Video Playlist of the International Tragedies Caused by Gardasil & Cervarix HPV Vaccines -
“I believe with all my heart that the Gardasil vaccination did this to her.”
Since the time of their introduction, Gardasil in 2006 and Cervarix in 2008, the HPV vaccines have been causing injuries globally & no one seems to have any answers. At the time of this report in 2008, ONE DECADE AGO, there had already been almost 9,000+ adverse reactions, so why is this proven poison still being injected, forcibly mandated and promoted so aggressively?
Katie Couric Interviews One Of The Countless Young Victims Of The Gardasil HPV Vaccine:
Heart-wrenching and Catastrophic Vaccine Injury to a Beautiful Young Woman......
Young, vibrant girls having their lives destroyed by the HPV vaccine.....
Yet, the "Minister for Children", who pushed for these mandated poisons,
can't be bothered to SHOW UP and answer a few questions!
Two Sisters Robbed Of Their Fertility After Receiving The Gardasil Vaccine:
A grieving mom shares her story with Katie Couric:
The lethal 3 shot series of Merck's Gardasil HPV vaccine caused the tragic death of her perfectly healthy 21 year-old daughter:
The happy life of a beautiful young woman ripped out from under her feet by Gardasil.
Colombia: More than 200 girls hospitalized after receiving shots of the vaccine called Gardasil:
The HPV Vaccine Drastically Alters The Health Of Another Thriving Young Woman:
Parents Are Kept In The Dark About 21 Known Side Effects That Are Capable Of Destroying Their Child's Life!
Crushing Pain, Frightening Seizures And Stolen Years In the Young Life Of Yet Another HPV Vaccine Victim -
Vaccine Induced Brain Injury, Medical Kidnapping, A SWAT Team Stand-off, Psychotropic Medications Forced Upon Her Child And The Removal Of Her Daughter's Prosthetic Leg.....And This Was Only The Beginning For Maryanne Godboldo And Her Beloved Daughter:
Ashley Ryburn Describes Her Life Before And After The HPV Vaccine
Coping With Vaccine-Induced Seizures, Brain Damage And Narcolepsy Has Stolen The Life Of This Young Girl -
The HPV Vaccine Caused Stage 3 Cancer! Another Young Victim of Gardasil Tells Her Story
Denmark Documentary: "The Vaccinated Girls – Sick and Betrayed" (full film)
Those Who've Had Their Lives And Health Seriously Damaged By The HPV Vaccination Share Their Stories Of Survival And Recovery -
Brittney gives an emotionally charged overview of what her life has been like for the past two years. She struggles daily with the fact her life has been forever changed.
Dr. Toni Bark discussing the unusual number of deaths and shoddy safety testing of Gardasil --
A vaccine that was never actually required to prove that it prevented cervical cancer.
75% of all deaths reported were within 25 days of receiving the vaccine.
Young Women Collapse Into Seizures Right After they Receive Gardasil Vaccinations -
Ireland: Young Women Speak Of Their Debilitating Conditions Due To The Gardasil Vaccine
"Wracked with pain and barely able to communicate. . .Needing to be spoon-fed. . .Gardasil injections have stolen their young lives. . .You have NO IDEA how horrible this is."
Scotland: A Highland mother's 14-year-old daughter was left in crippling agony after being given the Cervarix HPV vaccine. Both Cervarix and Gardasil have an endless list of side effects ranging from irreversible paralysis to sudden death.
This is the painful existence of a young Danish girl after her family was deceived into believing that the Gardasil vaccine was a benefit to their daughter's health. Sofie is in her second year of high school. She struggles through her life every single day. Here is one of Sofie's many seizures.
Gardasil - Permanent Injury and Possible Death To Those Who Receive These Deadly Vaccines.......
Parents of 12-year-old girls - it's HPV vaccination time in schools. Will the leaflet you receive home from the HSE tell you the full story?
New Zealand: 3 rounds of the Gardasil vaccine is given to a healthy young girl and within 6 months, she tragically dies. The New Zealand Health Minister reports it was "Sudden Death".
This is what young Mia must endure on a daily basis after being given the Gardasil vaccine. She now suffers involuntary spasms and is unable to use any of her limbs properly.
Paralysis, seizures, auto-immune disease and a myriad of painful, debilitating symptoms have destroyed the once thriving lives of these precious young girls.
A little girl speaks of her suffering after the Gardasil injection:
Witness this young girl's life after the Gardasil vaccine - How many more beautiful human beings will suffer this same fate before MERCK is shut down?
In our world of medical deception, parents are forced to live with the pain of longing for a "do-over" for their beloved children, that does not exist.
For a brief moment in time. the truth is uttered by someone in mainstream media. Likely the first time an actual vaccine INSERT has been read on air!
