Lineage OS I translated 1264 words from english to filipino words
Lineage OS I translated 1264 words from english to filipino words
Project Details
LineageOS Android Distribution is a free and open-source operating system for smartphones and tablet computers, based on the Android mobile platform. It is the successor to the highly popular custom ROM CyanogenMod, from which it was forked in December 2016 when Cyanogen Inc. announced it was discontinuing development and shut down the infrastructure behind the project.
Since Cyanogen Inc. retained the rights to the Cyanogen name, the project rebranded its fork as LineageOS.
LineageOS was officially launched on December 24, 2016, with the source code available on GitHub.
Since that time LineageOS development builds now cover more than 178 phone models with over 1.7 million installs, having doubled its user base in the month February–March 2017.[7]
Good day everyone
This is the report of my Lineage OS Android translation. Today i finish my translation and i translate 1264 words from (0%) to (100%).
You can check my proof of works Links below.
- Crowdin Activity Link
- Crowdin Link
- Github Link
- my 1st proof of translation screen shot
- my 2nd proof of translation screen shot
- my 3rd proof of translation screen shot
- my 4th proof of translation screen shots
Source Language
English is my Source Language
Translated Language
My translated language is Filipino
Number Of Words
I translate 1264 words
Number of words translated on this contribution: 6034 words
Starting Translated words from 0% (0 words).
Finishing Translated words 100%(254 words).
And here are my extra words to reach 1264 words
Begining 0% (0 word).
Ending 100% (535 words).
Starting at 0% 0 word.
Finishing at 100% (477 words).
Proofread Words
As of now i dont have a proofread words.
Previous translation on the same project
- This is my previous translation i translated 4770 words
Number of words translated on the project before this report (if any): 4770 words
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