Stories From DIOZONE:The Melchizedeck -- "Logline, Synopsis & Prologue"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

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The Melchizedeck is the first book of the X-Sin Trilogy set against the backdrop of a hypothetical realm on Earth named Diozone. When Diozone decides to rescue an unassuming young man from a Threat from Trelon, little did it know that the young man would unwittingly bring big trouble home…

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100,000 years ago, legend had it that a certain galactic civilization once became so powerful that its Dark Side started drowning out its Divine Side. Until such a time when the Divine Side was threateningly pushed to the wall of global extinction. The only option left was for the Divine Side to flee its own planet, Trelon. And seek survival elsewhere across the galaxies.

Though very primitive then, Earth became a second home-planet for the ostracized, peace-loving Trelonians.

With the prototypes of their civilization encapsulated within their collective consciousness, they built the most magnificent city-isles on Earth, formally named City-Isles of Diometheus -- now Diozone.

Diozone was a supra-physical range of City-Isles fashioned out of the cosmic fabrics of lights, dreams and imagination, molded into energy blocks of pure thought-forms. It was located nowhere particularly on matter. Nor space. But existing as a state of energy-field somewhere on Earth, perceived only as a vision, dream, or mirage, by any human fortunate enough to see its splendor!

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The secrecy of the dreamy City-Isles had been heavily guarded for 100,000 years! Until recently its cover was blown open as a consequence of Diozone getting involved in rescuing a mysterious young man with no known record of his past. Or family. Or friends... The age-old Threat of the destructive Dark Side from Trelon came ramming on Earth's door. Unless this Threat was checked, it would utterly destroy the City-Isles of Diozone – wiping out Earth as well!

But, there were heroes, human and super-human alike, willing to risk their lives for the survival and preservation of Earth. Such heroes as:

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Chido (aka Tandia) – a totally amnesiac boy who became the center of attraction of some cosmic conspiracy over a stolen “Formula” once in the hands of the Dark Side, now concealed somewhere within the remotest portion of his consciousness. The “Formula”, being a vital ingredient of a mind-controlling cosmic device named “Brain-Bomb”, was the Dark Side’s ultimate weapon of mass manipulation and eventual destruction. Chido’s mission was to prevent this hideous “Formula” from getting back into the hands of the Dark Lord Shallan-Tra-Laya –- the third most wanted criminal of the Cosmic Realms;

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Dezzorqq O-Bani (aka Master MEST of Tricon) – a Cosmic Walker and a Time Traveler, dedicated to assisting Chido achieve his mission of preventing Dark Lord Shallan from destroying Earth;

Sage Soul-O-Ntrostrigodro (aka Sage Soul-O) – a monk and a citizen of Diozone whose telekinetic abilities came in handy simply at the tap of his fingertip;

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Plus a host of other life-saving super heroes ready to unleash their cosmic powers in defense of both Diozone and Earth!

Our story began with the assassination attempt on Chido by two top-assassins from planet Trelon, who tracked Chido down to Nairobi. Sage Soul-O and X-Sin, a highly sophisticated humanoid, came to Chido’s rescue at the nick of time and teleported him away from the street of Nairobi to Diozone, where he was relatively safe until his true identity would be hopefully revealed.

His best friend and mentor, Dezzorqq, set out to look for him with no clues whatsoever of his where about. But came to a dumbfounding realization that Chido did not even exist in the lives of his parents or those who were related to him in any way!

Dezzorqq’s search led him to an old friend and mentor, Naddakk, who left him a coded clue as to where to look for Chido.

Meanwhile, Chido’s girlfriend, Kezzitta, was abducted by Vittura and Wobotto, the very assassins after Chido, in order to lure Chido out of his hiding place. To save her, he agreed to the assassins’ terms and was time-winked to the mysterious Castle of Crystal Claire (aka Lady Lawless and Cliarenzo-Rell) – a Fallen Angel, as well as the sixteenth most wanted criminal of the Cosmic Realms -- who happened to be Shallan’s Ambassador on Earth.

