Ancient Mystique-------->Hepatitis B Vaccine........In Depth

in #vaccines7 years ago


I bring you the Hepatitis B vaccine for review today.

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To start, the following vaccines are licensed for administration in USA and Australia, along with the listed ingredients and company of manufacture:

  • H-B-Vax II– (Merck Sharp and Dohme and In Australia it is distributed by bioCSL Pty ltd) (Package Insert)
    Aluminum hydroxide, Thimerosal, Sodium Chloride, Potassium thiocyanate, Borax, Formaldehyde, Genetically-Engineered Yeast

  • Engerix-B- (GlaxoSmithKline) (Package Insert)
    Aluminum hydroxide, Genetically Modified Yeast, Sodium chloride, Disodium phosphate dehydrate, Sodium dihydrogen phosphate dehydrate, Latex (Tip caps on prefilled syringes-May cause allergic reaction)

Energix-B Vaccine was recently tested for contaminants:

Energix Contaminents.png
Contaminants found: Fe (Iron), Al (precipitates)-Aluminium

  • Infanrix hexa ( GlaxoSmithKline) (Package Insert)
    Aluminium hydroxide, aluminium phosphate, genetically modified yeast, lactose, Medium 199, Polysaccharide of HiB, neomycin, polymyxin, polysorbate 80, polysorbate 20, sodium chloride and water.

Infanrix-Hexa vaccine recently tested for contaminants:

Infanrix-x2test resultscontaminants.png
Contaminants found: SBa, FeCu, SiAl, FeSi, CaMgSi, AlCaSi, Ti, Au, SCa, SiAlFeSnCuCrZn, CaAlSi, W, FeCrNi, Ti (Iron, Silicon, Aluminium, Barium, Chromium, Silver, Gold, nickel, Zinc, Iron (of steel), Sulphur, Titanium, Copper, TUNGSTEN)

  • Infanrix Penta (GlaxoSmithKline) (Package Insert)
    Aluminium hydroxide, polysorbate 80, formaldehyde, glycine, potassium chloride, sodium phosphate dibasic dihydrate, potassium phosphate monobasic, neomycin sulphate, polymyxin B sulphate, phenoxyethanol, medium 199, sodium chloride and water. Note: Made with human or animal byproducts

  • COMVAX (CSL Biotherapies/Merck & Co Inc-Only available in Australia) (Package Insert) (FDA Basis of Approval-Please note most of the ingredients are READACTED)
    Amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, Aluminum hydroxide, Formaldehyde, Yeast, Sodium Borate (Borax), Amino acids, Dextrose, Neisseria meningitides OMPC, Mineral salts, Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, Hemin chloride, Soy peptone

  • Recombivax (Merck & Co) (Package Insert)
    Aluminum Hydroxyphosphate Sulfate, Amino Acids, Dextrose, Formaldehyde or Formalin, Mineral Salts, Potassium Aluminum Sulfate, Soy Peptone, Genetically Modified Yeast Protein

  • Twinrix- (GlaxoSmithKline) (Package Insert)
    Aluminium Hydroxide, Aluminum Phosphate, Amino Acids, Dextrose, Formaldehyde or Formalin, Inorganic Salts, MRC-5 Cellular Protein (Aborted Fetal Cells), Neomycin Sulfate, 2-Phenoxyethanol, Phosphate Buffers, Polysorbate 20, Vitamins, Genetically Modified Yeast Protein, Latex (Pre-filled syringes capped w/Latex, may cause reactions)

I would like to point out here, that during my research to locate the ingredients for some these, especially vaccines from the Australian side, were EXTREMELY difficult to locate and took a lot of time and effort.
I believe this to be a deliberate tactic from the 'powers that shouldn't be', trying to control what we see and what knowledge we have access to and to deter any further research by parents and professionals


What is this doing to our babies?

Now that the basics are covered---->Let's talk about the fact they inject babies within 12 HOURS OF BIRTH with one of these...

More often than not and Hep B positive mothers or not.

Let's see one of the reasons why, shall we? The following is an excerpt from the 'Vaccine and Immunization News'~Number 6, March 1998
Vaccine and Immunisation News number 6-3-1998 WHO .png

That is exactly right.

It's "Good news to people like [them] when new diseases emerge on an unprepared population" and yes, they know it is bad news to people like you and I. They also acknowledge the fact that 'they are human beings and have to eat and that the continual emergence of new disease means [they're] jobs aren't likely to disappear in the future.'

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In 1999, the US Congress held a series of hearings on raising the age of Hepatitis B vaccination or doing away with it altogether. At these hearings, many respected and well-known medical professionals testified as to the lack of effectiveness and dangers of this vaccine. Amongst them was Dr Jane Orient, Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). She stated that:

An independent review of the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System – the national database maintained in the US to track and study vaccine reactions) data; publications by governmental, pro-vaccine, and anti-vaccine groups; and a sample of the medical literature leads to the following conclusions:

  • For most children, the risk of a serious vaccine reaction may be 100 times greater than the risk of hepatitis B.
  • In nearly 20% of VAERS reports, the first of eight listed side effects suggests central nervous system involvement.
  • There may be large genetic differences in susceptibility to vaccine adverse effects.

