Last year’s flu vaccine was a total bust, yet the CDC claims it was a “grand success” – Here’s the truth of what happened

in #vaccination6 years ago

The CDC is financed by Big Pharma, so the least you owe yourself and your loved ones, is to consider information from less biased sources

I will provide you with the captions, a few of the important points within that section and then the link to the original source, for you to read all the important details.

First of all, please allow me to help those who do not believe in the evils of globalism, depopulation and the Deep State: You would be better off doing your own research, as I am making this post to warn those who are willing to listen and think for themselves - I do not have the inclination to fight to awaken you. Thanks for stopping by.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) claims that last year’s flu vaccine was a “grand success.”

CDC director Robert R. Redfield claimed the influenza A and B vaccines were 36 percent effective over 2017-2018 flu season.

...this number is NOT based on absolute risk reduction (ARR). Instead, the CDC bases its vaccine effectiveness numbers on something called relative risk reduction (RRR), a vague and misleading postulation that exaggerates the vaccine’s effectiveness. Their numbers are then echoed by the mainstream media to hide the real failure of the flu vaccine.

A more accurate figure for vaccine efficacy can be calculated by configuring the absolute risk reduction. This figure, which we will calculate below, is only about one percent.

- Please read the source for more details

Calculating absolute risk reduction instead of relative risk reduction

According to the current CDC director, it sounds like one in three people will be protected if they just get their yearly flu shot. These numbers, sadly low, are made more preposterous because they are based on the RRR statistical lie.

If the CDC followed the more truthful ARR statistical rules, they would divide 95 percent by 97 percent to obtain a more accurate figure of roughly one percent. This means that one hundred people will have to be vaccinated in order for one person to benefit. Even this meager benefit of one percent is ultimately negated due to the fact that 100 percent of all vaccine recipients burden their body with toxins and mutated virus strains that weaken their humoral immune system and cause flu-like symptoms.

- Please read the source for more details

Selecting the virus strains for the vaccines is guesswork from the start

It takes at least six months for vaccine manufacturers to bring flu vaccines to market, in anticipation for another flu season. The experts select three or four influenza viruses from the southern hemisphere out of hundreds of different types and mutated subtypes that could circulate the following year in the northern hemisphere.

This guesswork makes flu vaccines ineffective from the start.

- Please read the source for more details

Researchers find out that flu virus strains quickly mutate in chicken eggs

In order to obtain enough pathological material for widespread vaccine manufacture, scientists must grow the viruses in a medium; however, the viruses adapt to that environment and mutate into new forms. The virus’s genetics change. The viruses that are grown for vaccines are not always the same viruses that are circulating in the wild.

- Please read the source for more details

Vaccine effectiveness rate does not incorporate any measurement of an individual’s cellular terrain for its potential for harboring or detracting disease

In brief, what does this mean? The vaccine is not adapted to suit the person according to his own health and diet. If you are not absorbing the minerals and vitamens you need, the weakness of your system means you are more likely to get the flu, according tot he strain in the vaccine.

In other words:

This strengthening of the terrain is made possible through the absorption of nutritive compounds that benefit immune response, including the utilization of the sun’s energy for vitamin D production. This strengthening is made possible through absorption of the antioxidants and minerals found in plants, the utilization of healthy fats for creating strong cell membranes, and the strengthening and diversifying of healthy microbes in the gut for efficient use of nutrients, blood protection, and stress management. If the CDC wants to prevent flu in the population, they should interview the unvaccinated who rarely get sick and see what they are doing to establish a healthy terrain.

- Please read the source for more details

The reality of virus shedding from attenuated live virus vaccines

To me, this is the scary part. You have heard of the 'herd' aspects of vaccinations? Here is what actually happens.

After you are injected with a live attenuated virus, you are 6.3 times more likely to spread the flu virus through the air than your unvaccinated counterparts.

This is what is called "shedding" in this article.

A groundbreaking study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) debunks herd immunity and actually shows that the vaccinated herd members are the ones perpetuating the disease they were vaccinated for.

- Please read the source for more details

Do flu vaccines cause higher incidence of other infections?

As their immune system is burdened with mutated influenza viruses from the vaccine, it is not prepared to handle the viruses that are actually circulating in the wild. Those who choose not to vaccinate are not burdened by mutated pathogens and are more likely to be diligent in fortifying their bodies with the nutrients that strengthen their natural immune response.

- Please read the source for more details

Side effects of vaccines burden vaccine recipients, weakening humoral immunity

Because the flu vaccine contains mercury, formaldehyde, squalene, Polysorbate 80, and the kidney cells of dogs, the total formula can cause health issues within the body, depending on one’s current health situation. How a person reacts to a vaccine depends on pre-existing conditions such as the state of their microbiome, the health of their kidneys, liver, and lymph, their previous exposure to vaccine toxins and environmental toxins, and the blood to weight volume of the individual being vaccinated.

Please refer to the source page for your full study, as it is far more comprehensive and also provides links to references on important research.

Keep in mind that there is the possibility that this is a tool for globalists to achieve their sterilisation and depopulation targets, so please, please, take the time to read and think for yourself.

Last year’s flu vaccine was a total bust, yet the CDC claims it was a “grand success” – Here’s the truth of what happened

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

16th May, 2018

  • posted on Steemit 16th May, 2018


Honestly, the fact that people still listen to the CDC makes me depressed.

Just 3 years ago, hardly anyone knew about the globalists, what the bankers are planning, alex jones, and so on, for it was all 'conspiracy theories'.

People are waking up, but the problem with vaccines is that parents do not want to believe, for they would then have to feel guilty; doctors and nurses refuse to believe, for they make money out of it and they cannot face the thought they might be destroying instead of healing.

I do not know whether we are in time to save the world, but we each must do what we can to spread the truth and awaken (red pill) as many as we can. Convince one family and maybe you can tell yourself you did some good.