Parents WARNING other Parents: Daughter's Epilepsy a Result of DTaP Vaccine

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

Describing herself as an Ex-Vaxxer rather than an Anti-Vaxxer, Heather shares her story with Polly Tommey on the VaxXed Bus.

Heather was VERY PRO-VACCINE ...

(Daughter, Adley, developed epilepsy after vaccinations)

"I did NOT UNDERSTAND people that were anti-vaccine;
Why they wouldn't take care of their kids
and do everything to protect their kids?"

"Doctors tell us that this is what you do to protect your kids ... from these horrible illnesses."

... quote from the YouTube video below.

Adam, who is in the military, and his wife Heather, were both taught to respect and obey the person in the white coat with the medical degree.

It was not even on their radar to request and read the ↝Vaccine Package Insert↜ for themselves.

* Seizures are listed as an adverse reaction on the following vaccines: Chicken Pox, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Whooping Cough, Pneumococcal Disease, Polio, Tetanus, Hepatitis B, Diptheria, Rotavirus

Only after her own infant developed a seizure disorder (epilepsy), did she realize that vaccines come with great RISK.

These parents did not give 'Informed Consent' as they were not made aware of the possible adverse reactions before injecting their precious child. Doctors kept on vaccinating her baby, even after the seizures started, even though the Vaccine Package Inserts clearly say that vaccines should not be given to anyone with seizure disorders.

Their Pediatric Neurologist finally informed them that they were to give the child no further vaccinations. However their regular doctor would not accept the Neurologist's advice, and kicked the child out of his practice when these parents refused to further vaccinate their daughter.

Since the vaccine schedule has increased, seizures and epilepsy in children has increased dramatically!

Heather and Adam concluded that the DTaP vaccine is the most likely culprit for their daughter's epilepsy, because it was the only vaccine that was consistently given every time she had seizure activity, and she had never had seizure activity before the first DTaP was given.

            PLEASE, Please Watch This 24-Minute YouTube Interview of the parents

Posted to youtube on 2017-08-23

Proponents of vaccines, may try to tell you that any seizures related to vaccines are only because of the high fever that a child may get as a recognized side-effect of the vaccine, aka Febrile Seizures.

However, the study below shows otherwise.

'A Retrospective Population-Based Study on Seizures Related To Childhood Vaccination' Epilepsia 2011 Aug

QUOTE From The Study Below:

"Vaccination-associated seizures present in the setting of various epilepsy syndromes, including SEVERE CHILDHOOD EPILEPSIES, in greater than 10% of cases."

PUB MED Link Here: A retrospective population-based study on seizures related to childhood vaccination.

Quote: Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies

This study was undertaken to describe the type and frequency of seizures and epilepsy syndromes in children after vaccination.

A large German database of adverse events following vaccinations was analyzed for reported seizures and epilepsies in children 0 to 6 years of age.

Of all confirmed seizures after vaccination, 15.4% were non-febrile.

Of all children with confirmed epileptic events after vaccination, 12.6% exhibited various pediatric epilepsy syndromes, 11.7% were diagnosed with severe childhood epilepsies, and 8.5% presented with status epilepticus (a prolonged, life-threatening epileptic crisis).

Epileptic events occurred on average 24 hours after receipt of inactivated vaccines and 7.5 days after attenuated vaccines.

For More Info, Read This Article Here at
↛ ..Vaccines Blamed for Alarming Increase in Seizure Disorders Among Children..↚

For More Stories Like This One, Visit My Blog And Follow Me: @canadian-coconut

Please Comment Below and Let's Have a Productive Conversation!

I know that this is a very controversial topic ...
but if you care about children as much as I care about children...
surely we can all be civil and help each other discover the best way forward for all our children and future generations.

