My post for Utopian Moderator team
Hi, I am still a student( Second year in B.E. CSE). A open source enthusiast. A cyber aficionado
Why a moderator?
Being part of the Utopian family I feel its a great initiative and I want to help it grow as much as it can. I know now the priority of Utopian is Quality over Quantity. So I am ready for it. Ready to take out all undeserved posts from this system. Being online more than 14 hours a day I can be a very active moderator on duty.
Whats my Background?
Being working on web development from some time. I have made many projects. I am also a Google Code-In mentor 2017-18 which is same as moderation in many aspects like accepting and rejecting tasks. I am also a maintainer of project at FOSSASIA which is one of the biggest open source organisation of Asia.
I can code in various languages some of them are listed below -
JS (Obviously its love)
Node, React, Express bring it all.Python(Second preferred)
Have worked on Flask.Java(My first programming language)
Yeah It was the first language I put my hands onC, C++(Pointers get crazy)
Whats more fun than playing with pointers
Check out my github here anytime.
Experience of Previous Utopian Moderation
I was appointed as a Utopian moderator last week.I have worked on Bugs and suggestions in a matter of very few days(4 days I think) I have done a great job. There is no more pending work and being on bugs I tried my best to reproduce bug and reject every undeserved post(while accepting some great bugs) then I worked on suggestions enforcing all rules on suggestions too.
Which Category?
Obviously no doubt! I want to work on Development category because that's what I am made for.
The team I want to be in is @mkt's team as I want to work with @sachincool(Bug god) and @wehmoen(Innovation machine)
Thanks for reading!! That's my introduction for you
Mohit Sharma
Signing out
PS-@wehmoen I mentioned you lol