RE: Anti-Abuse Initiative Weekly Update [Feb 8 -14]
I totally get the point in regards to cleaning this place up and removing spammers and "shitposts". I am hoping to increase my delegations to SFR as I think it's an important and worthy cause.
However, considering we have limited resources, I personally wouldn't focus my energies on the grey areas of fan art and art concepts; specially when those in that neighborhood are not happy with the initiative. There is the danger of throwing the baby out with the bath water.
Just like you, I cannot make anyone else do anything. This is just my humble opinion.
As for criminality, even the original author in @jaguar.force's post admitted to their being no infringement of copyright, so what laws were broken? We also had @jaguar.force throw accusations of plagiarism at another user in a discord room, but was then unable to provide any material evidence and they were promptly banned.
Anyhow, I think abuse fighting is a tough gig, so well-done for all you do. It's really appreciated.
At sfr we don't deal with gray stuff much. You know that lately we have been focused on bid bot abuse and people who just post any garbage
to buy upvotes for it.
We will try to help temper jaguar.force but they have to answer to the community on their own we have no power over them.