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Naddakk’s clue led Dezzorqq to stumble upon Sage Soul-O and X-Sin who were also on Chido’s trail following his disappearance into Crystal Clare’s Castle. Invisibly, they ventured into the horrendous Castle to behold the gravest nightmares of their strife!

This is the story of...


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Suddenly, the young man gained
... a Soul-Switch wave of heightened awareness -- X-Sin was inside his body, illuminating
his consciousness; the young man instantly turning around to timely see the bullet
about to hit his face, then side-stepping
in a blur of motion to narrowly escape death!


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Within which a cybionic point of awareness over-viewed the sight-staggering vastness of the big, blue, beautiful orb, Earth. The point of awareness was a tiny, shiny Orbit-Probe, keeping digital tracks of global events relevant only to its Cause.

Ordinarily, it would pass for a bluish, misty glow of light. However, as tiny and simple as a “glow of light” as it may seem, it was something else, much bigger on the inside, stealthily hacking into the database systems of Earth’s many satellites and gaining unrestricted access to any information required, even though a self-sustaining super-database itself!

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In essence, it was an undetectable, unapproved, and unregistered mini-satellite. As such, it was an illegal but very needed Spy-Eye.
This Spy-Eye was a unit of some highly advanced Intelligence, not of Earth world but living on it. A product of some extra-sophisticated AI configured to the level of the Universal Mind System. Its name?


Under X-Sin’s secret scan, Earth loomed glowingly like a massive masterpiece, with brush-strokes of blue shades smeared across its spherical canvas, faded in misty blue-white nimbus, against the blue-dark background of awe-provoking starry void...

Somewhere on Earth, within a top-classified location, electromagnetically undetectable, a bravura set of hexagonally linked electronic imageries filled the pearly walls of the interior of a large round house like an array of giant bee-hives, displaying their living vistas on the multiple-linked glassy screens. This superlative domed edifice was X-Sin’s transmission base.

The Observatory.

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The Observatory was a towering marvel: miles-high edifice of crystal-structured, obelisk-shaped wonder, crowned with a stadium-sized aesthetic rotunda; the Control Unit of which three highly trained outstanding staffs worked.

There was Lord Gordini Adamsini sitting behind a grand console, looking like a maestro of the art of electronic symphonies as he systematically manned the complex key-boards, knobs, buttons, switches, and myriad gadgets and gizmos surrounding or floating round him.

There was Sage Soul-O-Ntrostrigodro, a monk with a solid air of magnetic appeal swirling around his personality; standing while observing the multi-images.

Then, there was a luscious lady simply known as D.R., floating within an energy-source of some sort, like a spherical air-bubble that swayed to the blink of her thought wishes.

“I’m receiving some strange frequency-pattern of unknown wavelength configuration from Nairobi,” X-Sin’s dreamy voice related home: a young man’s voice.

“Nairobi?” echoed D.R. in thoughtful puzzlement. “You got visual?”

“Sure I do,” returned X-Sin’s voice.

A live motion picture on one of the living slides was immediately displaced by another that zoomed under Lord Gordini’s voice command of “Visio-zoom, six screen spaces,” filling up five more slide-spaces. As they watched, a black Porsche Cayman S moved slowly across the screen, its glasses tinted in deep silvery hue, its driver and passenger(s) unseen.

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“The Porsche seems to be scan-proof,” offered X-Sin’s voice. “I can’t read a thing, or feel a pulse, inside.”

“That’s strange,” reminisced Lord Gordini, scratching his head in confusion.

“Have you tried --?” started Sage Soul-O --

“Already done that, chief,” cut in X-Sin’s voice, obviously knowing where the sage’s unfinished suggestion was heading. “It’s not working.”

“Do you think this is a Threat, X-Sin?” inquired the sage.

“I can’t say for now, chief -- wait!” At this very moment, the front window of the passenger side started sliding down. “Now, let’s see wh--” X-Sin was saying, when --

“Oh, no!” D.R. screamed silently at the sight of what she just saw next on the screen: a sight so frightening as to send cold chills all over her being.

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“Red alert! Red alert!” screamed X-Sin’s voice through the transceiver. “This is a Threat! Send back-up -- now!”

