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RE: What's worse than death?

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

You see this is your problem. You assume that I am from the USA, so you mention CNN, I don't get CNN where I live and from what I have seen from US news reporting I am glad I do not.

So let us press on regardless - Andrew Wakefield directed Vaxxed. The man that was struck off in the UK, for unethical treatment of his patients, fraud and misconduct, is very relevant to that film. Unlike you I check my sources and don't always like what I see. You cite Vaxxed as some form of proof and stand behind a known frauster for your facts. Do you see the problem there and why your arguments might not have any weight?

"I don't need to know anything, because parents already know". This is a typical confidence trick - the one where they fraudster preys on the natural instincts of people. Parents do not know medicine, rocket science, electronics, law, philosophy or a whole spectrum of higher though processes; simply because they have a child. However, the trick is that the fraudster (you in this specific case) exploits the natural instincts of the parent.

You are the one making spectacular claims, the body of evidence that stands against your tinpot theories simply negates your puerile claims. The burden of proof lies with you. If you can provide proof then things will change, that is how science works.


Here is a picture of someone with Yellow Fever. If you go to Africa you require to be given the vaccination for this disease. If you lived in a 3rd World country you would be screaming out for medicine. The free vaccination programmes have saved millions of lives. However because you live in a 1st World country you have the inhumanity to tell people that vaccines do not work. You are quite an ugly person on the inside really, you just do not know it.

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