Awkward moment when cook county decided to implement v-passports....
... so you travel 10 minutes north for Kane county, or 10 minutes west to Lake county....
And still have yourself a nice dinner 😎
I had Italian yesterday. When I walked into the restaurant, every single server/bartender/employee was without a mask.
The joy that was in that room was FILLING. Everyone was smiling at one another!
The restaurant was packed. Many people are choosing to come up north from cook county in order to enjoy themselves. It’s heart-warming to see individuals rise against ridiculous government stipulations and come together.
(I had an appointment at cook county yesterday, in which the woman touched my hands for 40 minutes, and that was deemed to be okay by the government).
Hold the line.
I learned yesterday to be kinder to the businesses effected in cook county. They face a difficult decision: check everyone for v-passports (remember when that used to be a conspiracy theory?) or face a heavy city fine (7k?).
Apparently, the city is sending out undercover inspectors to random locations to ensure they are complying. Locations are faced with a tough choice. They often will only accept locals without a v-card that they know are not inspectors.
Concerned yet?
Good. I challenge you to say something, even if it’s with your wallet.
This attempted overreach of government is dangerous.