Aborted Fetal Remains in Some Live Virus Vaccines, the Disastrous Health Effects, and Claiming Religious ExemptionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #vaccines8 years ago (edited)

VERY important for EVERYONE to know -- no matter your stance on abortion -- "Pro-Life" or "Pro-Choice".

Marcella Piper-Terry reveals how some live-virus vaccines have been developed with aborted fetal tissue.

When the Rubella Vaccine was developed in the '60s during a Rubella Outbreak, they convinced mothers who had been exposed to Rubella that their child would be born with Birth Defects and needed to abort. However, it was not until the 27th abortion that they actually found a baby infected with the virus. That means that 26 babies would have been born healthy!!!

How is that Pro-Choice? These mothers presumably wanted their babies, but were unknowingly scared into sacrificing their child for "science."

There were altogether 80 abortions that went into making the Rubella Vaccine.

Fetal Cell Lines replicate over and over again. They are problematic because they are "Highly Tumorigenic." The older they become, the more cancer-causing they become. There is a need now to develop new fetal cell lines, as they are near the end of their viability.

In 2015 a new Fetal Cell Line was created called WALVAX-2 that needed 9 abortions to develop. These babies were delivered by Waterbag Method, so that all the organs were intact. They were often delivered alive, as dead tissue is no use to vaccine makers. So if these were abortions that would have happened anyways and they were not done for the sole purpose of vaccines, it's pretty coincidental that they had scientists there ready to collect the tissue so that they could whisk it away to the lab. It makes you wonder if the mother was aware of any of this.

In the video below, Marcella also talks about the horrible health consequences of injecting another human's DNA into our bodies, and how it causes auto-immune problems, childhood leukemia, and other issues.

     PLEASE Please Watch This 17-Minute Video

... or Click Here To Watch

In States and Provinces where vaccination is mandatory to attend school, there usually exists a Religious Exemption. Understanding how numerous abortions were performed to create vaccines is one way to claim Religious Exemption.

The vaccines are not only grown on aborted fetal cells, but you can see below where the CDC website admits to "Trace Amounts" remaining. Keep in mind that nobody is responsible to monitor that the manufacturer only leaves behind "trace amounts" of fetal cells or mercury. So being labelled as "trace amounts" is no assurance at all.

Dr. Theresa Deisher is a Stem Cell Pioneer, who is Pro-Vaccine but wants to develop vaccines that do NOT use aborted fetal cells. She has documented the terrible health consequences of using Fetal Cells.

To the people that consistently tell me to "Shut Up" because I am endangering humanity by exposing the dangers and problems of vaccines, let me ask you this. How will safer and ethical vaccines ever be developed if we don't first acknowledge the problems with existing vaccines? Right now, as soon as a reputable scientist calls into question ANY component of vaccines, they get labelled "anti-vaccine" and "Quack"! Until people STOP using the dangerous and unethical vaccines currently on the market, we will never get ones that are somewhat safer and ethical available.


You can also watch here Dr. Deisher’s testimony at the Minnesota House of Representatives on vaccine safety. She presents research demonstrating a link between the rise in the rates of autism and the use of aborted fetal cells in the production of vaccines.

... My Blog @canadian-coconut

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Please Comment Below and Let's Have a Productive Conversation!

I know that this is a very controversial topic ...
but if you care about children as much as I care about children...
surely we can all be civil and help each other discover the best way forward for all our children and future generations.

Great article, this info needs to be passed around to as many people as is possible. I am passing it on to my email list of personal friends, thanks for sharing it with me.

That is great as this really needs to be shared.

Thank-you! I know that this topic of abortions and vaccines is EXTREMELY sensitive for most people, including most christians. I'm expecting to be attacked for this article, but I had to post it anyways. So I am really grateful for your encouragement.
All the best!

Sadly, with the current flagging system I'm afraid many truth tellers are going to be attacked here.

This is common knowledge among medical professionals, I spoke with my doctor over two years ago about this when she was offering me a flu shot. It amazes me it is accepted by so many.

Stay strong, Jesus is coming :)

I just noticed that you 'promoted' this article. Thanks so much!

You're most welcome. Several members of the trail did actually..

In the future we hope to be able to promote more "worthy" content..

Keep it up!

This is the stuff of nightmares! I gave up telling people that we don't vaccinate our children a long time ago. I got really tired of being called names and told that our children would die a horrible preventable death if we didn't vaccinate...and that came from friends and family. I commend you for sharing these posts and spreading the truth.

Thanks, I really appreciate that. I know it can be tiring to face the ridicule, so I take a break sometimes, but then I have to get back out there and see if I can't help at least one other person. I'm assuming that your children survived without vaccines? ha ha ... It's ridiculous how people fear every little illness these days. I had measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox as a child since the vaccine wasn't used yet in Canada then. Nothing can convince me to be scared of those illnesses in my healthy, nourished children.

Lol, yes...they have survived so far! I had the chickenpox when I was a kid and I remember it being a right of passage, a very annoying right of passage. They really use fear against parents these days...I remember the swine flu "epidemic" about 8 years ago that they claimed was going to kill all the children if they didn't go and get the brand new vaccine that they had "just developed". I think more and more people are waking up and starting to see that things are not what they thought they were. Thank you for your posts...I'm learning as well!!

Why is there a Dr. testifying about a connection between vaccines and the rising rate of autism. Those Dr. aren't suppose to exist.

I'll listen to those 2 video this week. Thank you.

I know, right? There are lots of doctors and scientists that have proof of a connection, but they immediately become a "quack" and we aren't supposed to listen to them.

the true is that I saw medics complaining they got serious sick due to vaccines! and they weren't before!
and I think they actually died! because I never saw them again!

and it's not only vaccines food it's self seems to be meat to kill people!
check out!: this one

Just vaccines? My friends, dig deeper. They are also used to develop flavour enhancements in a number of well known foods and drinks.

