Tonight A Number of Acehnese Gathered in Menteng, Central Jakarta, What's On?
Tonight, Monday (18/09/2017) approximately at 20.00 pm, a number of Aceh leaders will gather in one place in the area Menteng, Central Jakarta.
The figures are those involved in the discussion of the Law on Government of Aceh (UUPA), such as Farhan Hamid, Ferry Mursyidan Baldan, T Nasrullah SH.
Even mentioned, Sofyan Djalil will also attend the important meeting.
The news will gather the leaders of Aceh in Jakarta, delivered by the Chairman of the Aceh Party Faction (PA) in the DPRA, Iskandar Usman Alfarlaky.
"Later that night, there will be a meeting in Menteng, we invite them, the people involved in the discussion of UUPA," said Iskandar to, when going to Jakarta via SIM Airport, Aceh Besar, Monday (18/09/2017 ).
The meeting was said Iskandar, aims to discuss the length of the issue to maintain the LoGA.
We will ask his willingness to be an expert witness and give testimony in the trial process, "he said.
As is known, Tuesday (09/19/2017) tomorrow, the Constitutional Court (MK) will hold a prime hearing, related to the record or judicial review of the Election Law filed by the DPRA.
"We are also building communication with Pak Yusril Ihza Mahendra, but he is currently abroad and has not been scheduled to meet," said Iskandar. (*)