My son was affected by each round of vaccines that he received. And like most kids with autism went on to develop epilepsy. He and I actually have the same Epilepsy type, Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy. His is text book, if I wake him up instead of letting him sleep and get up on his own, he will have muscle jerk seizures. These cause him to fall down --he's ended up with stitches (he can also have grand mals). Mine is more... not-textbook. I get mostly torso and arm jerks. I sometimes throw things and drop things ;) We don't do plastic in this house so that is a lot of broken dishes. lol People know that we always need more glasses in this house. I have no doubt that if I had got the same vaccines he did at the same age, I'd be the one with autism today. Instead I got my hyper-vaccination when I joined the Army, the so my worst issues didn't surface until later in life. A mass vaccination program with all these added vaccines makes no sense. The risks outweigh the benefits. Back in 1996 I didn't know better --and I hate to sound judgemental, but in 2017 I don't understand how a parent can think it's OK for their babies to get 37 vaccines by 18 months. At what point does the red flag go up?

Apparently when people are too ignorant to properly debate they just flag your stuff. I'm super impressed with the tactics. eye roll

Well, their inanity just earned you another couple bucks on this comment. I might not have been aware of it had I not noticed all this flagging going on. They will fizzle out. Thanks for sharing, as always, @jennywebster.

sad fact people do those kind of tactics.

OMGosh! All you did was say how your son was affected by vaccines! How does that earn a flag? You were just telling about your experience.

BTW, have you considered stainless steel dishes as an alternative to plastic? It's something I recently discovered after my children are old enough not to break things so much!

Wow! This is all so sad.
I'm sorry that both you and your son have been injured so terribly like this,
but THANK-YOU so much for sharing your stories here.
We need more people to be BRAVE like you and speak out.

Hi jennywebster, deeply sorry for your situation. My son (6 years) kept loosing his skills starting at 18 months age after he got DtaP and finally diagnosed as autistic boy at age 3 years old. It's a nightmare thinking about his future !!

@canadian-coconut thank you for a good contain of post, as usual... I love your article.

There is a group on Facebook called Rogue Recovery. Search it out. Lots of good tips on how to treat vaccine injury (aka autism). There are things I wish I had known when my son was younger but it's still never too late to help them feel better.

Thanks jennywebster, I'll check it out for sure!

Cool, so FB doesn't take vaccine info down anymore? Would they feel at home on Steemit?

You raise a really good point. This is 2017, not 2007. What we know now about vaccines and their toxicity and effects is so much more than what we did 10 years ago. There is so much resistance to accepting the potential harms with vaccines, because it is seen as the cornerstone of modern health.

Common sense is hard to accept when put against deeply held, longstanding beliefs. If the doctors were wrong that means the CDC was wrong, which means the government was wrong, which means..everyone I believe in was wrong...where does it end? Most people regard their doctors as they do God. It's pretty hard for them to see common sense when that is the case.

So this is how pro-vaxxers troll on Steemit?
Pay bots to down vote things they disagree with?

I am totally pro vaccines (only if there are no contraindications of course) but I still think that down flagging is the wrong way. This step should only be used against spam and bad behavior!

F.e. @canadian-coconut and I had some discussion in her previous post(s). Of course, ​she could have just shut me down and destroyed my account by a few 100% downvotes. But she decided to discuss rather than misuse her power. While we may not agree on the vaccination topic, we at least seem to agree on the way of how to behave on steemit. This makes me glad. Most people in​ this world are not capable of a normal discussion anymore.

Good discourse! See. We can all get along and still disagree with one another. This makes me :)

It seems to be mostly one person who owns all of those accounts that flagged.

I don't know why he suddenly decided that this post and your comment had to be flagged so hard.

I feel much worse for you than I do for myself.

He doesn't have enough power to make my post invisible since it has so much support from the community, BUT to flag your comment invisible while you are talking about your injured child is really, really sad.

I'm SO SORRY that you had to experience that. This type of thing use to be very rare on Steemit, but sadly it is starting to become more common.

I try to look at the positive side.

The old saying goes that at first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win!

We seem to be at the stage now where some people are fighting back hard,
but it is only because they are losing.
I try to see the positive in this.

VERY soon the truth will be so pervasive that the admissions of fraud and deceit will start pouring out for the public to clearly see, and we will be proven right all along.

The old saying goes that at first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win!