Upvoted for sharing this information nonethless.

True, not long ago I seen a presentation from a guy from General Foods.

He was explaining how it was somehow ethical to use taste buds from the tongue of aborted children when developing their flavors. And they are children, not fetus'

God help us.

My focus is on vaccines, but yes that is something that people should look at as well.
Also from a health point of view anytime you inject something it's way more dangerous than ingesting it. Either way it's sick.

Great report. The problem with all these cell lines- not just aborted fetus cell lines, is they are all immortalized with cancer viruses. Without the use of these cancer virus reagents, the cell lines would die off in a few generations. Viruses of course are small molecules and difficult to filter out and attenuate without also destroying the antigen in the vaccine. Knowing this, it is no surprise then that vaccines cause cancer. In my cancer RNA sequencing work I've seen a whole slew of different viruses at low levels in cancer tumors.

That is interesting that you have done RNA sequencing work. You are a scientist? From what I understand, they also can't find a virus unless they are looking specifically for it. So they may be able to find and filter out the viruses that they know about, but there can always be viruses that they don't even know exist.

Yes, I do bioinformatics. I worked for several years in a cancer biology lab in a major university. Most viruses contain RNA and we developed a pipeline that maps RNA fragments against thousands of known viral sequences. So yes that's true, we won't find a virus unless we specifically look for it, we just look for all of several thousand known viruses that have been sequenced, in a single analysis pipeline. We did see a variety of cancer viruses in tumor samples. Not just the obvious ones like HPV, SV40, Merkell Cell Polyoma, but quite a few others you wouldn't expect to see, at low levels. The XMRV (xenotropic murine leukemia virus) story is worth checking into.

I recently read Dr. Judy Mikovitz's book "Plague" about XMRV and wrote 3 articles here about it. I am very glad that I looked into it.

With non-descript names like CFS, ME, fibromyalgia,and no commercially available diagnostic tests that can be done, establishment doctors always turns to the "its all in your head" diagnosis, and next they reach for the psych meds. It's very sad. Soon I hope broad spectrum pathogen detection will be standard of care, and we'll be able to identify every infection a person has down to the exact strain then begin to treat and prevent these mysterious conditions, and there will be no more covering up the origins and transmission vectors (like vaccines) of viruses.

Nice. I'll have to read that book and your posts. My sense is that there is a cover up going on about the origins of that virus. It's definitely present in some cancer tumors.

Yes, there is a cover-up. Dr. Mikovitz lost her career as a scientist and went to jail for revealing what was happening. The virus was introduced to humans from mice when the first failed polio vaccine was grown on mouse brains and injected into mostly medical staff. They became ill with the first cases of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Brodie POLIO Vaccine contaminated with Mouse RETROVIRUS: First Myalgic Encephalomyelitis OUTBREAK (aka Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) in 1934

I just had a look at some notes, and it's even worse than I recall. Substantial quantities of Xenotropic MuLV-related virus VP62 (NC_007815.1) detected in around 20% of ~ 1700 cancer samples, from a variety of cancers. Not just a few fragments, but thousands, meaning there is an active infection. I actually brought this up to some of the PIs at the time, and they wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. They knew better.

One of the first things noticed about AIDS patients was that many got cancer -- initially they called it Gay Cancer. XMRV is a retrovirus similar to AIDS except that it doesn't kill quickly -- many people with Chronic Fatigue feel as badly as an AIDS patient during the last 6 months they are dying, except that CFS patients generally live many years. There is also a lot of the same type of cancer among CFS patients similar to the cancers among HIV/AIDS patients. Prostrate Cancer was the first type discovered to sometimes have XMRV.
You would really enjoy reading "Plague" as you already understand the technical science which was harder for me to understand not having your background.

When the immune system is knocked out by AIDS, all kinds of cancer viruses can take hold and any innate immune response to cancerous cells is suppressed. I've always been somewhat leary of CFS, since there are a variety of valid reasons people could feel fatigued. I know i've seen XMRV in prostate tumors though. Will get a copy of that book at the next opportunity.

CFS is greatly misunderstood. It is MUCH MUCH more than being fatigued. The proper name is Myalgic Encephalomyletis. A normal person may fatigue easily, but after rest they are better. With CFS/ME after exertion you get very, very sick and it is hard to recover from. Normally building up exercise little by little makes you stronger bit by bit ... but with CFS/ME you can not do regular exercise or you will never recover.
The CDC has tried its hardest to make people think that it is a psychological issue or mental problem, and that is why Dr. Judy Mikovitz was one of the very few scientists doing serious research into it. These people are suffering greatly.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Caused by a Retrovirus similar to HIV / AIDS? -- Dr. Judy Mikovitz Medical Discovery as told in her book "PLAGUE"

I got my daughter to watch Vaxxed! My granddaughter is 3 and my daughter is pregnant with twins now. Every young parent needs to see this!! And damn Robt. DeNiro for being a chicken!!

From the stories, I've heard twins are more susceptible to vaccine injury.
As for Robert De Niro, if the film hadn't been banned from Tribeca Film Festival and if there hadn't been so much press about it, the film and movement would never have become as popular as it has. So it turned out to be a good thing.

I guess you're right, but given that he has an Autistic son (probably from vaccinations) it was a pretty gutless thing to do.

His sponsors were going to pull their money from the festival though. So I get it. He was under pressure from his partner that runs the festival with him too. And at least he spoke out on television a couple of times after that and made it really clear that he thought everybody should go see the film and that it was worthy to be seen.

Crazy though that no movie has EVER been banned before!

I guess I'm just one of those crazy people...principles are more important than money. Probably why I'm poor.

Thank you so much for your effort :)

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