AnCaps ***TRIGGERED*** by Vaccines! - A dialogue on the adverse reaction.

in #vaccines7 years ago

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Ronny the AnCap is PISSED!!!!!!!!! Watch the video below to find out why.

Just a little skit making fun of the fact that so many AnCaps are open to discussing government corruption in EVERY AREA EXCEPT THE PHARMACEUTICAL/VACCINE INDUSTRY.




Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


I voted this with near 100% VP and full power because my eyes are wide open. And sent it to a whale, who has not seen this or voted for it yet.

You keep up the good work, this type of stuff gets flagged on here, and is JUST like what you said......

Open to so many govt corruption type discussions, but not on stuff like this... makes you wonder why?

Blessings to ya my man.

Thanks a lot, man. Much obliged, and I really appreciate the support.

Anytime my friend.

Hahahahaha.... catches breath hahahahaha.... wipes tears from eyes hahahaha... gasps for air hahahahaha wipes away the accumulating snot

Great skit, well done. Let's go talk about some Rothbard.

Hahaha..that was a hilarious rant on serious topics. Thanks for sharing :)

Thanks, I have studied the issue of vaccine crime for several years and been actively sharing scientific data on it too - it's actually the only topic that i've received death threats for speaking about. I have seen comment threads on major science websites closed after i posted scientific proof of the criminality and fraud involved in vaccine use today. Anyone interested in the topic can view this post I made to Steemit a few weeks ago.

Lots of alternative medicine people are being murdered too.

It certainly looks that way, yes.

Everything should be voluntary, the government is force, blah, blah, blah, but vaccines should be mandatory. You're an idiot if you don't give your kids all the doctor recommended shots! Sheesh, are you crazy?!


man, you are so right , but what can an actual individual do to take control over this vaccine issue? Do you think a mother who has been told all her life vaccines are good will just decide not to have her kid/kids subjected to this just because on one post on steemit? Is there something we can do?

If that mother is looking for information and wishes to make her own, informed decision, one post on Steemit can help. I don't seek to tell people what they should or should not do. I just have to speak out about this.

Anything is better than blindly listening to the representatives of the industry making money off people being sick.

Brilliant video. I think sometimes we have a hard time getting these serious issues out there because people don't take the time to watch/read the 'heavy' stuff. You've made it much more accessible and easy to watch without losing the importance. Nice one!

Hello, my name is Urma.

I currently take care of a young adult who was vaccine injured with Autism after receiving the Varicella vaccine. Today he has improved considerably, however, it is clear that the Autism is still preventing him from leading a normal life.

Please if you care about your child's health, don't get vaccinated

I have a few doubts here, first of all I had all the vaccines we were obliged to take and most of the kids my age had them and that I know of nothing happened, I am 55 years and I live in a third world country Honduras so we would have probably been first in line to be guinea pigs, so I am not saying you are wrong nor do I doubt the pharmaceutical industry and governments are bad, but I would like to see facts, for example you might want to look into the development of AIDS, I find this one strange. Second I cannot get around this Anarcho Capitalism thing, the main part of anarchy is no hierarchies something which is impossible in capitalism so how can this anarcho capitalism exist without betraying both original ideas. Third the federal reserve, so before the federal reserve what did we have? We had a runaway capitalism, with big banks and huge capitalists for example Rockefellers, the big four (railroads), actually I think it was what you would call anarcho capitalism calling the shots only instead of government the rules were made by a few very wealthy individuals, and life wasn't good for most people. And I am not pointing only at the US we had that happen all over the world, Rothschilds, East India Company, a lot of oil barons etc. Is that what you want? I am not trying to argue with you I just want to know your points of view on what I asked.

Hi, @gduran. Thanks for the comment. I provided several factual examples of medical corruption/malice in the video such as the now infamous "Tuskegee Experiment," direct quotes from a CDC whistleblower and also an admission from the former head of the CDC, Julie Gerberding, that vaccines indeed do trigger "autism-like symptoms."

As for anarchism, it does not, by definition, mean "no hierarchy" but simply "no rulers." A situation such as working for a company of your choice involves a hierarchy (the boss, the assistant manager, etc) but not a ruler. The idea of a "ruler" always implies the use of force, ultimately.

The Greek "An Archos" literally means "without" (an) "ruler" (archos). Nothing of hierarchies is addressed etymologically.

All the negative situations you listed above were exacerbated and indeed enabled by the state and its systematic suffocation of the free market. Competition was "disallowed" through state sanctions, regulations, and legislation.

