RE: Marketing Open Source Projects [Part 2] - From Vision to Household Name: Naming Your Open Source Project
Great article (as ever)!
I would add, that whilst a name is important (especially in terms of branding), it isn't as important a decision (other than legality and availability of web/social names) as the amount of time and energy given to it.
If Google had have been called Goggle, we'd still all have used it - and be 'Goggling' things today. If Facebook had been called Connecto, it would still have grown the same way. I know these are commercial examples, but the same applies to GitHub, Steem, Java, Wikipedia - it's not the name, it's what's attached to it.
It's what you do which has the impact, and creates a "memorable" name, rather than what you call yourself/it. And the more you use, or are exposed to a name, the more instilled it becomes in your (and everybody else's) world.