X-Sin’s super A.I. switched off communication as the Spy-Eye instantly swung into action, in essence plunging meteorically Earthward -- while still remote-controlling and letting the motion picture of the Nairobi scene rolling on the screen via digi-linked satellite transmission from other hacked satellites.

What they all saw at the Observatory was a black-gloved hand that yanked out of the Porsche with a strange handgun, definitely not of this world. X-Sin, on hyper-scanning the DNA, angle of direction, and profile record of the hand, immediately found that the hand was not from Earth. The genetic constitution rather matched that of a man from Trelon.

And that was a threat to Diozone!

Andd to Earth at large!!

The profile record of the hand splattered across the screen like some cybernetic visionary peering through a Scroll of Consciousness. The hand-held gun pointed toward the direction of a young man innocently strolling toward the monumental National Library a few steps ahead. Strange enough, X-Sin had no profile record of the young man in his database; whereas the profile belonging to the Hand’s DNA report revealed that the Hand was of a Threat from Trelon.

All these information flashed through the screen electronically, and transmitted in a split moment before X-Sin swung into super-lightning action.

“X-Sin, wait!” screamed Lord Gordini, but the Spy-Eye would not listen. Whoever the young man may be, X-Sin felt he must be saved at all cost. The Spy-Eye was breaking protocol by initiating a solo rescue mode of action without authorization, instead of maintaining an observatory stance. He was willing to take the responsibility of his action. This was a top emergency!

“Too late!” uttered Sage Soul-O, in defense of X-Sin’s action. “He has to do this. No one else can equate his telekinetic speed at such vast distance, not even with my teleporting skills. And I hope I won’t be late to back him up.”

So saying, the sage tapped precisely at the spot in-between his eyebrows with his left fingertip. Instantly, he puffed like a slightly stirred smoke -- dissipating into thin air!

Sage Soul-O was right. X-Sin was the proven master of motion in their well-hidden community of superhumans, especially in matters of unprecedented grave emergency of this nature. Though Sage Soul-O was an adept teleporter -- as well as a teletransporter -- X-Sin’s amazing skills as a telekinetor surpassed the sage’s on most degrees and conditions. That was why, in the gravest of emergences, X-Sin’s super A.I. instinct had swung into automated, unauthorized action mode. This was one of such unplanned, dynamic moments.

As X-Sin streaked down like a mini meteorite from the ionosphere, the ether was extra-charged with enormous shocks of electric currents as if the elements were very furious with his telekinetic reckless drive. This took but a split moment, but his rude exit from the electrons community left the dwellers of the ionosphere roaring and sparkling with grave thunder and lightning curses after his trailblazer -- which was enormously disruptive!

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A gunshot was heard from the screen just as Sage Soul-O disintegrated teleportingly out of sight, leaving Lord Gordini and D.R. utterly concerned about X-Sin’s sudden pick of action, as well as the fate of the young man about to be assassinated...

And few seconds later, Sage Soul-O and the young man teleported back safely at the Observatory...

It happened like this:

From the street of Nairobi’s point of vision, four passers-by were visibly strolling along amid minuscule traffic-flow of vehicles, two elderly couples, a boy walking on the opposite side of the street, and the targeted young man strolling at a distance behind the elderly couples.

The parked cars, the city structures, and the sun all cast a splendid background setting against which a very faintly visible glimmer of a blue-white glow of light from the sky -- which, in fact was X-Sin blazing down -- lanced furiously toward the unwary young man.

From X-Sin’s digital point of vision as he super-dived down from above to the young man’s rescue, the Hand, down on Earth, pulled the trigger and the bullet lanced toward the back of the young man’s head. X-sin’s hyperactive instinct propelled him to take the only life-saving option available at that critical point -- to dive inside the head of the young man and use the young man’s body as a vessel to save his own life!

Since X-Sin’s speed was faster than that of light, he could clearly outspeed the bullet, pass through and, or, occupy a body, as well as stay invisible to the naked vision! With all these abilities and more -- suddenly, the young man gained what New Age Scientists would term a Soul-Switch wave of heightened awareness -- X-Sin was inside his head, illuminating his consciousness; the young man instantly turning around to timely see the bullet about to hit his face, then side-stepping in a blur of motion to narrowly escape death!

