Blockchain Business Intelligence: #cn Tag Trends & Distribution

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)


In an earlier similar contribution about the Korea Specific Tags, I mentioned that #kr is the only country specific tag that is visible without the need to scroll down when the explore section of Steemit is sorted by payout. The tag #cn is next to #kr in the top country specific tag when sorted by payout.

cn tag.jpg


Here are the data-points that will be presented in this contribution.

  • The 19 Month Trend of #cn Tag in Terms of Post Count and Total Payout Value
  • The 19 Month Trend of Comment Count and the Payout Value for Comments on #cn Tag
  • The Distribution of Rewards Between Post & Comments for the 19 Months and Monthly Trend of Distribution
  • Top 25 Authors Sorted by Total Payout Value
  • Top 25 Authors Sorted by Total Payout Value

Scope of Analysis

I generated the data to present the distribution of total_payout_value between posts and comments from inception in March 2016 to January 29, 2018 (Monday 12NN GMT). Considering there are only two and a half calendar days in the month, I no longer extrapolated the data to show trends.

To not negatively affect the presentation of the data in charts, I only listed 25 in sections where I presented top Authors and Commentors.


I used arcange's Steem SQL Public Database to acquire the data-points related to the count of comments, posts, total_payout_value, author, and parent_author. I included the permlink column in this analysis to look at anomalies identified specially when looking at comment payouts.

I ran this SQL query in an excel sheet:

SELECT DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, created), 0) AS [year_month_date_field], author, parent_author, category, COUNT (total_payout_value), SUM (total_payout_value), permlink
FROM Comments
WHERE category in ('cn', 'china', 'chinese')
GROUP BY created, author, parent_author, category, permlink

Notice that I ran the query to include a couple of more tags specifically #china and #chinese. I opted not to include those two tags in the analysis though for two reasons; one is that together they only make 3% of the overall count of post and less than 2% of the total_payout_value, second #china tag is also being used by tourist visiting China and #chinese tag is being used in translator who speaks chinese but may not necessarily from China.



The trend is generally up for the #cn like in any other country specific tags I analyzed to-date. There are few anomalies here though. The June 2017 anomaly can easily be explained by the surge in the price of Steem as pointed out in other contributions of the same nature. The anomaly specific to #cn tag is the considerable drop in October and November. If you've been in the cryptocurrency space at that time you would know that there was a ban on large exchange trading issued by the Chinese government towards the end of September.

By the looks of the chart the ban of cryptocurrency in China had significant effect to activities in #cn tag. The trend is moving up in terms of posting, to the point where it has surpassed the September high, but because of the power down that happened at the time of the surprising ban, the payout on #cn tag is not back to normal trend quite yet.

Comment Count & Payout Trend


Similar to the trend in posting activity seen in September and October, the same was seen in commenting. The trend started picking up in December and the first month of 2018 has already surpassed the June 2017 high in terms of payout.

Payout Distribution Between Posts and Comments


In an earlier contribution about Comment Payout Value, I showed that for the whole platform 7% of the reward pool goes to comments. This is significantly lower in #cn tags sitting at 3%.

The chart below shows that the last three months looks promising for the share of comments, but it is still quite far from the platform-wide average of 7%.


Top 25 Authors Sorted By Total Payout Value


Out of the top 10 in this list, 4 have over 50,000 SP. These are early adapters oflyhigh, rivalhw, rea, and deanliu. All joined the platform as early as July 2016. There are many users from China who does not necessarily use the #cn tag regularly that holds significant Steem Power. sweetsssj holds 872,276 SP; and abit holds 163,666 SP.

With significant Steem Power holding authors using #cn tag are able to support each other pushing the payout value higher than that of #indonesia, #philippines and #teammalaysia.

Top 25 Commentors Sorted By Total Payout Value


oflyhigh is not only the top rewarded author using #cn tag, his comments on posts where #cn tag was used are also getting significant rewards. His comments on posts with #cn tag is more than ten times as much as his posts where he used the #cn tag. tumutanzi is an early adapter holding 15,108 SP - surpassing oflyhigh in terms of engagement in commenting on posts with #cn tag.

China is a clear growth area for Steemit with 1.4 billion population, and over 50% being internet users. The Chinese government's stance on both social media (other than the ones developed in China), and cryptocurrency in general is hampering this potential growth. There are many amazing creatives in that part of the world through history, and I feel sorry that the world does not often get to see, hear and feel their works. I am just glad that we have a number of them in Steemit who stayed through the tough times.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


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