My son was healthy and normal boy, not anymore after he had dtap ... age 18 months his skills was starting to disappear, he stopped saying words, didn't look at us anymore, stopped chew the food (basically back to pure food), sleep only 3 to 4 hours in 24 hours and yet we found out he has 28 foods allergies.
Since then our "lives" aren't good anymore.

So sorry to hear that, @lugina. If you ever want to tell your story and need help getting it out there, please let me know. I would be glad to help anytime.

Hi @kafkanarchy84 thanks for responding, we can't undo for what happened to my son. We're helping him and do whatever it takes to get him back, It will not be the same because his right frontal lobe brain isn't working properly as before.
I do start posting our experiences with some treatments that we think is working and also want to share inside of "Autism World"
It's amazing seeing my son gains back some skills and glad to know lots of people out there understand what we been through (especially you).

Ok, good answers except in the anarchism part, see I just can't understand how anarcho-capitalism can work. They are just opposites capitalism without a head or leader just won't work. Well I'll be waiting for other posts from you there is always something to learn, and remember I always debate, doesn't mean I am against what you say or that I think you have bad ideas, just when I feel not so comfortable or maybe knowledgeable about something I like to know why another person is for it.

They are just opposites capitalism without a head or leader just won't work.

Why do you assume anarchism to be apposed to leadership or hierarchy? By definition it is not, as I showed above. AnCaps/Voluntaryists/Market Anarchists are totally fine with voluntary hierarchies. It is coercion that we view as illegitimate.

And thanks for being open-minded. I am always glad to talk, and hope you understand that I am not "against you" either. I appreciate the commentary!

Capitalism or fascism/corporatism?

If you are talking about capitalism, that is, by definition, voluntary interaction. AnCaps love voluntary interaction. That's the primary goal. We seek to have all interactions between humans to be consensual and voluntary.

AnCaps have businesses, communities, courts, and other organizations. They just have them without special protections, double standards, and the use of unjustified force.

Please Google Voluntaryism. Governance without government is not a fantasy. The difference is the first is voluntary, and the latter is not.

Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. I don't see any voluntary interaction there, what I see is the smartest, greediest and the people with most guts get the biggest piece of the cake, like in the American west, it had no direct government for years these lands weren't even part of the US but they were owned by the powerful ranchers and bankers, apparently the undertakers made a lot of money too.
Voluntaryism: a philosophy which holds that all forms of human association should be voluntary, a term coined in this usage by Auberon Herbert in the 19th century, and gaining renewed use since the late 20th century, especially among libertarians.
Ok, so this is even worse suppose I don't volunteer what happens then? I'm not trying to pick a fight I just want to know what your answer is, do I get kicked out? Do I lose any rights because I don't volunteer?

You have assumed "private owners" is only the "smartest, greediest" people. I am an individual in the market, and I am a private owner. Perhaps you're thinking of corporatism/fascism where the government is controlled by big business? Or are you a collectivist who doesn't believe in any private ownership?

You don't volunteer for what? Did I rob you? Rape you? What have I done that you didn't volunteer for exactly? Please do more than look up definitions of words, or you'll never understand the topic being discussed. If you leave me and my property alone, I'll leave you and yours alone. It's that simple.

No I am assuming that is what will happen, because it is always what happens, why do you think we are in the state we are in? Because greedy people decided they wanted more. Yes, if I leave you alone you leave me alone works, but just as far as someone doesn't decide he deserves more then the others.

Who decides who deserves what?

We are in the situation we are in because there is a system to take over by controllers.

Without government those predators have no system of control.

The U.S. Federal Reserve Bank was created by people like the Rockefellers and Rothchilds. It's not part of the Executive or Legislative branches of governments and basically a privately owned bank. The Feds print the money and the people pays the interest. The system is very much a runaway train...just look at all the bailouts and the national debt. The only thing that has changed is they created a system in which to burry their greed under the carpet effectively hiding it from the people. Now with that said, I believe in Capitalism, the problem is these people in charged has removed all the regulators and no one knows whos doing what behind the curtain.

The current global central banking system has nothing to do with capitalism. It's fascism instead. In other words the banks are the real government. If you have a system that can be taken over by oligarchs, it will be taken over by them. This is the reason we need decentralized solutions instead.

I disagree. They arbitrarily made themselves the regulators via the state.

I'd like to create fiat out of thin air too, and then I'd like to use fractional reserve lending to multiply my profit from lending it. Muahahaha! ;-)

What power would the Fed have in the absence of being backed by state force, laws, and legislation? The free market would laugh at such an absurd enterprise as a bank that prints more money when it runs out.

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