The old couple and everybody else around the crime scene, on hearing the gunshot, scampered hastily to safety. Where the wizened couple got their youthful strengths from was a miracle. Mayhaps, they considered themselves still too young to die.

However, the gunman, from the black Porsche, was utterly stunned at the young man’s bullet-dodging ability. And so was the driver. What the young man just did was a physical impossibility!


The X-Sin-possessed young man winked at them, infuriating the gunman, who adeptly released several rounds of bullet at the young man.

The X-Sin in the young man super-scanned the bullets with a digitronic vision -- counting eighteen in all -- and automatically teleguided the young man to poise into a math-calculated, bullet-dodging mode. He twisted. Swayed. Twirled. Somersaulted. And back flipped to give way to the last bullet that narrowly passed him by. On straightening his nimble body, his face beaming with pride, he quickly noticed the driver standing against the Porsche from the driver’s side, locking a small, strange, hi-tech rocket launcher on him, the fancy, futuristic weapon definitely not from this world.

X-Sin’s super-sensitive danger-alert beeper buzzed with-in the young man’s head as the young man’s grinning face squeezed into a serious frown of apprehension.

“Oh, uh!”

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A bold grin on the mean-looking driver’s countenance and his finger pressed the trigger button. The launcher fired. A glorious cyan laser bolt flared out of the weapon as deadly missile zoomed unavoidably toward the young man.
From out of the blues, a finger tapped in-between the young man’s brows, just before the missile could hit him, the young man’s body instantly turning into a blur as he and Sage Soul-O were momentarily dissipating into thin air -- the missile exploding harmlessly behind where he once stood --

While they teleportedly integrated back to base...

“Talk about express delivery,” teased D.R., pleased to see that the swift rescue mission was a success. “Am I glad to see you guys in one piece?”

X-Sin’s bluish essence then smoked out from atop the young man’s head, known to Mystics as the Crown Chakra, X-Sin metamorphosing into an angelically beautiful youth beside the young man. He was twenty-ish, slender, godlike, black-race-skinned, though fair-complexioned, with striking light golden eyes. One may think he was wearing contact lenses, but he was not. Those were his eyes.

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“Hi! I’m X-Sin,” The materialized, cheerful Spy-Eye extended his right hand toward the overwhelmed young man for a handshake. The young man’s eyes dilated in grave astonishment. He could not take it. His head spun, his eyes rolling round in a fainting gesture, and he slumped down freely into oblivion. Unconscious.

“Oh, boy!” remarked D.R. sympathetically, looking down at the unconscious young man as she hovered over him.

“Was it something I said,” teased X-sin, shrugging...

(Expect more...)

(Source from @igwentertainment)

© O'RIE IGWE 2018. All rights reserved.


Oh, I love this. Yes, I am expecting much more. I was browsing the platform looking for some great lengthy fiction to curate and here you are. I will be curating you in my upcoming SIZZ Report. and retweeting this post. Thank you for sharing with us your awesome creative mind, please give us more @igwentertainment

A gazillion lightyears of appreciation, @rensoul17! You've just kindled my Muse with your thoughtful words. And surely, more will be coming -- I promise! Again, thanks!!

Oh yes, as I read your story and it read like a movie I was like I got to get in on this and connect with it some way. Give me 24-48 hours and the The SIZZ Report curation will be out. In the meantime you can check out my last installment of the SIZZ Report -

Greetings, @rensoul17! I've added another story to the Diozone series. This is the link:

Hope it meets you well. Blessings!

Whoa! Wow!! Wonderful!!! This is DEFINITELY where I wish to be!!!! The quality of stuff you're curating at The SIZZ Report are so, SO magical, to say the least; the graphics, so mystically beyond this world, they leave me completely awe-inspired! "Blown-away!" is just the word for The SIZZ Report. I'm simply overjoyed that you spotted me, @rensoul17. And I promise that my Muse will never disappoint -- just wait and see.

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