Yay! So true, we can't thank you enough for your positive voice! I was wondering what more we can do to bring awareness. Is there a vaccine trail or can form a health curation group?

Don't feel bad for me. I'm used to it. :)
It just shows how pathetic and desperate they are.
I'll be here... willing to have a conversation with anyone who disagrees with me.

I'm glad that you are okay. That's good to hear.
It does seem to be a desperation that what you and I have to say will cause people to question something that they believe to be something unquestionable.

Funny, because that's what this post was all about.
The parents in this video unquestionably did what their doctors told them to.
And their child paid the price.

That's terrible! Aside from polio, I was never vaccinated and I have never suffered such issues. From what I am seeing, they seem to be far more common in the Western world than in Africa where I live.

Can we have a scientific discussion together with the down voters please?

Here is the actual study that you mentioned in the post.

Thank-you for the link to the full study!


@canadian-coconut Thank you for sharing this hugely important but equally heartbreaking post. I sometimes wonder how long it will take for people to realise that in the eyes of big pharma we're all little more than walking revenue streams? I don't profess to know the answer to that question, but what I do know is that with the tireless work of people like yourself the tide of awareness seems to be turning. Thank you for being a big part of the change.

It is interesting to hear this from her perspective in the video; for someone who had never thought to question authority before, this was a hard way to learn not to trust the white lab coats. It sounds like the mom went through a lot when she realized what she had to do to ensure the safety of her child, going against the family doctor. A lot of doctors are probably frightened that they'll lose their license for going against the drug industry if they dare say anything against the vaccine schedules, but it seems like I am hearing more stories about doctors suggesting skipping the shots.
It was nice to see the child laughing, fidgeting, bored, and excited, she seems to be doing well, I'm really glad her mom woke up!

I had no idea that there were more additives in US vaccines, but hearing that, it makes complete sense.
That's unbelievable about the pediatrician. How awful. And a great example of why parents are so scared to not vaccinate, so many doctors make you feel as if you are neglectful, even abusive by not vaccinating.

Another military family, hm. It sounds like seizures are the prime injury, and they lead to different problems, from mild to very severe.
My autistic nephew was given a dog for therapy, it didn't work out unfortunately. Though I have heard of cases where it was a Godsend.

Again, thank you for this. I am going to share this link with my brother and some friends. I think it's especially great to have the perspective of someone who was once pro vaccination. You have been such a fantastic source of vetted information, I can't tell you how much I appreciate each and every post of yours my lovely friend.

I hadn't heard of the Canadian vaccines having less additives than the USA ones before hearing it on this video,
so I don't know if it's true or not.
Canadian vaccines are bad enough to avoid anyways,
because I have friends and acquaintances up here who have had bad side affects from them.

Thank-you for sharing this post with others!

I hope they've got help. I've had success with treating vaccine-induced epilepsy with homeopathic detox.

That is very good to hear. Thank-you for all the healing help that you bringing to vaccine injured families.

Why was this post flagged so heavily? Why was it flagged at all?

It is discouraging to see the army of flags.
All but a few of them are from the same powerful person and his many accounts.
I don't know what triggered him, but I hope that he doesn't continue to bother me and the people who comment here.
I can almost understand why he would have flagged my post since it was earning a lot of steem,
but I was incredibly disheartened to see that he tried to shut down a new lady whose comment was about her injured child, by flagging that comment invisible. It's one thing to bully me when I have 3 healthy children and a good reputation on Steemit, but to bully a brand new person with an injured child -- I have a hard time comprehending that!

Thank you for your concern my friend.

Yeah, it makes me feel angry. I have a few ideas about some projects to curtail it, but think maybe it's just best to let these guys burn themselves out.

We can discuss that on chat if you want.
But yeah, usually people just need some time to cool down. An occasional post will trigger them, but so far I haven't had anyone who regularly flags each post.
It is a difficult situation,
because I know that most of these people really have a fear that if our message is heard that children will be harmed.
Meanwhile, the entire reason that we are sharing this message is so that children will NOT be harmed.
Generally speaking, both sides LOVE children and want them to have a bright future.
It's too bad that we can't all talk peacefully and find a solution.