At the same hearing:
Dr. Bonnie Dunbar (Worked in vaccine research, had her own lab and has been 'honoured for her pioneering work in vaccine development'), Verbal Testimony: USA Senate 1999:

I would challenge any colleague, clinicians or research scientist to claim that we have a basic understanding of the human, newborn immune system. It is well established in studies in animal models that the newborn immune system is very distinct from the adolescent or adult. In fact, the immune system of newborns in animal models can easily be perturbed to ensure that it cannot respond properly later in life....

She also had this to say about Autoimmunity:

Any peptide (a limited sequence of amino acids of a protein) or a full length or truncated protein (Produced by purification from a biological source or using recombinant cDNA technology), when introduced into the body will be 'processed by the immune system' and, depending on the nature of that protein, can result in long term autoimmune reaction.

Dr. Dunbar has this to say regarding the Hep B vaccine research...Let's please remember this lady is a vaccine DEVELOPER:

• It is well documented...that committee members advising the CDC and members of organizations (such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the World Health Organization) obtain substantial funding from pharmaceutical companies.

• Furthermore,it is well documented that investigators who have carried out clinical trials on this vaccine also benefit personally and obtain laboratory funding as consultants promoting the vaccine and as expert witness in legal conflicts.

• It is also documented that lobbyists who consult for pharmaceutical companies are the same lobbyists for medical health care providers. I leave it up to this distinguished committee to investigate and evaluate the seriousness of these apparent conflicts of interest.

• However, it is also apparent to me that the lack of government funding specified for independent scientists to evaluate adverse vaccine reactions is a major reason for scientists to seek funding for experiments dictated by pharmaceutical companies.

• ...adequate long-term follow-up information was not collected in clinical trials for this vaccine

So Dr. Dunbar did a paper and worked out how many kids/infants died from Hepatitis B infection vs adverse reactions reported from the administration of the vaccine.
Dr. Dunbar's graph of Hep B deaths:
Dr.Dunbar on HEP B risk BEFORE VACCINE.png

Compared with:

  • The P.I. has obtained from the FDA a list of adverse reactions reported for Merck's Recombix HB vaccine from 1990 through part of 1996. Over 7000 adverse reactions are listed. (1200 per year)

  • It has been informally estimated that there may actually be uprwards of 30,000 adverse reaction reports for both the Merck Recombivax and the GlaxoSmithKline Engerix vaccines. (5000 per year)

  • Because the FDA reports that these adverse reactions constitute only 10% of adverse reactions, it can be assumed that there may be tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of adverse reactions to these vaccines to date. (50,000 per year?)


One of the most beautiful things about life, is that we are all different.
Every single one of us has a different fingerprint....
Every single one of us have different sensitivities, likes vs. dislikes and the list goes on

Epigenetic Mechanisms SS .png

It is the same with our Epigenetics. All of us have "public specificities' and each of us, individually, is unique. And what makes the difference is, thousands of genes turning on or off. (Source)

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This Study shows that Hepatitis B vaccines have several side effects that are caused by the aluminium adjuvant...They confirmed with quantitive RT-PCR that Hep B vaccine changed the expression level of 7 different genes that were selected biomarkers, Which reflected subtonic/adverse effects of the vaccine, especially subtle liver injury.

In the same study, mice were injected with recombinant (Recombivax) HepB vaccine:
~144 liver genes changed after one day ----->52 down-regulated, 92 up-regulated
~7 of these genes were closely examined. ----->2 inflammation genes up-regulated, 2 acute phase inflammation proteins up-regulated, 1 for gluconeogenesis up-regulated and 2 for bile acid synthesis down-regulated.

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This study showed that females are more likely to be injured by the Hepatitis B vaccine.

  • 6399 kids got the measles vaccine
  • 876 children got Measles Vaccine and 3 doses of Hep B vaccine
  • All children were followed until 2 years of age
  • Kids who got the measles vaccine but no Hep B vaccine Mortality Risk= 0.97
  • Kids who got Measles vaccine plus HepB vaccine (compared to Measles vaccine only)
    -@ 7.5 months Mortality Risk=1.62 This is a really significant number. It means, about a 60% INCREASE IN MORTALITY
    [email protected] months Mortality Risk=1.81
    -female:male Mortality Risk=2.20
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    This Study was done on 225 USA infants given the Hep B vaccine in different doses to see if dosage would effect the adverse events recorded. One of the most significant findings of this study is that infants who received 10 msg doses had statistically significant growth retardation (This was officially listed as a 'non specific effect') and lets please note that growth and weight data (Before and after) vaccinations are almost never reported in infant vaccine studies.


