[Translation][Spanish] The Curious Expedition
Project Details
The Curious Expedition is a rogue-like expedition simulation set in the 19th century. Is an open-source project about a adventure videogame. I have not played it, but translating it amused me and I will not delay in playing it.
Links related to the translation
You can find the translation in the "Crowdin" links and the project repo in the "Github" link.
Source Language
Translated Language
This project was translated to spanish. The project has 72867 words and 3400 strings to be translated.
Number Of Words
I've translated 25 strings from the project.
Number of words translated on this contribution: 1075
Proofread Words
There are no proofreaded words yet
Previous translation on the same project
This is my first contribution to the The Curious Expedition Project
Number of words translated on the project before this report (if any): 0
Best regards!
Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
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You translated variables that should be left untranslated, which will have adverse effect on the project.
Please be careful in your next contribution.
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