Susi-Chromebot: Add "Sync Settings While User Logs in & update settings "

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)


Summary: Added a Feature in Susi-chromebot Which is under Fossasia Org.

  • Susi-chrombot is part of one of the projects which use Susi You can find more about it :- Here.
  • Susi is maintained by Fossasia, It has several other projects like Susi-Android, Web-app,Mozzila extenstion and this.
  • We use susi api endpoints which are specified in this repo susi-repo
  • If you want your own Custom Skill for susi you can go to susi-skill And release your skills, much like how google,alexa have their own skill building crowd.

This was an intro to the project, Now onto my contributions :D

I took on this Issue . At first it seemed fairly simple, We just have to do these steps :-

  • Use api endpoint to check if the user has theme settings saved
  • If he/she did, apply them in your or
  • Also check if a user toggles the theme button && isLoggedIn in that case we'll have to save the settings again in the api call.
  • find bugs and conquer them --> toughest task right next after Indenting your code
    Later on i understood the situation i got myself into, and i was ready to tackle it :- here's a sneakpeak If you want to check the whole code go here
  var loginEndPoint = BASE_URL + "/aaa/login.json?type=access-token&login=" + encodeURIComponent(email) + "&password=" + encodeURIComponent(password);
     $.ajax({ // Checks if the user has pevious UserSettings to update or not
         url: loginEndPoint,
         dataType: "jsonp",
         jsonpCallback: "p",
         jsonp: "callback",
         crossDomain: true,
         success: function(response) {
             if (response.accepted) {
                 accessToken = response.access_token;
                 var listUserSettings = BASE_URL + "/aaa/listUserSettings.json?access_token=" + accessToken;
               checkLogin = "true";
                 localStorage.setItem("checkLogin", checkLogin);
                     loggedUser: {
                         email: email,
                         accessToken: accessToken
                 }); // Ends here ~~~~~!
                time = response.validSeconds;
                loginButton.innerHTML = "Login";
                    url: listUserSettings,
                    dataType: "jsonp",
                    jsonpCallback: "p",
                    jsonp: "callback",
                    crossDomain: "true",
                    success: function(response) {
                        if (response.accepted) {
                            if (response.settings.theme != null) {
                                var userThemeValue = response.settings.theme;
                                if (defaultThemeValue !== userThemeValue) {
                                     defaultThemeValue = userThemeValue;
                                     if (defaultThemeValue === "dark") {
                                             "darktheme": true
                                         }, () => {});
                                     } else {
                                             "darktheme": false
                                         }, () => {});


the endpoints and the docs did a great help

  • send creds to login api and get access-token
  • send settings to changesettings endpoint with access-token and get a json
  • send a request to listsettings endpoint with access-token and get json

My main motive was to have minimal amount of ajax requests and get the job done !!

P.s i did it in 2 . i don't this it can get any lower
Thanks for reading, Cheers ~!!

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Nice one @sachincool ! Keep up the good work !

Thanks for such contructive feedback :D appreciate it @folken :)

That's a nice contribution!
Looking for more great contributions from you in future!!

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