Hepatitis B vaccine viral escape

Here is where I want to briefly touch on the mutagenesis of Hepatitis B strains due to the vaccine.

Diagnostic and clinical relevance of HBV mutations SS.png
This same paper goes on to state:

However, in the last 20 years, a number of HBV mutants have emerged. The fluid nature of HBV lends itself to rapid change due to the imprecise RNA polymerase allowing random heterogeneity. This permits selection of mutated HBV by host immunity and anti-viral therapy. A number of well-characterised HBV mutations have been recognised, leading to vaccine failure, loss of HBV detection by diagnostic assays, increased viral replication leading to hepatic (liver) damage and resistance to antiviral agents. (Source)

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The study screenshot below (PMCID Num: PMC3168123) is written by a CDC scientist and the title says it all-However, of course, I have included all references used in the making of this article, so that you might follow up my research yourself. <3
cdcscientist on Hepb viral escapes and mutates.png
Escape Mutants-PMCID Num- PMC3168123.png
Escape Mutants-PMCID Num- PMC3168123.  #2.png


This is a screenshot of the Twinrix Package Insert

Twinrix package insert 8.4-Pediatric Use.png
Yes, This states it has not been tested for PAEDIATRIC USE.
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Wow....OKAY. I swear-The deeper I go into this hole----->The more shocked, as a mother, I am at the damage being done to every single person injected with these poisons. And with that! Here is a screenshot of the disclaimer you will find in EVERY package insert:
Carcinogenisis etc impairment of fertility disclaimer on all inserts SS.png
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And on a last interesting find....Here is a study that says, "The immunological explanation for the non-specific effects of vaccines is not known at present.


I know that this is another long one, It deserves the attention and the careful sourcing of all data included, however. And I fully intend on stamping this into the blockchain forever. Just in case.

Whilst scouring the internet for the information that I do, I always come across some of the most interestingly random gems of knowledge and news.....Here is one for your viewing pleasure...Just to show that sometimes
------> We are just wrong.
A bug in FMRI sotware could invalidate 15years of brainresearch.png (Complete Article)

SteemOn and BeBrave
So Much Love and Gratitude for You All <3



Thank you, excellent work. Rarely do I see posts this exhaustive in exploration of a subject.

Thank you for your kind words. I truly love information and most of all-Truth. And will wade through whatever I have to, to get to it <3 Thank you so much for stopping by, I appreciate it <3

@ancientmystique Great post with a huge amount of research. Thank you for taking the time and effort to put all of it together and get this information out. The funny thing is I bet the vast majority of Doctor's are completely unaware of any of these facts. Information like this is like garlic to a vampire, thanks again.

Information Like this is like garlic to vampires

:') You had me at that last line there, my friend. Laughed out loud I did.
Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate it <3
P.S-You stand correct in your statement btw. I have gone through more than a couple handfuls of Dr's for this reason :') <3

Ha no problem, I'm glad you liked .. I was imagining myself brandishing the post, fending off the verbal advances of a dogma spewing Doctor I know! lol Good on you, courage mixed with conviction is a powerful combination.

Thank you for putting this information together! I love that people are pushing back and asking questions about the safety of vaccines!

It is definitely my pleasure.
I genuinely can't believe there is one person that can think they are good after hearing how they actually started! Might do a piece on that in the next couple weeks <3

I will watch for it! :)

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by AncientMystique from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.

Very well researched article, and great to see claims being thoroughly backup up by relevant sources. We do not see enough of that on this platform.

If I may, do you oppose specifically the Hepatitis B vaccine or vaccines in general?

Thank you @dutch , The time and effort it takes to get this information together makes comments like yours a treasure to me.

As to the question re:vaccines, Me personally? I choose not to vaccinate my family and pets at all. But I think that everyone has the right to informed consent and medical freedom.

That is what I stand for more than anything else, honestly. Our freedom of choice is being threatened and that would be easy for 'them' to do---->If what they were pushing wasn't hurting people-Especially Children. How about you? <3

good information

Aluminium hydroxide and aluminium phosphate in vaccines? They should place pictures of kids with autism on the vacinne boxes and the warning label "May cause autism" like on cigarettes boxes.

I simply could not agree more.....Cigarette science is exactly what science supports vaccines as far as I have found so far. <3
Thank you for stopping by <3

Hey Babe, that is yet another great piece of work.
Keep it up the folks need to know this stuff.
Missed ya the last few days.
Hope your ok

You are a wonderful buddy
<3 thank you <3
And I am great! Me and LO have been on some serious adventures the last 48+ hours! <3 :D

This post received a 6.25 % upvote thanks to: @ausbitbank.

<3 Thanks @ausbitbank! <3
Glad you liked the post <3

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