Its never too late to learn a new fact

When I was a little girl I had three favorite dolls my Holly Hobby, and my Raggedy Ann and Andy. Little did I know that my precious Ann and Andy had a sad meaning behind them as to why they were created. I found out this fact only a couple of days ago and I really had to share it. Why because it shows to me that a long time ago even before I was born children were being harmed by vaccinations.
The Raggedy Ann and Andy was created by Johnny Gruelle in 1915 in the memory of his daughter Marcella Gruelle who died after been given a small pox vaccine that was given to her at school without her parents permission. Can you believe that? She didn't have a choice she was told to take something that was supposed to help her not kill her. He made these dolls in memory of her and all the other children who had been harmed by vaccinations. I'm sure that when he made these dolls way back then that he would hardly believe that over a hundred years later kids were still dying and being harmed by vaccinations.

I never knew what these dolls meant but now that I do I am so glad that I treasured them so. Raggedy Ann and Andy went on to give children amazing happy moments in all of their adventures. So in a way Marcella has a legacy that none of us will forget.
It is a sad sad situation that these vaccines are still being given in the name of health. As I've said before I used to believe in vaccines but now not a chance. If I have a say in it not me or my children will ever be given another vaccine.
R.I.P Marcella and all the other helpless children


The differences between vaccines in 1915 and now are of such an order of magnitude that saying people shouldn't get vaccines because some girl in 1915 died from a smallpox vaccine is like saying we shouldn't live in cities because large percentages of the population were dying when cities were in their infancy and urbanization was just occuring, or that people shouldn't work in factories because of the extremely unsafe conditions of the early 1900s.

The situations then and now are completely different, and using this as an argument is extremely misleading.

Thank you for sharing that fact. I had a Raggedy Ann doll as well and I had no clue there was any kind of association with it. It is a sad thing that vaccines are still being so aggressively pushed. And beyond that that there are such monumental efforts to hide and deny any association to harmful effects. It's the children that suffer.

I know right. It should be a choice not a enforcement. Maybe one day we all will be free to choose with no repercussions. Thanks for reading my post.

Many people are unaware that most of these vaccines can be harmful to children. There are some places in my country you dare not try to vaccinate their children. RIP to affected children all over the world.

vaccination should be a choice and only a choice not a punishment. More people need to be informed of the cons against vaccinations. thanks for reading my post.

You are very right, please keep the good work up, i am looking forward to your next post.

I have never seen those dolls in real life, but I did know the sad story behind them.
In my country vaccinations are mandatory by law. Parents that do not oblige face financial penalties that keep repeating and increasing for as long as they do not give in and consent to poisoning their children. The authorities are in the process of making that legislation even stricter (as if that was possible). That's the current situation in my part of the woods. And that's why I don't live there any more.

I would move away from there as well! Ridiculous!

Vaccines are still being pushed at school with the vaccine nurses trying to get the age of consent lowered for kids at school so they don't need a permission form signed by the parents.

Some of the schools in the area offer pizza parties to the highest vaccinated homeroom.

oh my that is just disgusting. So lets reward the teacher who can brainwash the most. Real sad the pressure of vaccines have become. Maybe one day we will truly have a choice.

Oh my goodness! Pizza parties? That is insane...
And the fact that they dont need parental consent just boggles my mind. It is a blatant action to go behind the parents' backs and do this to them.
@jolly-homestead is right, that IS disgusting.

I actually learned about the Raggety Ann doll a while back when I was researching vaccines. I was quite surprised! Who knew?
I can only pray that more parents will do research and find out the facts and protect their children from this.
Thanks for sharing! ♥

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