QOwnNotes |English to Tagalog Translation | 1186 words | 1st Contribution
Project Details
QOwnNotes is the open source (GPL) plain-text file notepad with markdown support and todo list manager for GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Windows, that (optionally) works together with the notes application of ownCloud.
This is my 1st contribution in ""QOwnNotes" project and I start my translation on 1,051 approved words since its already done with other proofreader, I just continued his work because he left this project. For this file, I translated 1,186 words.
Links related to the translation
Source Language
Translated Language
This open source consist of 5,507 translatable words and has a size of 5,509 words. I translated 1,186 words from English to Tagalog.
Number of words that I translated
Proofread words
All words have been proofreaded.
Previous Translation for the same project
No previous translation for this project.
Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.
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