Dr. Meryl Nass speaks on CDC corruption and the virtually impossible task of being compensated In "Vaccine Court" and how vaccines are harming our immune and neurological systems....Gardasil in particular.
A Healthy Young Girl Has Died Five Days After Being Injected With The HPV Vaccination:
There Is No End To The Grief, Pain And Loss Caused By Vaccines And In This Case, By The Lethal Gardasil Injection:
These Parents Tell Us How The Gardasil Vaccine Drastically Altered Their Daughter's Life And Health Forever, Leaving Her With An Auto-Immune Blood Disorder:
Enormously dangerous gambles are taken with children's lives with each and EVERY kind of vaccine that is injected. In this case, the Gardasil vaccine has caused severe harm to this young girl. Up until 5 months ago, she was enjoying her life so very much and loved to sing.
The HPV Vaccine - All Risk and NO Benefit!
While the CDC, FDA, and medical associations insist that the HPV Vaccine is safe and effective, health authorities and doctors all over the world disagree!
The Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines have been a scourge on the lives of countless young women who have received this dangerous injection under the guise of HPV prevention. It is deadly, it prevents nothing and it's destroying lives:
We Cannot Sit Idly By!
The Useless and Lethal Gardasil Vaccine Has Ended Another Young Girl's Life.
Dr. Lucija Tomlijenovic -
"Vaccine Manufacturer's Studies Are Not Designed To Detect Serious Adverse Events."......
"You won't find what you're not looking for!"
At the time of this report in 2009, there had been 27 confirmed deaths in America due to Gardasil injections in the 3 short years after the vaccine was introduced in 2006, along with over 10,000 reports of vaccine-injury and disability. As of April 2017, there have been 318 documented deaths and more than 50,000 reports of serious injury.
Keep in mind, only a small percentage of vaccine related deaths and injuries are properly reported, as many health care workers have come forward revealing that they were prevented from properly filing the VAERS documentation when they attempted to do so. With this insidious censorship of the crucial information that ALL parents have the right to know before they subject their children to these medical experiments, the worldwide death and injury toll on our population is incalculable.
A soul-crushing account of the misery this young girl now endures after being poisoned with the Gardasil vaccine. The ONLY way to prevent more suffering like this is to keep speaking out, as this continuing awareness is truly saving lives. Share with everyone you love, stay informed and stay brave -
EMAIL US: [email protected] for an INVITE to our MeWe support group!
HPV vaccinations cause seizures, strokes, paralysis, Guillain-Barré Syndrome (paralysis), convulsions, fainting, coma, headaches, chronic fatigue, auto-immune diseases, blood clots, muscle weakness, joint pain, arthritis, chest pains, shortness of breath, heart problems, hair loss, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, mood changes, anxiety, insomnia, tremors, itching, rashes, swelling, nerve-pain, muscle-pain, back pain, swollen lymph nodes, sleep disorders, brain fog, slurred speech, vision and hearing loss, thrombosis, enlarged liver, ruptured ovarian cysts, menstrual pain and cycle changes, enlarged fallopian tubes, ovarian cysts, infertility, spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, birth defects, cervical cancer and death.
Share with those that DO NOT know! This link can be emailed as well:
READ THE PACKAGE INSERTS - Pay close attention to the "post-marketing" section where the serious side-effects, including death, have been listed:
Gardasil 9:
Recovery is possible ---
Our online support group:
Facebook group specifically for parents of vaccine injured children, that I highly recommend:
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✴️ Read ALL vaccine inserts:
✴️ Research all vaccine ingredients:
Thank you so much for compiling all of these videos and information together here on the STEEM blockchain, where it will remain forever. I applaud you for taking a stand. #RevolutionForChoice
Lyndsay ~ You are very WELCOME and thank you for all of your support, my beautiful friend!! XOXOXOX

Heartbreaking. And to think there is a push to make these vaccines mandatory, for girls and boys. The risk of devastating injury or death is just not worth a possible prevention of an easily treatable cancer. Thanks for putting all of this info in one easily accessible place.
I will not let my sons be injected with this poison.
You're very welcome. :-)
Amazing collection! I too have collected multiple videos and testimonies on HPV vaccines injuries. You and I are on a similar mission. I will follow and share!! Check my stuff out too, I am new to SteemiT and uploading post often! Thanks for your work!
I am so very grateful to have connected with you! I will follow you as well! :-)
That's quite the list of video's. Hopefully they find their way to people's attention before it is too late. From my understanding the HPV vaccines are much more likely to cause harm if the person already is infected with a strain of HPV.
Yes, I am truly hoping the message reaches the right people. I personally know what it's like to suffer from vaccine-injury and since I am one of the lucky ones who recovered, I want to spare as many others out there as I can.
Was it Gardasil that injured you or another vaccine? What did you do to recover?
They are now pushing to give that dangerous poison to newborn babies
Another HPV victim???