccine. The MMR is a live, attenuated vaccine, so there is no concern about transmitting a disease-causing virus from a recently vaccinated individual.

Here's some actual information on MMR vaccine from Oxford University. It has the good and the bad.

Herd immunity is a fairly simple mathematical formula, and simple concept to understand. One dose of MMR vaccine is 93% effective against measles, 78% effective against mumps, and 97% effective against rubella. And yes, there will be people that will still catch measles, even after having received the vaccine. In a vaccinated community, the majority of people will not catch measles and will limit the spread in the population. In an unvaccinated community, the majority of people will catch measles and will spread it to other communities.

Here's a simple diagram to help (in section B you can see the other "susceptible" individuals are protected.):
and the paper if you would like to read it - https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/52/7/911/299077

Oh, and you might be right. If you are an adult, have your measles titers tested to see if you are susceptible (even after having received the vaccine as a child). If they are low or no longer present then get a booster.

You forgot to say that wakefield has been debunked.

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Veritas means free right? You forgot to admit the part where they dont have life long immunity from the virus. Have to make sure that people get extra doses of toxic preservatives and adjuvants right? Sounds safe and effective to me yet the establishment refuses to do the vaxxed versus unvaxxed study. Claiming ethical reasons yet real science would permit using parental choices already making made like Doctor Thomas Story

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