Mainstream Media Can't Imagine What Radicalized Shane But Its Simple, They Did.

in #vaccine4 years ago


"For Lucy, a 59-year-old metastatic breast cancer patient from Washington state, getting vaccinated against COVID-19 was a matter of life and death. "

They say its a matter of life and death, but in all reality this is not necessarily the case. Even the National Center For Biotechnology Information says that it is not a 100 percent death rate for patients with cancer, its not even 30 percent. The mortality rate according to 52 studies has the mortality rate around 25 percent. Now that is high, so don't get me wrong I am not saying that this person should or should not get the vaccine as everyone is different I am simply pointing out the manipulation by the writer.

"At the outset of the pandemic, Lucy’s husband and partner of seven years, Shane, was as cautious as anyone about the virus. He kept a big container of hand sanitizer in the car and fanatically washed his hands, keys and other items. He wore a face mask everywhere he went, showered and changed his clothes immediately upon returning home from necessary outings, and was anxious for Lucy and her elderly mother, who lives with them, to get vaccinated as soon as possible due to their heightened vulnerabilities."

I am sorry to have to include such big chunks, but this article is filled with nonsense that must be addressed and by addressing this correctly it makes the conclusion make a lot more sense. It does not sound like Lucy's husband Shane was cautious as anyone, it sounds to me like Shane bought what the government was telling us from the get go that this virus was deadly and nobody is safe which is what almost everyone bought as well. Surely if you believed what the government was telling us you probably were nervous and scared and "cautious", but to ignore the governments role in the hysteria and the cautiousness is poor journalism. When the government jumps to the most deadly conclusion and then fails to tell everyone the truth like how surface contact wasn't a big cause of infection, or telling us how to boost our immune system etc.

"But as the crisis dragged on, 60-year-old Shane spent months cooped up inside on YouTube and Facebook, where a vortex of coronavirus conspiracy theory videos was waiting for him."

Now here's where this journalist fails to see where the government is the true cause of this couples marriage problems, why would the journalist fail to ask why. If Jesselyn Cook was actually interested in finding out the truth behind her articles she would ask why and how more often, so why is it that Shane was susceptible to this vortex of conspiracy theory videos about the vaccine? Well is it that there are thousands of people dying around him from it? probably not, but guess what? People are probably not dropping dead around him from Coronavirus either, so when the government is lying and pushing false narratives and then that same government is pushing million dollar vaccine campaigns and doing vaccine lotteries could you maybe see how this would cause someone like Shane who bought the narrative about Corona to be a little skeptical of this new narrative?

"Shane is among the millions of Americans who have fallen prey to the coronavirus “infodemic” — the maelstrom of false and misleading information about COVID-19 that has gone viral during the pandemic, drastically hindering the nation’s recovery."

Again Cook misses the whole problem and blames it on the anti vaccine info and couldn't possibly imagine how the government and corporate media had a hand in pushing people to the other side. Nobody can deny that the government pushed false and misleading information about COVID-19, but the government gets to claim that they can lie to protect us or that they didn't know all the facts right away and they changed as they realized they were wrong. So why can't Shane believe something that could possibly be wrong? Not just that, but why would you expect people like Shane to just forget your false narrative and believe your next narrative? Its just insane how bad these journalist miss the part they played in all the anti vaccine information, this is why the counter push will grow thanks to articles like this.

"Research shows that social relationships may play a key role in keeping some people from getting vaccinated. In May, the American Enterprise Institute’s Survey Center on American Life found only 28% of Republicans reported receiving any encouragement from family and friends to get the vaccine, and more — 1 in 3 — reported actually being discouraged by friends and family, or receiving mixed messages. Only 45% of Republicans have received at least one vaccine dose, compared to 86% of Democrats."

Here the article goes missing how much peer pressure has played in people getting the vaccine, but the article will ignore that because pressuring people into getting the vaccine is noble and courageous. How many teenagers got vaccinated because they were told if they didn't they had to wear a mask? How many people got the vaccine because they were told by family members they may not want to be around them? I couldn't imagine how many people were pressured into getting vaccinated, but since the article fails to even mention the percentage of those pressured into it I have a feeling its probably a decent number. Also how many people are more skeptical of getting simply for the fact its being pushed so hard?

"“I don’t understand what happened to him,” Lucy said of Shane. “But I choose my health.”"

I got an idea Lucy you could probably put some of the blame on government for their response and rhetoric during the whole pandemic.

"Anthony was a Trump supporter but had never been very politically engaged, nor had he ever shown any interest in conspiracy theories. That changed in February of this year when he tested positive for COVID-19 and was almost entirely unaffected. During the two weeks he spent in complete isolation post-diagnosis, he heard repeatedly on social media that the virus wasn’t actually killing people and that the death tolls had been fabricated — QAnon theories that seemed to be supported by his own mild, cold-like symptoms. (It’s common for coronavirus cases to be mild or asymptomatic.)"

Boom right here is the smoking gun of this article they have their answer right here to why people like Shane went off the deep end and were radicalized, when the article says Anthony changed his views when he got COVID and had virtually no symptoms. and thats when things changed. The problem is as even the article says is that actually the majority of cases are asymptomatic or cold like symptoms, but the government was reluctant to state this clearly. Rather the government and corporate media was pushing that this virus was deadly and that it will kill millions of Americans, this was the rhetoric that Shane and Anthony fell for that turned out as Anthony experienced was not the full truth. So Huff Post you can thank yourselves and the Government as you just pointed out for pushing Shane and Anthony to the "Dark Side".

"Conspiratorial narratives about the supposedly malicious interests of key figures and institutions surrounding vaccines are now causing just as much vaccine skepticism as safety concerns are, according to a report from First Draft, a global nonprofit that researches misinformation."

Its not the Conspiracies' that are making people this way, because you have to figure out why these people are moving towards believing in these theories in the first place. The reason is because the government was not being transparent, I would argue they should not have gotten involved at all though since they did they should have been more open and honest.

"He broke down again when she later informed him that she’d taken her eligible biological children to get their vaccines, then sent her a written notice explicitly threatening to divorce her if she ever got their shared eight-year-old daughter immunized against the virus."

Well let me inject some opinion into this article, if you vaccinate your healthy 8 year old for COVID then your the one whos falling for COVID misinformation, because I am sorry your kid it not at all at risk if he or she is healthy. so to inject (no pun intended) opinion in on this I am with the husband on this one.

"One of QAnon’s greatest and most damaging accomplishments has been eroding the public’s trust in legitimate information sources at a time of crisis. Building off Trumpworld’s crusade against the “fake news media,” its network of disinformation spreaders has successfully painted the mainstream media, liberal politicians and government institutions including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as corrupt and unreliable. As a result, people have increasingly turned to social media platforms to get their news, where grifters abound and facts don’t matter."

People were not trusting the government and media far before Trump came along, but people realized that Trump was right and they could see it with their own eyes. As someone who did not vote for Trump the second time I can tell you it was hard to not defend him, the media would lie about him every step of the way. Don't blame Trump for your own misdeeds, it was the Corporate media that made themselves untrustworthy.

There is more nonsense to this article, but I don't want people to not finish the post. The Article will be posted below if you wish to read more of it, thank you.


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