Promoting Steemit Worldwide - 1
What is steemit?
Steemit, a new social media platform where everyone gets paid to post online.
Why steemit?
Steemit knows that your content, attention, and time are valuable. That is why they have created a revolutionary new social media platform that actually pays it's users for the value that they add.
My connections:
I used a socialmedia platform which is Facebook is one of the most famous socialmedia platforms. Therefore I promote open source projects through Facebook. Thus you can see my promotion from these links. Here is my facebook links;
According to my tags, facebook gives me potential reach number. Also I choosed all men and women that their ages between 18-65 in the World. Steemit, a new social network platform where everyone is paid for publishing on the internet. So all people in the World interest earn Money from internet and all of them are my audience.
As an activity I used Facebook. Thus I promote my open source Project from Facebook with a page. With this page I promote open source Project through Facebook ads. I shared a post from Facebook page that as you can see below;
For this promotion I budgeted 15.50 turkish liras then I spent 15.29. Thus I reached 5,269 people with these ads. Reaching people I got 223 link clicks, 2 other clicks and 1 likes,shares&comments. You can see as a photograph below;
Ads Diagram Results
I received 212 link clicks in total. 172 of them were male, the remaining 40 were female. 75 percent of the total reach is male, and the remaining 25 percent are female. Here you can see diagrams below;
This is my proof video:
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Hey @jasinai I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!
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Community-Driven Witness!
I am the first and only Steem Community-Driven Witness. Participate on Discord. Lets GROW TOGETHER!
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