What fantastic words at the end of the post CaCo.

I know that this is a very controversial topic ...
but if you care about children as much as I care about children...
surely we can all be civil and help each other discover the best way forward for all our children and future generations.

That is the kind of attitude that will hopefully one day stop this awful situation from occurring ever again.
Once a child is damaged there is no going back.
Parents please, please do your due diligence before committing to the vaccine programme.
Another great post as always.

Thank-you so much!
I wish everyone who flagged this post would have read this statement at the end first.
But I am impressed that there are so many GREAT comments here.

Thanks again Linda for all you are doing. This time it's not just you being an inspiration - the whole situation with this post is inspiring.

I've long been aware that some powerful accounts on Steemit are pro vax, and have been a bit nervous about potential censorship. But now that it has actually happened, it turns out that not only do you have the most awesome supporters on Steemit, they also fully have your back.

A lie exposed often enough becomes a public scandal...

I so totally agree with you on this. I love to see all the awareness and visibility those posts bring on the subject.

I also love to see the mutual respect it bring in among the community even from those who down vote the posts or those who would love to down vote it but prefer to abstain. This is much better than on reddit or any other platform where these post could simply be ban or where so many shill account will come to down vote or bully the authors.

People must respect other people here on Steem even when they disagree on a subject. We move on, we learn and grow.

TRUE! I love your outlook on this.
There is a bright side.

About two weeks ago the very same thing happened to one of my posts. I was having a bit of fun trying to draw attention to all the fake introduce yourself posts being posted, and a few people got the wrong end of the stick.

It was the first time I've ever had a post flagged and to start with I was a bit bummed.

But then some of my awesome followers sorted things out. It was on a much smaller scale to your post, but a lot of those awesome followers are the very same ones who got behind you.

And now I'm thinking that Steemit has evolved past Fakebook and Reddit, and the truth isn't going to be censored here.

It was seeing this post, where the censor had real firepower, that really brought home to me that we can win this.

And that is awesome!

I think more people are becoming aware to the dangers. You will always get those who don't agree and that's OK as long as their opinion is well thought out and respectful, however flagging a post such as this is an abuse of the system IMO.
Thanks again 😉

The chiropractor my family goes to has a saying about doctors that prescribe harmful vaccines or procedures.

As far as they know, it is the best course.

The point being is that we ought to do the research for our child before allowing others to give them medicine. Doctors only know what the universities and traditions have taught them for the last few decades. There are other ways to healing than what is popular at the moment.

Very interesting point you're raising here. I know two young girls starting medical school this year. Nice, caring, honest girls and I've been wondering where they're going to be in 20 years. Will they become cold-hearted drug-peddlers just like so many doctors these days? My fear is they will, because questioning authority is something foreign to many public-schooled kids. They've worked so hard to get to med-school and I doubt they'll have the guts to start questioning what they are taught.

The stats are not in their favor. All we can do is raise the issues and show the facts that are becoming more clear and accepted.

Thank you for taking an interest in them.

The Epilepsy it is very hard, specially when you forever need to take pills of epamin fenitoina sodica dilantin or deintoinale, the worst pill for it is the tegretol or carbamazapin it is to hard for the system, you feel very dizzy, and when the moon have a movement it is could afected you.
And some people see extrange when you have a crisis.
I did not know that it would be product of vaccines, this condition it is hard in your life, you feel that need to living in a shadow for people do not know that you have this condition.
I lived a little condition about it because my mother have this condition and really really you lived feeling fear because in every moment an accident could be occur.
Dear thanks for the topics and please
We should be compasive with every person who have this condition it is very very hard. :( :( and we need helps in everything.
Best regard

Thank-you for your personal insight into epilepsy and how difficult it is to live with.

CBD from cannabis is non-psychoactive and has been a great help to many people with epilepsy especially children with severe epilepsy.

I read and listen about it and think in it for help some people and would be help them
But here unfortunately this plant is ilegal and would you have a lot of problem with this for this reason
It is not an option, but maybe get a little of oil and it help a people.
Thanks for the information.

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