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RE: Howto write a perl package to interact with steemit

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)


fist of all thanks for giving it a try.
It seems that https is a thing now so we need some more dependencies.
i have pushed an update into the linked git repositories.

we need as dependancies

sudo apt-get install libssl1.0-dev zlib1g-dev

then we need to install ssl support for perl

cpanm IO::Socket::SSL

the issue with the modern perl is that 2017 is only available in perl5.26 with earlyer versions you can just use it without a date.
Alternatively you can check out my earlyer guide on how to install your local independant perl installation in your home directory.

I have then switched ( also in git ) the url of the steemd service to

wich seemed to work find.
But if you want more stable results you may want to think about running you local steemd node.

I had my nodes from this article

best regards


Okay, now I can upvote you. :) Here are three, thank you so much for this project. I determined the IO::Socket::SSL dependency myself, and that other thing I needed to install (looks like you forgot to add the package name in the above? I have forgotten it, and it's not in ~/.bash_history, and I don't want to exit all my "screen" windows right now to find it... Perhaps there's a way to ask dpkg what the last package installed was? Anyway...).

I just tested with and it worked! That's so awesome, thanks again!

Although I had to tabulate my results manually in the contest I ran that just ended, this is great because I will be able to use it in the future.


thanks a lot and sorry, i forgot to paste the packages.
i have updated the post.


i found a good site wich seems to be quiet up to date

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