Translation of "AdblockPlus" into Turkish - 1096 words - #Part7

Adblock Plus is a free extension that allows you to - among other things - block annoying ads, disable tracking and block domains known to spread malware. Available for Android, Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Maxthon, Opera, Safari and Yandex, Adblock Plus uses filters that you choose to block all unwanted elements.
Project Details
Adblock Plus is an open source project. It's an advertisement blocking extension which is very useful. I have just translated 1096 more words for the project. I'm trying to finish Turkish translation part for this project. The translation rate is increasing every day. Thanks too all contributors. In that part, I translated from %0 to %100 of changelog-1.0.json file which has a total of 1096 words.
Links related to the translation
- Translated File on Crowdin
- Project on GitHub
- Project on Crowdin
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- My Crowdin Profile
Source Language
Translated Language
Turkish. There are still over 12k words yet to be translated.
Number Of Words
It this part: 1096 - Total translated words by me: 4552 - Total words of project : 52807
Proofread Words
Previous translation on the same project
3434 words translated before in the following parts:
Proof of work:
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