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RE: CDC is a Vaccine Company, Not an Independent Agency -- revealed by activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

in #vaccines8 years ago

CDC needs to be spelled out somewhere at the top of this article.

Add to this information that from the movie Vaxxed.
Where, through the freedom of information act, a lot of shenanigans were shown in the CDCs clinical trials.

In essence, the CDC are lying liars that lie.
That they have any credibility left is a testament to our early brainwashing.


Thanks - I changed CDC to the Centers for Disease Control at the first line.
I have written about the movie VaxXed and the CDC and linked those articles a the end of this one.
Yes, the fact that the CDC is still treated with such deep respect is appalling -- doctors follow their recommendations no questions asked - because they still believe that they are only interested in Public Health and have no ulterior motives that would put the public (mostly children) in harms way.
Oh -- I forgot to mention this one article I wrote -- I will add it to my list up top --
Two TV Personality Doctors changed their mind about the CDC and their MMR Vaccine Recommendation during the filming of VaXxed, because they were provided with real documentation of CDC Fraud.

Dr. Rachael Ross & Dr. Jim Sears FEATURED in VaxXed Movie. Both Convinced of CDC Autism FRAUD

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