Amazing Crypto Discount From A Futuristic Platform - GoFindXR
We are in the technological era. We are experiencing technological advancement like never before. In the past, we would have to send letters to get in touch with people far away. Technology happened, we started making use of telephones to hear from people far away. Now, we have advanced to smartphones where we can hear and see people far away. What if technology can advance to the stage, when we can feel as though we are with the people far away. We will be able to see them completely, sit beside them, hold meetings in far away countries. Funny enough, technology advancement has arrived at that stage with Extended Reality(XR). Now you will be able to be in places far away from where you really are. Amazing right?(smiles). What is Extended Reality(XR). Is there a blockchain platform using XR(Gofind Extended Reality(XR) platform)? Is there a token for this platform? Is there a special offer for this token and how can you be a part of such amazing deal. All of these questions will be discussed in this article, so I recommend you find some where quiet to read through this amazing article I made just for you.

What Is Extended Reality?
In order for you to understand Extended Reality(XR), you will first need to understand the three main components that makes up Extended Reality. There are Virtual Reality(VR), Augmented Reality(AR), and Mixed Reality(MR).
Virtual Reality(VR)
Virtual Reality(VR) is the use of technology to create a simulated environment. With VR, you can literally experience anything, anywhere and any time. VR creates an artificial environment where the users are immersed and able to interact with 3D environment.

Augmented Reality(AR)
Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive experience of a real-world environment with superimposed computer-generated images over the user's view of the real-world, which enhances the perception of the user's view of the real-world. In other words, AR is all about enhancing users' perception of the real-world by adding graphics, sounds and touch feedback.

Mixed Reality(MR)
Mixed Reality is sometimes referred to as Hybrid Reality or Polyplexity Reality, the reason is because, the Mixed Reality encompassing the features of both Augmented Reality(AR) and Virtual Reality(VR). Mixed Reality blends the physical world with the digital world i.e it creates a virtual world where physical and digital objects interact and co-exist with each other in real time.

Extended Reality(XR)
Extended Reality(XR) is the ability to explore imaginary worlds and interact with those worlds, as though you were actually there in person. In other worlds, it's like teleporting the only difference is that you are not actually in that particular place in person. XR is an umbrella, which brings all three realities (AR, VR, MR) together under one term. With XR you won't miss family gatherings, meetings and so on. XR is the future.

Gofind XR?
Gofind XR is a decentralized Extended Reality platform that is built on the Ethereum blockchain and InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) for Extended Reality Dapps. GoFind XR is creating a platform where individuals can experience/use VR contents and applications on blockchain technology. There are many XR applications ranging from real estate, digital media, social media, advertisements, ride sharing, insurance and so on. XR is the future, hence, GoFind XR is the future in blockchain.

XR Tokens
As a platform on blockchain, the Gofind XR has its own platform tokens called XR Tokens, which are used to make transactions on XR Web. XR tokens are used to reward activities of users who hold the token on the platform. The XR token is currently valued at $0.15. Below are some statistics about the token.

Special XR Token Offer
GoFind XR is offering a mouth-watering discount to steemians(that is steemit users). GoFind XR is currently running its ICO, and it's offering steemians a massive 400% return on investment(you can't find a better offer like this on the blockchai). The current price of XR Token is $0.15 and the current price of Steem is $0.37, which means 1 steem is equivalent to 2.5 XR tokens. GoFind XR is giving out a massive discount to steemians by offering 10 XR tokens for 1 steem, meaning, 1 steem which is currently worth $0.37 will give you 10 XR which will be worth $1.50. This is a mind blowing offer I must say. If you are a steemian reading this article, jump at this super awesome offer from GoFind XR.
How Can You Take Part In This Amazing Offer From GoFind?
It's quite simple. GoFind XR is very considerate and knows that, not all steemians have liquid steem. You can buy XR tokens using Steem/ETH/BTC/BCH
To Purchase Using Steem
- Transfer STEEM to @gofindxr
- Insert your Ethereum address on the memo
- Optionally - fill this Google Form (I recommend you fill the form for security purpose)
- Minimum transfer of 50 STEEM
I couldn't watch this offer pass me by. Here is a screenshot of my transaction.
Transfer Using ETH
- Send your ETH to this address 0x04BB82Cf1A19dD7C7373BCF00c8C2a5086Bea870
- Send us some STEEM to @gofindxr with a memo containing transaction hash. It could be 0.001 steem.
- Optionally - fill this Google Form (I recommend you fill the form for security purpose)
- Minimum transfer of 1 ETH
Transfer Using BTC
- Send your Bitcoin (BTC) to this address 1CX2EQTTwgrXCCHzeFoRMH5DKLD7HoJPNE and insert "Transaction Hash" in your memo when sending.
- Optionally - fill this Google Form (I recommend you fill the form for security purpose)
- Minimum transfer of 0.1 BTC
Transfer Using BCH
- Send your Bitcoin Cash (BCH) to qq53l25s903quhwrcqfw6x7mcjs94zr9jyqksv34gz and memo insert "Transaction Hash" in your memo when sending.
- Optionally - fill this Google Form (I recommend you fill the form for security purpose)
- Minimum transfer of 1 BCH
NOTE: Your ETH/BTC/BCH will be converted to Steem rate on the day of XR transfer.

GoFind XR is a futuristic platform. XR is the future, why don't you join a platform that is future oriented. For steemians, grab this offer NOW, I don't think you will get a better offer like this on the blockchain. XR Token has great prospects as it is associated with Extended Reality(XR), which is the future. I'm super glad I took part in this offer, in months or years to come, I know I will look back and be super glad I saw and took this offer.
Useful Links
Website | Whitepaper | OnePager | Twitter | Telegram | Steemit's Blog | Facebook | Bitcoin Talk | Youtube
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Thank you for sharing information about the Gofindxr project. The project seems very promising. I like the concept and all its benefits for users. However, It appears the project codes are not fully open. I checked through the project repositories, and I could not find codes that are related to mobile apps. Thus, this post will not be scored.
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