Orgzly - keyboard appears unexpectedly when screen is rotated!
Expected behavior
App is supposed to get back from search page without any error when screen is rotated.
Actual behavior
But keyboard appears unexpectedly after getting back from search page, when screen is rotated.
How to reproduce
Download the app from f-driod
Launch the app
Open the app and click on the 'searches' option from the top left menu
And click on the plus (+) sign on the bottom right side
Then turn on auto rotate on the device and rotate the screen when 'New Search' page is opened
Then click back from the device to get back from this New saerch page and note the bug (unexpected appearance of keyboard).
- Browser: 1.6.5
- Operating system: Andriod 7.0
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Hello! Could you please clear me why did not i get pay off for this post? It's already been many days.